These fags litter the International page of Sup Forums with their acceptance of Jewish lifestyle and nigger cock. They act as if they have something to be proud of, when in actuality, they are nothing more than a 2nd rate Poland (that's pretty sad). Any chance we can convince Emperor Trump to nuke them into a new dark age?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this is a Swede thats in america or using a proxy?

Meme war me, amerikan fagguotte

Nothing is bad as sweden. Nothing.

The only war you can even attempt to fight, faggot. Good luck.

2-0 noreg honhon!

I fart in your general direction, you potato-farming semi-Englishman! Honhonhon!

Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of elderberries, you American pig-dog!
I blow my nose at you, you silly person! Go and boil your bottoms, so called Leader of the free world! Honhon hon hon!

Hon honhon! You daffy American knigget with the brain of a duck! How does American say: "I unclog my nose at you, son of a window-dresser!" HonhonhonHon!

So, you think you could out-clever us Norsk folk with your silly knees-bent hate threads in opposite of straight behavior! I wave my private parts at your aunties, you cheesy lot of second hand electric donkey bottom biters! Honhonhon!

Fuck Norway

Holy fuck I am in tears

I burst my pimples at you and call your 'Intercourse Norge' request a silly thing! You tiny-brained wiper of other people's bottoms!

You looney buttocks-faced frog licker, you illegitimate faced buggerfolk! And, if you think you got nasty taunting this time, you ain't heard nothing yet! Daffy American knigget! Thpppt!

God bless my heathens.
The Law of Jante doesn't apply here, Americans.
Open up a book before your micropenis triggers your feeble soul.

TFW America will elect their first transgendered latin american president in 2020 after four years of Hillary.

They are well equipped to fight a meme war though... not that they have better memes, but they definitely have more time on their hands than we do. Not even wasting another second on this. They've already proven my point... Thanks Norfags!

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards...

I fail to take the critique of the least developed out of the developed countries seriously when he challenges the might and intellect of the greatest nation in human history.

But then again, being illiterate and bigoted is your national sport, so there's that. Silly silly with the small willy.

>"I have nothing to argue about because I'm wrong."
>"I sure showed them, huh, mom?"


lmao the american OP got blown the fuck out so hard

You guys are why people think trump is racist. He isn't. if you want someone to deport black people to africa, jews to israel, etc. You ain't getting it with trump. bunch of outcast losers you are. stay racist, stay uneducated please. but don't call yourselves trump supporters when what you want is Hitler

Norway exists to be pissed on.

You wicked pale birch baby! You offspring of a cheesehouse barbarian! Your mother couldn't be a housewife because of her horse-faced.. face!

How dare you mock Noreg with your peasant satire drawn on a goat's behind, you crazy woodling looney? I spray my hair grease and put my scabs in your dirty meatball soup, you cheap lumberjack school dropout!


Too irrelevant to hate

It's so boring the rest of the world calls it Snoreway.

>with their acceptance of Jewish lifestyle and nigger cock

this all coming from Jewmerica. bit fucking rich m8

Who doesn't like Norway? Norway kicks ass! Of all the Nordic nations Norway is perhaps 2nd least cucked, exceeded only by Denmark.

You have to go back

It's time to put down the fork, Fatso.
Pic related, it's the legacy of the United States of Obesity and Degeneracy.

Harald Fairhair was a Finn
Norway is rightful Finnish clay Norseniggers

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to Tubler, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it

Hail Norgay

I need that toilet installed by saturday

One man
Nation of 300 million plus

Aren't you the country that have open borders and offer illegals amnesty, free education and healthcare? You're doing a pretty good job getting cucked by Mexico in my honest opinion.

No, fag... you're the one using other people's "work" regurgitating old memes and not stating anything of worth to prove that your country isn't cucked... your hate of America just proves your jealousy, if you ask me. How does it feel that with all of the shit you think about us here, you've never risen to our heights... and you never will.

Go ahead and home in on the quickest/shortest 1 liner you can to "win" the argument for you... or just post someone else's meme again.

Aren't you a country with oil?
Time to invade and turn your parliament building into the world's largest McDonalds

Then piss must be oil? You hit that peak oil in the 70s amerifat.

Love that reality show you call "the election" tho.

Heia norge

You really need to stop binge watching "Vikings"...

If you were sure that Merika is all that great, you wouldn't need to find excuses and justify why.

Besides, even if America is the best country, that's like being the best McDonald's burger flipper. You silly pig dog.

Ey, don't feel bad. Just put down the cheese and take a jog or something. There's always hope.

Come on now, we need to be nice to Europeans. America should be getting boats full of them once Europe falls to Arabs and Africans.

Kek we lead nato atm. Much like our sovreign wealth fund owns the pharma companies that are "treating" your diabetes

>America is a rich first world country

Yeah and all the wealth is owned by the few, poverty is rampant and shitty education like in Saudi Arabia


Shouldn't you guys just finish invading the middle east after all these decades? On the other hand, you don't even have the money when you're giving them out to illegals...

See how they just try to squeeze in ANY extra word into their sentences? All in an attempt to come off as intelligent, when they really are no smarter than the typical Aussie.

Notice his use of the word "cheesehouse"? Seriously... is Norway known for anything besides cheese?

Once again, thanks to all of the Norway flags for providing substance to this hate thread.

USA - The country that loves to get bent over by Saudi Arabia.

We have as many fatsos here in the US as you have Vikings there in Norway... unfortunately (for you) the exception doesn't make up the majority.

>This fatso needs the special victims unit
Hating on NORWAY during prime time

seeing american flags brings to mind dumb mutts. just dumb fat mutts posting about "their" supremacy

Is that Anton LaVay's son hooking up with a wildling girl? kek

You incoherent son of a saloon waitress! You goose!...
Ah sigh I can't, going to sleep

It's not unusual for americans to have a low self awareness, thus illustrated in your post.
Also, put down the fork.

Another norfag talking about cheese... this is priceless. kek

The fridge is just a few feet away. I know that walking may be difficult for you, but you can do it. I have my belief in you.


>running out of arguments so fast that you gotta blabber about cheese

Mate, go eat cheese like I am

Fucking kek!!!!

I've never even heard of your elected officials. Kek but you fucks follow ours like it's a religion.....

>see Swedish flag
>don't bother to read

Out of all the little cross countries your the most autistic

Well what supremacy do you have?

This exactly... no one cares about Norway besides Norway (and the countries close enough to smell the boiled cabbage for dinner evwry night).

Good, because we don't want americans to involve their cuckoldry and degeneracy in our politics. Why should you? And how are we supposed to not know about your pathetic politicians when the fuckups of yours truly are being portrayed all over the media?
Lack of jobs, cultural and social decline, failed foreign policy, never ending debt, political correctness...

> be me
> Swedish heritage
> visiting family in Sverige, (long way to go) decide visit Norge/Noreg while I'm in the area.

I wanted to like you Norway. I really did. But I found it all a bit meh.

Oslo was overrun with drug addicts and prostitiutes. The food was 1970s tier. Got sick of local food so ate at immigrant places instead. Ate pizza made by a Sri Lankan, went to a middle eastern cafe around corner from my hotel. Saw a fight btwn a Somali and a local in Grunland. Everyone said Oslo isn't Norway, wait til you get out into the countryside. I go to the countryside, see mountains and fjords and meadows. Bit deal, I live in New Zealand, we've also got mountains and fjords and meadows. Went back to Sweden, didn't seem so bad after all.

I'm glad I went but it seemed like a monumental waste of money. Coffee was good.

Since my visit an uncle has moved to Norway, he loves, hates Sweden. Says things are 'more sane' across the border

it's a lot worse now

>tfw Denmark got their flag from God
>tfw your country copied it and took a blue shit on it
>tfw Sami Holocaust
>tfw rapes and pillaging
>tfw conquered by a foreign religion
>tfw went on crusades
>tfw Law of Jante
>tfw got conquered by Nazis and the name of a Norwegian man became an international word for traitor
>tfw would be living in caves if not for oil
>tfw naive and dumb people
>tfw wish we would just sink into the ocean and die

Norwegian accept Jewish lifestyle and nigger cock? This is news to me.

Shoo brown man, leave the aryan alone.


>ever that image

You're thinking of Denmark/Norway user


>Overgrown egos that somehow developed without any merit behind them.
>Stench of jealousy eminating from every Norwegian flag.

Every meme they post are pretty much the same too... burgers and scooters is all they have to throw at us. It only proves how clueless they are there.

...and OP was right..... half of them make jokes about cheese. What's thd deal with that?

And our country is put under a microscope because we are a leader in world power.... where as your country is less relevant than finland (only because the produced some very badass soldiers) your country doesn't have these problems because know one cares what your country is doing. you've been allowed to live relatively easy going,white majority, so on and so forth....but the outside world is encroaching and it's unavoidable if you stay in the EU.... if russia was at the gates no.ones going to look for Norway to save them kek we could put your country in florida. Cmon m8

Your countries "leaders" and political fuck ups go unnoticed here because we don't really expect anything from you Norfags. You haven't been relivant in America since..... well, never.

Good one Norway!

>tfw oil guilt
Kill yourself

Fuck you burgertfat, Norway is the best country on Earth.

We feel no guilt over taking that oil... only regret that we didn't take yours first.

Might need too eventually, fuel the warmachine....

And people think we worry about russia and China. Notice all those dots surrounding them.... kek

We don't want to be. We would rather live in prosperous, but irrelevant Norway, than wallow in misery and somehow believe in the notion that you can be the police of the world.

>acceptance of Jewish lifestyle and nigger cock.

This coming from an American? Hilarious

Truth is, blacks and Mexicans are 1000 times more desirable than Muslims.

>turn your parliament building
Joke is on you, that building is still in ruins after Anders blew it up

A fucking leaf

Anyone have that "I must kidnap slavic children" comic?

Oh wow, I never saw that coming.

I'm just grateful that i don't live in Junkyard America.

>only regret that we didn't take yours first.
Wel you did try to take our oil, but we made a law that said private companies cant own the oilfields and fucked your oil jews over royaly

I love it when we do that, you guys get so butthurt
>det took our childrun

Feite neger

Are you sure?

We have more oil in North Dakota than you have in your entire country kek with your irrelevant ass...

Kan vi ikke alle være venner?

Well it's their fault really for emigrating to a land of godless degenerates after easy money. Still, it's entertaining to read when Rutkowski pisses in your face again.

You actual belive that... Top kek
Im not even going to bother showing you why you are wrong, just keep on living in fantasyland, its amusing

>black president


Too bad we inhabited North Dakota last century, you basket case. Prepare to die!

The slavelaborer cant piss in the face of the masters holding their chain

nice proxy Sven.
Enjoy your mudslime cock.

That guy you mentioned, the gay somali cocksucker.. for the 6 millionth time
>This was staged by extremist leftists, which failed misserably as we all know these idiots
>swedish propaganda does not work on norfags
>Guy goes to a place reserved for 18-19 year olds, celebrating end of highschool(we have 1 year more here, then 1 less on uni)
>He had no place there
>Goes up there with degenerate somali
>sucks his cock
>writes on twitter and american-jew papers tries to push it like sweden
failed big time.. those people are not getting any votes, aren't even in parliament anymoar I think.

>They act as if they have something to be proud of
Yes off course we do, we are the master race Sven. You all know this. A nation of 3.8 million norse, beating all the world nations with lit millions of people in just about any winter sport. Problem is hockey which is suppressed by the state here.

Face it, non of you foreign scum can compare to a norse and you all know it. Achieved? hum I dunno who keeps inventing these neural networks, advancing in mil tech and giving tech and selling shit to the us.... I dunno who grieg, aabel etc are. It's just some europeans making a lot of shit...

Sven can't even fucking make ships without them sinking in the harbor

Nice try Sven, but I'm afraid you just have to deal with you are a k.u.k. Go back to your shed while Abdul bangs your wife and kids.

If you are a burger and not even a swede, hit the gym and stop eating that mcdonald's shit and envy the master race.

This triggers faggots