I guess this is what happens when you blow a million dollars on failed propaganda:
Whedon's fucking lost it
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I really wish Disney hadn't selected him to direct the Avengers - because he'd be doing the fucking con circuit like Jake Loyd if they hadn't
Is there any way to save him?
Damn, what a good secret swastika emoji?
The fact that only rich people care about "muh CO2 levels" made me more skeptical of climate change than anything else
He's right.
I don't really care about Trump winning but Hillary losing has been the greatest thing ever just to watch all these retarded liberal hollywood assholes lose their minds.
Here he is advocating for an action that would result in Civil War, which iwould then lead to his execution for Treason
gow did u do that bro?
>only rich people care about climate change
Glad enough he's been kicked to the curb at least. Now if only Chris Evans would settle down.
Post your 2015 tax return :)
>Trump/Putin cabal ACTUALLY COMMITTED voter fraud
The salt is real.
whoa, this wouldn't even surprise me
trump is playing 8D chess
What type of lifestyle do I have to lead to be this much of a man child?
Why are progressive Dems obsessed with Russia? They make Mike Pence look sane in comparison.
Is he saying the environment heard Trump won the election and has decided to spontaneously self destruct and wipe out humanity rather than allow him to take office?
i hope clinton cucks you out of the presidency so we can finally breed the white man out
How exactly do they even think this went down? Voting machines aren't connected to the fucking internet, how the fuck could Russia hack them?
Not enough historical knowledge, so they think we're still fighting the cold war
>Hindus and buddhists can't have one of their sacred symbols because it might offend some jew
Talk about oppression.
What the fuck
Trump doesn't even take office until January 2017, how is he responsible for arctic ice melting RIGHT NOW?
Because they want an external boogyman to blame for anything, but naturally they can't target ISIS or any other nonwhite countries that are an actual threat because that would be racist, therefore they stick with Russia.
jew feelings > everyone elses feelings
Remember when All Gore was a liberal savant for telling us the arctic would melt by 2014?
>Romney says we need to beef up the Navy to combat Russian aggression
>"Romney, you idiot, it's not the Cold War anymore. You're stuck in the past!"
>"Why am I not 50 points ahead? It's gotta be Russia!"
>"Russians are hacking Americans brain wave patterns to make them not like Hillary, it's the only possible explanation."
>"It's okay that we got caught doing shady, underhanded, and downright illegal shit because Russia!"
i thought that fat fuck already left twitter crying
hork hork hork
This. if Global warming is such an incredible threat, why hasn't Obama done any meaningful shit in his 8 years to stop it? All democrats do is talk and pay lip service, then they meet with a bunch of other politicians from around the world to talk some more and make up some regulations to reduce pollution by 0.2% or some shit. We could probably save twice as much if we just forbid politicians to use their private jets to attend dumb fucking global warming meetings.
No refunds
He is wrong. They don't 'sound' hypocritical, they ARE hypocritical.
He's inches away from becoming the alt-left version of a truther. This is what happens in a country where everyone's feelings are valid and you had our participation trophies.
>only rich people care about "muh CO2 levels"
are you retarded?
>Spending $508,375 American Dollars to lose
Post your 2015 returns, please :)
Christ I hate simple minded rich liberal fags like this. no concern for Yemen when Hilary helps the Saudis arm up, no concern of Syria with the USA / Saudi proxy war. Just hate trump because feels.
HAHAHA, I can't get enough of liberal tears.
We are approaching cognitive dissonance levels that shouldn't even be possible.
0 tax cuz unemployed
Is anyone surprised, the faggot has always been like this. This is the same shitty writer that turned down dr. Who, a critically acclaimed and popular franchise because it didn't include blacks and women
Then you have a lot more to be worried about than the fucking climate.
Sometimes I wonder if SJWs are a psy-op by secret right-wingers who want to make the left look ridiculous
>All that money wasted on hiring a bunch of rich assholes
Bet he thought it's gonna be big but not even liberals cared much for it, kek.
>Save the Day
Fucking capeshitters are leaking into politics now?
Jesus, why does Donald triggers libshits so much?
Trump winning is the gift that keeps on giving.
Russia isn't 100% on board with the homo train and have a generally unfavorable opinion of Muslims, so they're a nation of literally Hitlers
boy are they
Many of these people are incredibly sheltered and have never had anything not go their way. This is the first time they face an obstacle that won't go away by throwing money at it or by protesting and being outraged.
He agreed to the Paris Agreement and just recently released an ambitious plan to meet environmental standards. It's mostly a symbolic gesture because Obama is too moderate to actually do anything in the plan (much less Trump), but I actually like Black Man of White House even though I'm conservative. He was never the radleft and it's becoming increasingly obvious that he very easily COULD HAVE BEEN.
what a cuck
all that money went to line some worthless pollsters pocket lololol
>cast actors everybody is sick and tired of to shill for Hillary
>surprised when Trump wins
Thank you, Sensitive Joss Whedon, for helping Trump win!
Oh my god
Look how round the numbers are until they turn into that very specific $18,374 at the end
Did he literally empty out his bank account and give his life's savings to Hillary?
id be mad too if my 500k superpac was sunk so quick
>Half a million dollars down the drain
>He couldn't even convince one of those San Fran cucks to help him out
What a world
>literally nothing, just use solar, nuclear, and coal and figure out how to recycle/dispose of waste properly
Member when Romney said Russia was our greatest threat in 2012 and Dems shat all over him?
the only reason Obama can even pass as anything close to a moderate is because the Republican Congress was there to keep him in check
If he had any political capital whatsoever he would have brought this country to it's knees
>$500,000 wasted
Wish he spent more and lost more.
its funny because that result is done using a miscalibrated instrument.
Do these nutjobs actually have at least ONE presentable indication that this might have happened?
>jews vote 70-30 against Trump
>they now expect Trump to defend Israel
Republicans need to stop falling for this shit
but i thought trump was pro-israel?
>throwing away enough money to feed/house/clothe/aid people in any conceivable way
>on a fucking ad campaign to keep a greedy shortsighted retard from getting what he wants
Could have used that money for fucking anything. He could have donated it to his local school system. He could have donated it to a company that provides free legal aid for minorities if he fucking wanted. He could have used that cash to revitalize a third world country in some foreign fuckhole.
NOPE, "lets waste it trying to make people think and feel the way I do"
Fucking liberals.
that's actually quite suspect
if the irs did a proper audit, i guarantee he'd be fucked as to the source of the money he was donating
but whatevs
Hey hey member the time Obama lost the popular vote against Hillary and NO ONE SAID ANYTHING
Hey hey member the time Obama said NO MORE DYNASTIES when running against Hillary?
No, you do. Because your taxes are paying for him to sit around whining about dumb shit.
All politicians are pro Israel, especially Republicans. But it never gets Republicans votes. Jews consistently vote against Republicans, no matter what
Is the lack of a charismatic foreign enemy
>no adolf
>no commies
>no saddam
>no My name is Laden, Bin Laden
>north korea is an old meme already
>no axis of evil
>china doesnt have a whacky leader to mock
That's why they revived the most classic villain, Russia.
He's right though
That "4D chess" meme is overused but this is literally it
> why hasn't Obama done any meaningful shit in his 8 years to stop it?
-he did you dumbfuck
-he couldn't do more because the republicuck elite congress plus the energy lobbies that control america
>Trump doesn't even take office until January 2017, how is he responsible for arctic ice melting RIGHT NOW?
reminds me when cuckservatives blamed obongo for everything from 9/11 to ww2.
REALLY makes you think.
Yeah but it's her turn, and we're literally dealing with Hitler here you fucking fascist
#ImWithHer #ItsHerTurn #GiveThemHill
The ad didn't even make sense as the people in it contradicted themselves with every sentence.
>You have a choice to vote
>But you REALLY want to vote for this racist dude?
>Don't give power to someone who will launch nukes when he gets mad
As someone else said, could have used that half a million to help some homeless shelters at least, or donate them to poor folks. But nah, gotta shill with his rich Hollywood fuckbuddies.
Reminds me of this.
>A female client lost nearly half a million pounds on a single bet on Hillary Clinton to win the election, the bookmaker told Business Insider.
>Cancer spits on your face
>You are still loyal to them
Classic sjw
>Why are progressive Dems obsessed with Russia?
Three rubles have been deposited in your account Ivan. It's a fact that russian backed trump. Turmp is a russian puppet.
>"Because they want an external boogyman to blame for anything,"
>implying this is not america as a whole
>implying conservative hicks haven't been doing this for decades
the delusion is real.
He should start wearing tinfoil hats? Also, what's with Russia scare among liberals? Is it just because Hillary said it?
He is, publicly at least. I suspect he is less interventionist than any president we are used to, so I could see him just telling Israel to handle their own shit.
>several bookies in the UK tried to be smart and payed out hillary bets in advance of the election
>had to pay out again to Trump voters when she lost
>lost double their money
>tfw I was one of the Trump betters
>Just hate trump because feels.
Is this really what you think? That there are no legitimate reasons to dislike Trump or be concerned about his presidency? Are you really this fuckin stupid?