Are they actually gonna vote for a women that want ww3 and chaos in middle east?
Are they actually fucking serious?
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It's time we had a woman president, little girls need an inspirational figure
People will vote for her because she's a woman and because the Clinton name is somehow still good with the black community in spite of everything
I know bernie wasnt perfect and a lefty cuck but clinton is 100times worse..
You are completely fucked americans
You really single yourself out as a shill when you say stuff like that. She's still a bad choice.
Nothing has changed. The president was never intended to be an important role, and it largely isn't.
I'm just a normally guy who can't understand how come americans will vote for a women that's will cause extreme problems, even leftists hate her
I seriously hope Trump wins this shit. Need to overhaul Congress.
>she has the cold war mentality
>she thinks every decision needs to be make to weaken the russians
fuck that corrupt cunt
Well maybe you shouldn't have waited so long, nigger.
The best thing that could happen to America is for Hillary Clinton to drag this nation into a catastrophic foreign conflict to prop up the Fed's ponzi scheme.
The American people are the problem -- all of them, black, white, muslim, jew, faggots, educated, blue collar. The American people are the problem. The American military is the problem. The American education system is the problem.
It has to be destroyed and it is becoming increasingly obvious that is never going to happen internally. So, they need to be killed.
this, she also said the dead of innocent in Iraq was no big deal
I wouldnt ever vote for a women, esp. not for a creature like she is. But then again if you want challange me you and your families willl meat death. You decide. And this isnt edgy in any way.
I agree. My wife's daughter needs an inspiring figure in her life
>meat deat
>not edgy
Onii-chan i....
We need to keep Trump out at all costs
I really want to believe in Trump. But something tells me both Shillary and Trump are the different sides of the same coin. They're gonna keep attending zionists interests and will allow these psy-ops mass control of population to go on. We are daily expose to these evil midia and it's only goal is to take down humanity from it's sense of selfhood and keep the establishment to enslave human kind.
trump is going to win no worries frog
Sry, i m a bit drunk but i ll salvage you in a efficant matter anyway. And those friends wont denie my on the all you cant eat buffet.
Think he was being ironical user, you can chill
defecate manner ?
Every information you give me, i will use every information you give me. I ve never seen someone that pissed me more off than this. Not by a longshot. And the counter will be something that will go right to the foundation that makes you make you human.
Yes, and no matter how much evidence and facts you throw at them, they will never budge. The left has been brainwashed to the point where they will justify anything and everything. It's part of the process.
Literally a dick sucker.
Wait she wants WW3? I am now a
>your fucked Americans
It probably won't start WW 3
But it will sure as fuck flood Europe with more immigrants.
Self hating countrymen are a plague.
>"It's all got to end because my pathetic beta cucked mind can't ever grasp it getting better"
Why don't you end yourself now and stop being a waste of a fellow american...
I really hope the Americans take a Hillary election as a sign for a much needed revolution. That bitch is going to take your guns, start a war with Iran and pick fights with the Russians in the Baltics.
She could quite literally destroy this entire planet.
american elections are 100% fake, and only a fucking naive moron wouldn't realize it.
all these sad people who care so much about who the puppet in chief is
americans must be the dumbest motherfuckers on earth.
>niggers are actually going to ruin America
Exterminate them. Get rid of them all.
America is choosing between Trump and Hillary. It's fucked either way.
But at least Trump will only destroy America. Hillary will take us all down with it.
If we get to the point where Hillary is starting wars in the middle east, she won't need to take guns.
Her goal isn't to take guns or jail republicans, it's to get as much money as possible for her banker interests.
A Hillary victory is a civil war.
I've never thought of it this way.
It's kinda funny.
>Trump is great
>Entire world benefits
>Trump is awful
>America suffers
>Hillary does awful (guarantee)
>Entire world suffers
That's remarkable. Best of all, if Hillary wins, we have shitskins, niggers and beaners to thank. Christ I hate this fucking planet.
We have the equivalent of 2 weapons for every man woman and child in this country..... it would take longer than her term to to disarm america..... also if you want to see the american Whiteman lose his shit, start taking his guns and limit his ammo. they have pushed the line a few times but never crossed it for a reason
>If we get to the point where Hillary is starting wars in the middle east
Kek. Europe's refugee crisis hasn't even reached its final form yet.
Let's not forget that she will endorse and enforce social-liberal PC culture allowing SJWs and feminazis to become publicly accepted.
I really want Trump to win so I can for the very first time in my life throw something back at these people, but it's just never going to happen, Hillary is just too big.
someone will probably kill her
How about you get a head start on it?
>Attack Iran
>Leave ISIS alone
God. Fucking. DAMMIT.