>I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse.
What did he mean by this?
>I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse.
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ist es nicht obvious?
he realised he was as idealistic as the worst of them.
the chaos gods and denizens of the warp
Praise kek
Das, too.
Christ fags hated mudslimes, faggots, trannies and non traditional families. They also are the source of "work ethic cultures".
He means muslims are savage cunts.
He has been an outspoken critic of Islam forever, and for good reason.
I wonder how Sup Forums feels about the fact that ever since the fedora meme, Christianity has declined even more. It just keeps declining.
He realizes now that Christianity is far better than Islam.
End times bro
that he is a backpedalling retard and that his autistic dogshit didn't bring him the results he wanted and that he made an error.
Fuck, I hate atheism so fucking much.
Christianity has been belted into submission by centuries of scientific progress so it's no longer a threat to modern civilization like Islam is
Christians have all that "turn the other cheek" and "render unto Caesar" stuff and they ignore most of the old testament
whereas there is a significant subset of the Muslim world that believes that their ideology is NOT subservient to the state a literal reading of their scripture justifies violent jihad.
Dawkins is a classic example of the term “useful idiot”, his crusade was to remove Christian influence from public life, now that this has been achieved he is no longer useful. If anything he is becoming a real problem for the left because he dares question liberal darlings like Muslims.
Muslims of course. Fact that Dawkins s redpilled about islam is a reason why he has so little followers left. Most new atheists were interested in just attacking easy targets, muslims are too scary for them to confront.
He didn't realize leftists loved him because they interpreted his attack on religion as an attack on christians only, and didn't count on muslims being granted special "oppressed minority" status.
Christian values we're the pillar of western civilization, and he feels guilty that it was men like him that helped topple it.
He now realizes that spending his life turning people away from Christianity has resulted in the death of Europe and European descended countries and will eventually be consumed by degeneracy and Islam.
Fuck men like Richard Dawkins, and fuck all Atheists. Godly men warned you of this for years and none of you listened.
he released that Christianity was like the common cold while Islam was more like cancer
You mean all those scientists who were Christians xD
He was outspoken about islam since the very beginning. There is no "backpedaling" here.
garantee you he's gonna ask for forgiveness on his death bed
He's realizing that faggoty lefty atheists aren't doing a damn thing, and will never do a damn thing, to oppose Islam.
Muslims but also inevitable response to Muslims. Without Christianity's cuck morality the West will be free to fulfill its destiny.
Ignorance and superstition is not a bulwark against islam.
maybe he's finally realized that, while religion itself is irrational, it is something that man needs anyway. He needs to have some sort of cohesive morality system in place for the betterment of himself and society as a whole.
When we give up christianity, two things happen
1) so-called atheists start worshipping something else. They might not call it religion, but it is. The main example is liberal progressivism. It's a fucking religion. It has its own dogmas in things like systemic racism and the nonexistence of race/gender. It has its own puritans in SJWs. It has its own witch hunts with antifa. It has its own original sin in white privilege. Most people cannot handle an irreligious state. They just turn their irrational bullshit from Christianity, which helped keep society whole, to progressivism, which is antithetical to civilizaton.
2) the weakened state of society (due to the above) leaves way for another religious group (ie, mudslimes) to come in and dominate instead.
afaik never has christianity advocated removing womens noses and clitorises
>Weaken the spiritual backbone of Europe so the Muslims can come in and take it over
Religion is a very useful tool to keep stupid people in line.
A lot of Libertarianism and Atheism can be challenged by diversity. These people are generally highly intelligent, self-dusciplined, and from stability if not comfort. Their expectation is that so is everyone else. The idea that this same thing might be good for some people does not occur often to them.
Cf Jacob Sullum, for whom I have enormous respect, author of Saying Yes (the best single book on the history of drug use) and For Your Own Good (public health and anti-tobacco activism), talking about how legalizing heroin would be harmless.
only by default....Newton was nominally Christian but still he had to fight the Church regarding white vs. coloured light.
and then there's the whole geocentric universe debacle
>Most new atheists were interested in just attacking easy targets, muslims are too scary for them to confront.
Except the big three: Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens were the first and loudest and most consistent people on the "left" to expose Islam daily in books and public debates.
Islam and POZ
I obviously talk about him backpedaling about causing too much harm to christianity. look around you, I mean this is literally what everybody in this thread talks about.
Retard, you clearly haven't read anything of his. He has always said he admired C of E culture and morality, just the it wasn't true. Also he has always said pisslam is worse. Dawkins is fucking based, he stands up to mudshits while you're Pope kisses their feet and the arch Bishop of Canterbury kisses their arses.
Fuck Christian cucks.
You know Gallilao was arrested for Criticising the pope and not The heliocentric model right
Fucking auto correct.
Fedoratippers realize they need Christfags as a meat shield against Islamfags.
anyone's choice of religion is strictly their own doing. mass conversions to islam in the past were actually not done by force at the end of a blade but were willingly taken up by those of lower classes.
whether its christianity or islam or w/e, the only moral of most people is that might makes right.
>arrested for Criticising the pope
yes again religion getting in the way of freedom of speech
Imagine if you could not criticise leaders....would be terrible....but that's the basis of religions....the leader (god) is infallible and you are not allowed to criticse
luckily in most developed countries religious institutions do not have the political clout that they once did
This here desu
stay mad, fedoracuckniggerkike. I can dislike anybody I want and I have my reasons and there is nothing you can do about it.
The same thing Nietzsche worried about, nihilism.
>muh darwin on da pound note!
>funDIE americans still beLIEve in gawd!
>creationist btfo!
you wankers were such cunts back then. now look at you, practically falling over yourselves to replace the christianity you so vehemently opposed with fucking islam. i seriously don't understand i can't even….
>he stands up to mudshits by convincing the country to turn away from god, which in turn creates liberal faggots who will open the gates to muslims
Pro tip: Atheism is the reason that people like the pope kiss refugee feet, in an attempt to show the common people that they are "progressive" to win their favour back. If Atheism was never a large movement then there would be hardly any Muslims in Europe.
It becomes virtuous thing.
It's up to you, is answer
Word salad, typical in neurological disorders. Instead of posting on mongolian tapestry sites you should get comfortable in a padded cell.
He meant that if the West completely abandons its Christian heritage, it will create a vacuum that will only be filled by another religion that wants to impose its beliefs on the world. For over 100 years, the west has been 'secularized' by the liberal left, under the delusion that this is the proper way things should be. The vacuum was created, enter Islam. Which is what we are seeing nowadays.
Funny thing how when people want to take more refugees it's always "Jesus would take let them in" talk. Poor little, christians, still in overwhelming majority but completly unable to deal with few atheists. How the fuck do you want to deal with muslim tide if you can't handle this?
>I c-can be as retarded as I want! You can't do ANYTHING about it!
I feel sorry for the guy. He casually made fun of creationist crackpots in his whole career. A generation of leftist fedora-kids grew up reading his books on atheism. Now these same leftists are enabling the islamic invasion of the west.
The guy really had good intentions. He just wanted us to have a good, honest laugh at religious crackpots. Too bad this thing turned into such a shitstorm. I feel sorry for him, because he'll probably die as a pariah, during those times when the future of the western world will seem the darkest.
>by centuries of scientific progress
Reclusive monks contributed shit tons to metallurgy and stuff related to chemicals.
>he'll probably die as a pariah
He's already seen as some kind of racist monster by the left for daring to put the same level of scrutiny for islam as he did to christianity. Not to mention all that accusations of anti-semitism becouse he blasted judaism as well.
no they just hung on to all the old books when the Roman empire fell over
it was good old-fashioned commerce that drove scientific inquiry from the renaissance
Because he, like all true Athiests, understand that as much as we may butt heads with Christianity, Christianity is infinitely more tolerable than Islam.
I hope this image wasn't made by an American.
Black fetuses are being aborted at might higher rates than white fetuses in fatland.
>Because I don't have any ethnic bias
Absolutely this
The original cartoon was in french and referred to the situation europe.
And here it is very true.
It's good to see Benny boy finally found some profit in Sup Forums's unwelcome attention.
Hes saying that we need Christianity, to banish islam from European lands, that perhaps Christianity is wrong but still serves a purpose for European society. Dawkins has always been honest, and even tho he may have helped bring about mass secularisation of the west which has left us vulnerable to other predatory relgions.
Maybe he'll realize that its not so much about Christianity as it is about preserving western culture through some sense of shared morality. Freedom can't exist in a world devoid of any common values.
What did he mean by this?
>why he has so little followers left
I'd say it's more that the media refuses to cover him due to his problematic views on muzzies rather than any lessening of his popularity desu.
ist he talking about le clockboy?
Probably, I remember some tweets of his shitting on achmed the clockmaker when it was still relevant.
If he would have criticized any secular King, he would have been put to death
I think he meant:
>here is something I never said, which nonetheless will be regurgitated ad nauseam by mouth-breathing retards who think image macros are a reliable source of information
>secular King
no such thing mate, Kings were always head of religion as well
this is why you guys got the whole separation of church and state thing
Hitler was a self hating manlet
I agree
Dawkins was right the first time, but it might take us a little while to see it.
Nobody makes an easier convert to Islam than a Christian, and vice versa. Religions pretend to hate each other, but they hate secularism most of all.
Nobody else talks in terms of "we must respect Muslims" as much as Christian leaders do. It's mutually assured destruction.
He meant that Christianity is for weak ass people
Dude you completely missed the point of it. Attacking an authorities honor was a death penalty crime. The pope went easy on him
That's only a half truth. Minorities also have substantially more babies than whites in America, so as a percentage of the total, no their abortion rate really isn't higher.
where are the christian /csg/ threads?
>Religions pretend to hate each other, but they hate secularism most of all
This is why "Atheism" is cast as being an alternative religion or belief system, because then the religious can argue that their beliefs should be respected just as much since we should respect all religions equally
>authorities honor
the authorities were all religious...divine right of kings and all that
Except now instead of religion prohibiting free speech it's the progressive left. I would call you a gigantic faggotard for not seeing the danger in having too much of either political spectrum but I just notoced your flag so your posts are not surprising.
That's a very kindergarten view of medieval history
Congratulations Dawkins, you played yourself and everyone else in the west.
I hope until he dies he goes on knowing every day why the west is going to shit.
>religion prohibiting free speech it's the progressive left
true but that's nothing to do with Atheism....in fact you can see earlier posts in this very thread where noted Atheist Richard Dawkins calls out the left for this.
Also guys like Sam Harris have been talking about the "regressive left" limiting free speech for a while now
>raging at someone for something they didn't say
Oh, Sup Forums! Never change; you're perfect just the way you are.
Yeah, because west wasn't getting weak way before dawkins was even born. And christians totally aren't to blame for the shit we got into.
yeah but its right....even in pre-christian times
I haven't slept for 24 hours
religion has a purpose
it makes a society think its better than another and makes it agressive toward another religion and keeps it pure
once we got rid of christianity there was nothing to replace it to unify us.
i cringe at all the "get god out of our schools!" shit i did now.....atheists should just shut the fuck up being edgy and just slag off islam and leave the church alone
t.redpilled atheist
He means Christianity is a necessary evil--or at least, its been necessary to have maintained the progress we have made.
Most atheists know this, Dawkins is just a fag
The difference is that vehement atheists essentially worship science in place of god. It was faith in science that led to the eugenics movement. Faith in science also leads to dangerously retarded political ideologies such as technocracy.
You can rightfully blame fundamental Christians for many attacks on individual liberties, but you'd be blind to disagree that both vehement Christians and atheists are not both part of the same problem.
>Scientist and self proclaimed Atheist Richard Dawkins said this in an interview with the Times of London in April 2010.
I've already looked at irumormill, and followed the link they provided to the original article. Oh wait, no I didn't, because they didn't provide any verification.
It's a bit like if I were to create a website that Canadians all engage in mandatory sodomy 5 times a week. Including children. Adding that Pierre Trudeau said this in an interview with Le Monde in 1996 wouldn't make it any more reliable.
When you denigrate the religion and the moral code it upheld in a certain civilization, it will create a vacuum in siad civilization and be replaced with another religion (whether it's atheism, statism, islam, etc.)
least we die together
>atheists essentially worship
this is the problem, you are ascribing behaviours and principles to a group that only has 1: the rejection of a supernatural creator/deity
>faith in science
you don't need faith when it works. I dont need have faith in the internet to do my daily shitposting, we figured it out
eugenics was a misstep, but again we figured that out.
>If Atheism was never a large movement then there would be hardly any Muslims in Europ
What the flying fuck am I even reading here
Are you fucking serious, you god damn retard?