Why are white alt-righters so shit at history

White alt-righters like to brag about how red-pilled they and how they use science and logic to back up their views. On most things I would agree that they are correct, but when it comes to history they seem to be shit.

A lot of them like to act like only white civilization ever did anything. They seem to forget about the fact that Islamic, Chinese, Persian, Indian, Indo-American, and North African Civilizations used to at one time dominate the world and were at times superior to the west. They seem to believe that since western civ has dominated the world for the last 300 years that this is conclusive proof that whites are superior.

Other urls found in this thread:


>north african

>ever ruled the world

only white civilizations dominated the world, you even said it.

what civilization are you living in right now

>alt right

doesn't exist.

though i agree, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging the beauty and achievements of other civilizations. we should be about white nationalism not supremacism. the "white supremacy" meme was invented by jews, look up most of the leaders of the american nazi party.

These aren't white civilizations.

Western Civilization.

>identity politics doesn't exist

I have no problem with whites being proud of their heritage and their accomplishment. I fully support it and think it's a good thing. I have a problem when a certain group of them like to act that somehow only whites have ever accomplished anything.

>alt-right doesn't exist

I identify as a liberal attack helicopter, thank you very much


pol =/= alt right

pol loves Milo, the jew faggot that sucks niggers off and says nobody actually is pro-white or thinks anything bad about jews

pol loves trannies

pol loves fags

stop equating the two
browsing pol doesn't mean someone is alt right, there's just overlap


>North African Civilizations used to at one time dominate the world


The Alt-Right is just a way for Gamer-Gaters to continue into politics. It's cringy shit on the same level as SJWs, don't take anything they say seriously.

I know that. I also know that alt right=/= white supremacy. I was referring to white alt-righters. Specifically the 1488 alt-right which there seems to be a decent contingency of here.

White are the only ones who ever conquered the world.

>alt-right doesn't exist
>Sup Forums isn't alt-right

Egypt used to dominate the western world. Carthage was at on time an equal to Rome and even dominated it for a bit.

it doesn't. it's just "people that use Sup Forums memes", that is the only thing that defines the "alt-right".

>Carthage was at on time an equal to Rome and even dominated it for a bit.

Not really. Whites never truly dominated the entire world. Even then it was only the anglos that truly ruled over a world spanning empire. Regardless other civs in the past have ruled over the known world.


The alt right is a reactionary movement, this is something they will label themselves as. You can't expect reactionary movements to be logical.

Look at what they did in those years. Tech alone makes a fine argument for Western exceptionalism.

the SJW literally left do the exact same thing except they act like white civilizations are the only ones with an imperial past

what did history mean by this?

Don't you have roller derby practice to attend to?

nice quads

and this

Carthage pretty much dominated the Roman empire during the Second Punic War

not one of those empires ever ruled the world though some where great empires, I'd somewhat concede to mongol empire due to the fact that they controlled all commerce from east to west and west to east for over a century via the silk road but other than that there were no great world conquering empires outside of europe.

>pol loves Milo
>pol loves trannies
>pol loves fags

none of this is true of Sup Forums

this is milo and the "alt-right" faggotry.

>Regardless other civs in the past have ruled over the known world.
which ones

and this

Collectivists are always slime.

I not only reject white supremacy, but I also reject the idea that conquering the world counts as proof of anything.

There is only one battle worth waging, and that's your battle with yourself. Nobody else even knows about that battle, you fight it alone. And if you improve yourself, then you'll end up making good decisions and being respected because of what sort of person you are.

Too many people are depressed and assume that if they weren't depressed, their politics wouldn't change. Prove it. I want to see a high-functioning person with these weird opinions.

ah yes the so called """alternative right"""

Oh and something whitey likes to forget is while Europeans were living in caves the gooks (Chinese) had civilisation and empires.

teenage mentality, you'll grow out of it.

>north African

Literally mud huts In the desert to this day

and this

Die nigger.?

Conquer your double negatives Conan.

Awwwh they look so happy x

I wasn't saying they didn't do anything. I was saying that other civilizations did shit to. In another 200 years the west probably won't be the dominant force in the world. It's also ironic since a good chunk of western domination is due to the Jews. Which the alt-right wants to destroy.

and this

except thats not true

I've found that most "white supremacy" memes stem from insecure minorities.

When someone blames another race for their problems (in the US) they are just imagining themselves as weak, instead of becoming the change they need. They are so insecure about their history, which they drag behind themselves like a goddamn anchor, and wonder why all their problems are related to that history.

When they see a person of their race committing crimes on the news, they feel the need to defend them because they look the same, instead of condemning those actions as a degenerate misrepresentation of what the individual believes.

Slavery 150 years ago does not excuse 14% of the population committing 50% of homicides.

It doesn't excuse the degradation of 2 parent households AFTER the civil rights movement.

It doesn't put the crack pipe in their hand, and doesn't give all of then aids.

They (the weak willed) explain away their lack of self control and constant need to make self destructive decisions by claiming oppression.

I've had enough.

t. Black rhodes scholar who reads nietzsche and isn't a faggot nihilist.

and this

This is nonsense though. The Chinese peaked early and actively suppressed progress for millenia. "Innovation" is a synonym for blasphemy in Islam, whose Golden Age was a brief period of tolerated foreign mayerial they have spent the rest of their time censoring. White civilizations were uniquely great because we did not have a centralized, unaccountable tyrant, recognizing thought and invention as threats to his rule. Look into early Protestants fleeing across borders and then relying on business success to compete if you doubt this.

Persia, Islamic Empire, Genghis Khan. They were the ruling forces of the world at one time.

>pol loves trannies
>pol loves fags
I'm sorry what?
I mean yah, some of these idiots like milo, and in all honesty the guy raises some good points, though he's not all the way there, but I don't think anyone here legit like fags or trannies

Honestly I don't even thing libs and dems like them, they are just so deep on the high horse circle-jerk they can't go back.

Was I defending SJW's? No.


Bunch of pseudo Arabs getting cucked by greeks on the regular

Woop woop go United Cuckdom.

None of them "ruled over the known world" they ruled over parts of the known world.

How are you this bad at history?

Now who's shit at history? Yes, they invaded the peninsula but they never took Rome. Rome ended up winning that war, remember?

Persia greatest extent

>Islamic Empire
>ruling the world
>ghengis khan
>doing anything but being nomadic and ruling over feudal peasant territory after the degradation of civilization

Coming from the country which if it wasn't for England would still be a tree hugging backwater.

forgot pic

Guise maybe all we need is more love nd understanding. Of different peoples nd stuff.

None of those empires are comparable to the total area white people ruled.

Umayyad Caliphate

White civilizations have pushed advancements much futher than anyone else, it's not debatable

>White civilizations were uniquely great because we did not have a centralized, unaccountable tyrant, recognizing thought and invention as threats to his rule.

Le monarchy and catholic church no exist.

Seriously, it's challenging to find a piece of land that wasn't ruled by white people at one point.

>when it comes to history they seem to be shit
Who? Compared to what?

>A lot of them
Nice statistic.

Again, who? Generalizations are not facts.

>Islamic, Chinese, Persian, Indian, Indo-American, and North African Civilizations used to at one time dominate the world
I think you mean "dominate the regions that they inhabited."

>and were at times superior to the west
By what fucking measure?

There are 0 (zero) facts in your entire post.

Empires of India

The cucklick church's political power was broken in the early middle ages

way to pay attention in history class

Chinese empires


non whites need to feel superior to whites even if it goes against all facts and evidence.

The white race isn't even a thing dude. Like slavs are different from nords and brit cucks. I think you wanna ride on the accomplishments of others cause your own personal failings.

If we went back to the year 1000ad the answer would be Islamic Civ. If we went back to 1000bc the answer would be Mesopetamian and Egypt. If we go to the year 2500AD the answer will probably be China. Things change. It's not that white people are inherently better at civ building. We are just living at their time in the cycle.


>w-w-whites aren't a race
>just ignore how genetically related they all are

You know how I know you're a Paki and not white? It's the brit flag and the massive inferiority complex.

If they think like that it starts defeating their point. Their idea that whites dominated the world only works if their definition of white includes literally every single race in Europe and West Asia.

The OP is claiming there's such a thing as white civilization you moron. If white people aren't even a real thing, then why make this stupid thread? Why are there such thing as Asian or non-white people?

>tfw Northern Europe has always lagged behind the rest of the world for most of history

Alt right is a meme label that encompasses a large group 0f people with diverse beliefs that have a common distrust for establishment GOP politic and extreme hate for Hilary Clinton and regressive identity politics.

In every one of those "civilizations," you would be enslaved by unstable tyranny and terrified of saying the wrong thing.

and 0 AD would be the Greco Roman civilization the civilization that the Mudshits attained their knowledge from before inbreeding, Arab genetics, anti realism, and Mongol rape destroyed their minds

It is superior due to sheer number of scientifical advancement it brought to the world, and it cultivated culture and environment where such advancements were possible.
Others were also big, but often simply due to the militaristic expansion.
I love when somehow mention islamic culture and their scientifical, mathematical and art advancements, because hillariously those advancements were diminishing at rate at which the population of dhimmi in islamic countries diminished, but no one ever mentions that

You're sounding like a moron. Why describe people as non-white then? What's this thread about if white people aren't a thing? Does there have to be a single nation of white people ruling over large swathes of land to prove the alt-right point. Way to shift goal posts.


Oh i hate my own country, i think its silly to draw pride form something you didn't do.
Truth is the germanic race is different frommthe slavs and the Spanish and the greeks or whoeverthe fuck, to ignore this shows a lack of nuance in your thoughts.

>claims western civ is better because of better human rights
>probably wants to gas the kikes and kill niggers and bomb kebobs

Also 2500ad China will probably be better in terms of rights.

They were never superior to the West.

Everyone including Nazis acknowledge that. You're putting up an ever changing straw man and barely slapping it. You're the one with the weakest sense of history in here, dude. No one else is spouting incorrect facts.

In addition pre Islamified Middle East was genetically closer to Europeans


>We reconstructed the genetic structure of the Levantines and found that a pre-Islamic expansion Levant was more genetically similar to Europeans than to Middle Easterners

Once the Arab rape and race mixing set the Middle East became fucked beyond all repair.

In other words brown mudshit Arabs are taking credit for what Persians, Levantines and Mesopotamians did.

>i hate my own country,

Have you tried not being a cuck? You could at least move to Somalia so some 70 IQ niggers can rape you to death.

>They seem to forget about the fact that Islamic, Chinese, Persian, Indian, Indo-American, and North African Civilizations used to at one time dominate the world and were at times superior to the west
What in the fuck are you talking about?
First off they never ruled the world, that part is true.

But secondly "at times superior to the west"? Alt-righters seem to be the ONLY people who know this because those times when Arabs or Africans were superior is when they could easily get away with raiding, enslaving, and conquering parts of Europe. The alt-right is painfully aware of this which is why they dismiss the idea of the white man brutally repressing the poor, innocent POC throughout history so often

Ok prior to the 1500's there were pretty much no northern European scientists. So what's your point, that civilizations and people cycle through highs and lows.

I didn't make this thread hun. All I'm saying is the alt right are illogical. Part of why is that the concept of a white race is clearly false.

Just give up, OP.

Most of Sup Forums wouldn't dare open a book that challenged their beliefs. They're not worth the time or effort. You're more likely to illuminate a black hole than the posters here.

What makes Slavs a single race? What makes British people a single race??? This thread was about whether white people have proven exceptional or whether Western civilization as a whole is exceptional and now the losers are trying to ask if specifically Slavs or Germans have accomplished exceptional things. Fucking decide, Abdul.

Didn't the Persians get their teeth kicked in by Alexander?

Northern Europe was incredibly lowly populated compared to the rest of the world


northern Euros were never inbred Arabs

their low level of scientific progress was mainly due to low population density and harsh climates, which still bred higher IQs.

The Middle East on the other hand has been destroyed by low IQ Arab genetics and inbreeding.

Europeans have accomplished way more than any other race. It's not even close. Nice try but you aren't convincing anyone here. Even shit like gun powder which was invented by the chinese wasn't taken to great heights until Europeans got their hands on it.

You're just a salty non-white who wants to feel better about their shit tier genetics

inb4 Muslims aren't inbred

I was a Hillary supporter until I read this.

Alt-righters are often the first to say that Jews and Asians on average have higher IQ's. I don't think that they underestimate the successes of those peoples.

They do have a tendency to pretend that colonialism wasn't barbaric and didn't kill millions though.

I've noticed that they really, really really hate Guns Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond but they don't ever refute his core argument that good geographical starting position is one of the most advantageous things for a culture/civilization.

Nationalism is so 19th century. I hate my country for being weak and socially conservative. While also being very left wing. Like imwanna drive my car at 100mph and drink whiskey which getting a blow job but apparently i can't cause muh safety.