What are some actors who can't stand each other? Pic related.

>[On Tom Cruise] George has never liked Tom. He thinks it's pathetic that Tom still pushes himself as an action star and is obsessed with Scientology instead of using his money and clout for humanitarian causes

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Clooney wishes he was illuminati, but he won't ever be.

Clooney's just mad because he's a failure of an action star, while Cruise is a multifaceted actor

>"why is Tom not cucked like me" cried George as he sipped wine with his past her prime wife

He's just jealous. Tom Cruise is cool as hell while he's a bitter, whiny, cuck...

I remember tom cruise and brad pitt hated each other on the set of interview with a vampire

Serious question:
Is there a bigger cuck than Georges Clooney in the movie industry? I legitimately cannot think of one right now.

I legit think that if Tom Cruise got in a fight with anyone he would put them down like prime Mike Tyson, all they'd be thinking is " heh heh Scientology couch jumping midget" a half second before they wake up in the hospital.

>humanitarian causes
money sink

>always be the alpha alpha in every room you walk into
>one day you walk into a room with tom cruise

I'd be angry too

That's odd considering Clooney has a bunch of failed action movies under his belt, right up to this cash-in on the "Taken" craze.

Pitt was pissy because Cruise was the bigger star and had a good attitude while filming. Pitt was literally mad that Cruise was happy and upbeat and he wasn't

I thought The American was a slow burn movie?

i liked the american. but you can't use it as an example of an action movie. it was spy-thriller

>the pleb reveals himself

That filename

>George 'Batman and Robin' Clooney

>instead of using his money and clout for humanitarian causes
How is teaching people to resist Xenu not humanitarian?

>Humanitarian causes

Clooney can go fuck himself, Cruise can spend his money how he likes.

anyone else hates when clooney does hi s permanent smug smile routine as he talks in a patronizing way to someone in every fucking movie

Donald J. Trump and Rosie O'Donnell


>I care what people do with their life

Thought Clooney was a progressive?

>anyone else

yeah, everyone. Clooney is the quintessential hollywood windbag, everybody knows it.

yet he's supposedly "such a charismatic and charming guy" and I don't really see it

>care what people do
More like, someone asked him once in a interview. Some people think actors get their nose everywhere (which has some truth to it), but mostly they are just called to act and give their opinion at basicly anything, from politics to dresses, other people, etc. It doesn't mean they actually care or know what they are talking.

This, Tom had no problems with Pitt but Pitt just whined incessantly and even called his agent to see if he could get out of the whole production.

>my face when any IWTV poster has Tom face taking up the most space despite Lestat not having that much screentime

suck a dick, Brad.

Why is Tom Cruise in so many low-key SciFi movies anyway? Minority Report, Edge of Tomorrow, Oblivion, etc.

Does he personally love the genre or is he just the go-to actor for a main character in these types of films?

pls be b8

what do you mean low key? all those had fair sized budgets. maybe he likes the scripts?

I hate listening to him speak. He always has to come off like he has the moral high ground with every little thing. Yeah, we get it man, the starving chillun in Africa.

>is he just the go-to actor for a main character in these types of films?
Pretty much this. It's not a bad thing tho - he's charismatic enough to carry the movie, people like him and he brings a lot of money.

I'm pretty sure it's him. He could choose any genre he wants, he's been a mega-star for 30 years. Also I heard that he personally tried to get edge of tomorrow made from the original Japanese book.

maybe he likes sci-fi

90's Leonardo DiCaprio was a prime chad and Claire Danes hated working with him in ROMEO + JULIET because kept goofing off and didn't take anything seriously.

>Minority Report

How the fuck is a Spielberg production low-key?

And the answer is pretty much that regardless of what you may think of Tom's acting, his work ethic is second to none, no one works harder than him and he pretty much inspires everyone around him to do the same.

Also, Tom loves


if those are in your movie, he's on board.

He does. He's already attached to several upcoming sci-fi movies like "Edge of Tomorrow 2", "Yukikaze", "Our Name is Adam" and "Luna Park".

By low-key sci-fi I meant that it's sci-fi but it's still Earth with tons of Earth stuff and it's easily recognizable, compared to hard sci-fi where it's alien planets and spaceships everywhere and you can't connect anything to real life because that Universe has its own better alternative, if that makes sense

That'd be pretty neat if it was true, he seems like the type to be more into action movies than sci-fi movies but appearances can be deceiving

You're either a master baiter or a fucking retard, which is it?

boy I hope Yukikaze happens, Tom is the kind of guy who would dip into his pocket to have Lockheed or Boeing build a 1:1 scale model of the jet.

>instead of using his money and clout for humanitarian causes
wtf i hate clooney now

>Confusing The Actor With His Roles: The Posts

I never really got the Tom Cruise obsession on this board. It's like whenever anyone has a crazy, batshit persona or idea, they're automatically "alpha" just because they're going against the grain on whatever is currently mainstream, although in this case Cruise is more the mainstream but everyone pretends he's some renegade outlier for some reason.

Contrarian/Counter-culture really is the only thing this board knows anymore. Yay, Scientology is cool again. Humanitarian causes? That's not cool, boo! Manlets are cool again too. Except RDJ because he told people to vote so now he's uncool, even though we were loving him for sticking it to that asshole curry interviewer and literally saying "you can't come out of prison and still consider yourself a liberal." SW prequels are kino too, as is the DCEU. How original. We're not hipsters though because no one says hipster anymore. Also we're pro-Trump hipsters so that makes us something else entirely, except not really because we're more like ultra-hipsters for literally thinking everything the previous generation valued is absolute bullshit. But the generation before that had it right I think. Maybe?

This is the only way this generation can define itself though, by trying to reject everything of the last but still doing it with as minimal effort as possible. I thought Gen X was shitty but Millennial Yfags are taking insufferable to a whole new meta level.

Of course there was that brief period when Tomato Cruise was a thing because of that photo with the red face, but then that sentiment became uncool and loving Tom became the norm again.

What a roller coaster.

Fuck clooney, this is a Cruise Control thread

>Perhaps the greatest story about Tom Cruise comes from comedian Bill Hader, who shot promos for the 2010 MTV Movie Awards with the actor as their "Tropic Thunder" characters — Cruise as movie mogul Les Grossman, Hader as his lackey.

>While filming the promos in Los Angeles, new dad Hader heard that a man had tried to set off a car bomb in Times Square, near where his wife and new baby lived, and couldn't reach them.

>When Cruise saw the nervous look on Hader's face, he took action.

>"He comes over and he's like, 'Are you okay, man?'" Hader recalled what happened next to Vulture:

>"He thinks for a second. 'We'll get you home tonight.' And in that moment, Tom Cruise, as Les Grossman, in a karate gi, began to direct all my coverage," Hader explained. "All my footage, all my close-ups. Boom! We do three perfect takes. Boom, boom, boom. Everyone's chest-butting each other, some people are chest-butting themselves, people are going insane." Two days' worth of work, Hader said, "and he got it done in 45 minutes." Then Katie Holmes came up to him and handed him a piece of paper with his new flight information. "You're on the red eye tonight," she told him. "I'm like, 'What?!'" Hader said. Because Cruise got him out of work and on a plane that night, he was able to surprise his wife and daughter by 7:45 the next morning and check in on them in person. "So that's what it's like to work with Tom Cruise," Hader said.

nah mate

he's just a great actor who is great in everything he's in. relax.

lmao what a retard


t. george

>Of course there was that brief period when Tomato Cruise was a thing because of that photo with the red face

That was never a thing, it was one autist (probably you) spamming it who was summarily ignored. Easily the most failed meme that ever was.

>Yay, Scientology is cool again.

no one ever said that, and Tom Cruise does not and has not discussed Scientology in the last 10 years even. Fucking hell he even apologized to Matt Lauer for his behaviour in that one interview.

>he's just the same thing in everything he's in, relax

Yeah, lots of actors are typecast. You being able to relate more to that "awesome" everymanlet archetype doesn't make him anymore special.

He likes doing sci-fi because it's close to what he knows religiously. That's why you notice a lot of immortality/rebirth themes like in Oblivion, Edge of Tomorrow and Vanilla Sky.

Living forever or continuing in some sci-fi form is very dear to him. And probably many of you. Though god knows why since most of you are already wasting away your current lifespans

.Cool, scientologists. Thanks for correcting the Xenu record.

Seriously, George, it's getting embarrasing.

Thanks for correcting the record.

Oh fuck off Marty you psycho

How can one man be so based

They're not low key for one and that is precisely why is so valuable. You want to make 150 million dollar Sci Fi flick? Let's bring in Tom, he'll double the return on the investment and as a bonus he might even make this watchable!

All the movie you mentioned are quality movies, Oblivion was full on kino with some of those sky house shots.

Fuck you, I'm the ultimate contrarian.

I'm shitting all over your pretty boy, what are you going to do about it? I'll only stop if you disembowel yourself and send timestamped photos of said disembowelment.

Those are your options, I think my terms are fair.


Shittin on Cruise is mainstream for some time now, step up your game you amature faggot.

Tom is pretty much our guy right? Few actors get the universal love he does on here

>for some time now

Name ten mainstream figures who are currently shitting on him. That should be easy if "it's been mainstream for sometime now."

You sad retarded nigger.

His wife is Illuminati and one of Hillary's former lovers.

This has nothing to do with the bullshit you're running on about. Tom is basically the last action hero and has stayed consistent with his roles in film since the 80s, that's all there really is to it.

He's our guy all right

Also Max Landis.

Fuck off Max

Ladies and gentlemen, we've found our new daily meme.

Uh no, you can go fuck yourselves. I literally gave you Rey is a Mary Sue. You assholes owe me for life.

Thanks plebbit.

> Tom Cruise is an alpha Manlet
> Colin Farrell said of Tom Cruise on the set of Minority Report. " He was very competitive on set. One day he came to the set and shouted at the cast and crew " Are we filming an action movie?!? Because I don't hear any action!"

Some people are such assholes that you don't want to be around them. Tom has that reputation time and time again.

Notice very few people work with him more than once?

>He thinks it's pathetic that Tom still pushes himself as an action star

what? why shouldn't he do action roles

>"why is Tom not cucked like me"

being in scientology is literally the ultimate cuckholdy

this wasn't even an action movie you massive retard.

didn't read lol

>Some people are such assholes that you don't want to be around them. Tom has that reputation time and time again.

No he doesn't aactually, lots of celebrities other than whiny Brad have said that it was great to work with Tom.

>Notice very few people work with him more than once?

You say that as if Tom is an outlier when you can say the same thing of any other actor. Try again.

Brad Pitt seems so into himself. Motherfucker had himself cast as "the good slaver" in a movie he produced about slavery.



>Being the figurehead of one of the largest groups on the planet with billions of dollars in assets is being cucked.
>Being at the top of a massive pyramid scheme of millionaires is being cucked.

Any religion is arguably cuckoldry but that's pretty fucking fedora-tier.

I'm not actually a big fan of this movie, but Tom Cruise is a fucking great actor when he wants to be. He's basically the last living legit movie-star. The Rock doesn't even come close.

everything you read is post ironic and contrarian
is just how Sup Forums is. have you been here since yesterday lol

Sup Tom. Love your work.

robert downey jr and zach galifianakis apparently genuinely hated each other all throughout the filming and then the press tour of Due Date
This was because RDJ was pissed Zack got Mel Gibson fired from The Hangover

It puts their awkward interviews in a new light

why does cruise keep acting in these disposable sci-fi action movies instead of taking roles with some actual weight to them?
dude was great in eyes wide shut, he obviously can do more demanding roles, and yet he just keeps going for these boring fucking action movies

Bases Leo.

I'm not crazy about tom cruise either but that's a stupid reason to not like tom cruise

>expecting me to read that long ass, triggered rant

Really going to need you to brush up on your brevity there, champ.

Cruise is a great actor.

Tom Cruise is a GOOD ACTOR who gives 100% in every role he does. That's why Sup Forums likes him.

This is pure fucking autism. People here like Tom Cruise because he's an amazing actor that have made fun, entertaining and pure amazing movies since the fucking 80s.

RDJ is also our guy

how and why did zack get mel fired?

>Zack got Mel Gibson fired from The Hangover
That was him? I thought it was Cooper.

Mel was going to have a minor role in the movie, but then the tapes scandal happened and Galifianakis refused to be in the movie unless Mel was dropped. So they replaced him with Liam Neeson, who also dropped out and ended up with Nick Cassavetes (?)

Manlets cannot be our guys on principle alone.

Seriously, if you haven't seen Magnolia then give it a try.

The movie is overlong in my opinion but its pretty damn good, and quite possibly Cruise's best role.

He is so unbelievably fucking good in that movie. If it were edited down bit and focused on him it would be close to a 9/10 movie for me.

But Cruise is also a manlet

reminder tom cruise killed two korean maids

>In the June 2008 issue of Variety, actor Dustin Hoffman spoke about the ever-escalating prank war that occurred on set between Tom Cruise and him on the set of Rain Man. What began with Hoffman leaving whoopee cushions on every seat in Cruise's trailer, eventually progressed into a heated battle of wits offset. At one point, Cruise bribed one of Hoffman's assistants to try to seduce the married Hoffman, an affair that lasted years and later ended Hoffman's first marriage.

>When asked if that was the worst of Cruise's attacks, Hoffman replied that he did not find out the worst until some 20 odd years later. According to Hoffman, he thought the war had ended when his wife discovered a strange vagabond outside their house in Beverly Hills. When confronted by Hoffman, the man refused to talk even after being threatened by the police. Thinking this may have been one of Cruise's more eccentric pranks, Hoffman called Cruise to officially end the feud. Cruise only laughed, then agreed. However, it was not until the summer of 2006, when the foundation of Hoffman's estate collapsed, trapping and killing two Korean maids, that Hoffman discovered Cruise's motive. The collapse was apparently caused by rare type of termite, which Hoffman believes Cruise, disguised as the vagabond, had planted there two decades earlier.

>When asked about this during the release of Cruise's latest film, Valkyrie, Cruise revealed that although he has "extensive knowledge of entomology," he had never been to the country of Belize, the natural habitat of the termite. After asked how he knew what type of termite this was, Cruise simply responded that it was an "educated guess."

Cause hollywood hated Mel over the anti-semitic comments and Zack was a producer so he vetoed Mel's casting
RDJ got all pissed since Mike Tyson was cast despite being a wife-beater/rapist/whatever else
He's an arrogant retard who can only play himself. He has 0 self-awareness and got butt-blasted by Krishna on channel 4 for having to talk about himself instead of just the film DESPITE literally being told this in advance
He also got anally destroyed in jail and became a conservative because of it

so then... our guy.. got it

Our guy confirmed.

Cruise is not our guy either for that very reason.

lol why?

as a 5'5 manlet bro i must object, we're not all insecure cunts with shoe lifts like rdj