Sup Forums wants to deport this beauty because she's smarter and more successful than they'll ever be. I can't wait when Drumpf loses in November and the walls dividing us finally collapse! Because racism will not divide us
Racists, Drumpf BTFO
She should be forced to pay back every single cent the American taxpayers spent to pay her way thru college and then kicked out of the country.
Send her back
Along with her entire family. Film it. Broadcast it.
Being cute and smart doesn't make you above the law.
I wouldn't mind giving that wet back a wet front, but then that mexican't has got to get her ass back over the wall.
Ella tiene que volver
Are you kidding me? Her school has a 32% literacy rate, as well as having only 11% at an 8th grade level in Math.
>such a smart girl!!!
>lets the country know she's here illegally
Funny how she spent so much of her time studying, and yet she never managed to pick up common fucking sense.
School she went to has like a 33% literacy rate or something stupid like that.
They all don't speak English and are retarded. Being king among retards doesn't count for much.
She had a 4.5 GPA. That definitely show's something about herself. Not that you'll ever achieve that, of course.
Great, she can use that shiny new degree to enrich whatever South American country she came from, perhaps making it a smidgen less shitty.
>showing something about herself
That she's smarter than a bunch of brain dead morons
Build a wall
Strip her of degree, seize all assets, deport her and all her illegal family
I really don't understand why this doesn't happen. USA government is obviously filled with traitors
>we need to let illegals in and not deport them because it takes too long to immigrate legally to the U.S
Absolutely disgusting
Of course she will get good grades if she can almost act like a white person when surrounded by illiterate shitskins
Teachers grade on a curve now. So if all her classmates are doing absolute shit, she only needs to pull a C or B- and she can get full marks
Deporting people sounds rly mean :(
Why do we have to be mean to ppl?
It would be nice if we could all live together like a big happy family :)
>4.5 GPA
That only counts in high school. In the real world GPAs max out at 4.0
Saying you took AP classes is good, saying you have a 4.5 GPA makes you look like a pompous ass who thinks he's hot shit because he tested out of special education.
Then invite them all into your home...
Here I'll make it easier for you.. Just mail me half your shit
Wow maybe we should reform the Immigration system, something that Trump will do.
>weighted GPAs
Nigga I had a 6.1 weighted and I'm a fucking retard in everything except math
I think my unweighted was only 3.3
The AP exams are judged based on established national standards, as well as the results being graded and evaluated by independent parties. I wouldn't expect any idiot like you to understand or know that, though.
>I blame the US for having laws
>Can never get a job that uses E-Verify
Enjoy picking my fruit, Consuela.
That's fine, she is one illegal out of many.
Once in awhile a black person doesn't rob someone, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stroll through East Chicago or East St Louis at midnight.
You came into this country illegally.
To flee your own country that sucks.
To take advantage of his countries good people, its taxes, its laws, and the things it offers in ways of freedom.
To graduate with a high education.
To get a full free ride to college which even natural born citizens may not even obtain or see a hair of.
And your reaction is to complain about this country, and all the methods in which allowed you to succeed?
Not only that, but to boast about being illegal?
>Im a young woman you cant deport me.
Can now, you graduated high school, and you are 18, congratulations, you admitted to a felony offense. Enjoy ICE.
What's the problem exactly?
The "evaluators" are pretty shitty. My alcoholic, schizophrenic AP Lit teacher ended up as one of the paper graders for like 4 years until CollegeBoard realized he was insane. He probably gave a lot of people 1's.
I think this highlights an equally important problem: a woman clearly as intelligent as her would have a harder time legally immigrating to the US than an illiterate border jumper.
And yes, I know exactly what I'm talking about. I know several people trying to immigrate to the US from other countries, mostly engineers, and they have to go through hoops just to get a work visa in the US. And if a company actually wants to hire them, they still have to go through a "lottery" process to get a fuckin' visa.
One of them is a well-published materials science engineer who is being courted by Belgian, French, British, and Chinese tech companies, but she has her sights on the US. It's been over a year and she's trying again to get a visa. That's literally the only thing keeping her from landing a job in the US.
The ones who do get into the US "easily" are the ones who studythere, and even then, they usually pay a fuckton in tuition.
She's pretty hot, but insulting the god emperor brings her down to a 0.
I dont mind immagrants coming over and working. In fact I know more illegals who work hard than the many ancor baby counterparts I have seen. But what is rage inducing is the Mexico pride some spics have when they use the oppertunities WE THE PEOPLE give them. If Mexico is so god damn great, why is it they are here using our educational programs to benefit themselves. Dont get me wrong, you can have pride for your former country and the culture that comes with that. But dont fly it in the face of those who helped you when uncalled for.
She still has to go back
>Graduated as a "valedictorian" in a school filled to the brim with uneducated Hispanics
>Padded GPA with countless "honor classes" that don't exist at the college level.
Yeah, my Asians friends gamed the system too. Don't be too proud. And, oh - being a valedictorian is now % based rather than top ranking. If you make it across the line, you are one. Nothing special.
Graduating the top of your class when your entire class consists of 40 IQ subhumans makes you one as well. On top of that, also a fucking illegal. We're gonna need a huge ass catapult to throw this one back once she realizes no legitimate US company will hire her without the right papers and she ends up filming for BangBros or as a store sweeper at a chinatown.
The SAT essays are the biggest bullshit ever. You literally just have to use big words because the readers get like 5 mins per essay. They don't even fact check of course. I wish I had known that, I aced everything else but got fucked on the essay
>it's ok to break the law because getting into the country legally is difficult/arduous
Have you fucking shitlibs ever considered that it SHOULD be an arduous process to get into this country legally? In that respect, the system is working perfectly.
>The AP exams
>Article just says she took AP classes
>No further info
>AP classes can be weighted depending on the school
Inhale my bratwurst
>no legitimate US company will hire her without the right papers
Since FORD is now made in Mexico she could go back and become a manager.
> Come to America illegally
> Spend years getting tens of thousands of dollars worth of public benefits
> Cultivate a better life than she ever could have had in Mexico
> Hates America, remains loyal to a country that her parents fled and she is out of touch with completely
Just fuck this. A foreigner lived their life as a parasite and played us all for fools. I can't respect that.
This shit drives me up the wall
How can it be allowed to proudly proclaim loyalty to another country while living in this one
All communists and spics NEED to be purged
This. I hate how lefties see what should be an indicator that we should streamline/modernize the immigration process as a reason to completely throw the process in the trash. Countries must regulate immigrants.
What an idiot. It could be worse, honey. You could be valedictorian in whatever shithole country you and your parents are from. Be grateful you're not. The world doesn't owe you anything.
Dude, I fucking wrote an essay on a book I never read. I sparknotes'd it beforehand and got a 4 overall.
It's a joke.
*referring to AP lit exam btw not SAT
Look I get if her parent brought her over when he was young. However you don't go out and say you're proud to be an illegal, and ¡VIVA MÉXICO!
So what she's smart. There's plenty of smart people who are on the immigration list, and have to wait to come here legally. There's plenty of smart people who try to get an H-1 visa and never get lucky.
The thing is they're trying legally. Sure the system is a bit broken at the moment, but all you can do is complain, but your head down and try your best to get through. If you don't, try and try again.
LEGAL Immigration is what Trump is all about. He wants to make it so that it's eaiser for qualified individuals to get a visa and work permits. What he doesn't want is José the Hispanic Peasant and his wife Juanita along with their 20 kids. He wants Juan the entrepreneur, Mei the doctor...etc.
Just because your family knows how to break the law and get away with it, doesnt mean anything other than they're criminals.
If the founding fathers had just left to flee to Europe when things got hard, we wouldn't have America. Same principle applies to everyone. If your government isn't doing anything, change it. If you're feeling oppressed, fight it. If gangs got you pinned, push back.
American & French revolutions, and Arabic Spring are examples of individuals grouping together to overthrow a government they don't like.
The problem is that for too long the culture has allowed gang violence. Latin America for most part has always been unruly. They look at the US in envy, and yet they never tried to emulate us. Instead they balked at things like "order" or "justice".
Jesus bloody Christ, they're bragging that they're too lazy to to do things legally, my family immigrated from South Africa, they had to save money and upskill, it was a fairly arduous process but not impossible.
>Juan the entrepreneur
You mean a Juantrepreneur?
Seriously though, you're 100% right
Everybody knows the process of getting citizenship is complicated and long but you still need to do it.
You are not entitled to our hospitality.
You do not get to reap the benefits of our country without paying the same taxes that keep those benefits running.
It's amazing, whenever I see that breitbart font I know i'm in for some dumb shit
It's in her best interest to become pregnant as soon as possible
>the walls dividing us finally collapse! Because racism will not divide us
Except that's the opposite of what will happen.
damn by the way this is worded might ass well tell you to rob a bank because finding a job and earning enough to retire might take too long