Is the alt-right race realist?
Is the alt-right race realist?
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Alt Right is almost always just a euphemism for white idpol
Why doesn't this graph go past 150?
I took like 10 IQ tests and got above 150 in all of them. They are too fucking easy. All pattern recognition...
There is no alt-right. It isn't a race.
I am a race realist
IQ past 140 is less useful. At that point you're just measuring factions of 99th percentile.
Here you go. Extra hyphens to make it clear even to inferior intellects like yours.
>Is the alt-right race-realist?
damn, that gauß'sche Glockenkurve. cannot unsee. beautiful
Identity politics.
what's wrong with white identity?
Milo insists the alt-right isn't racist though. Alt-right is kinda his thing.
nothing, it's just you turbo tards obsess over race as much as sjw cunts
Lets talk crime by race
lets talk immigrant welfare cost
lets talk IQ by country
lets talk racial differences
Lets talk terror stats
Lets talk affirmative action GPAs
lets talk crime in NYC
lets talk firearm homicides
lets talk STDs
Lets talk IQ and transracial adoptions
> This test is free, right?
Every time.
lets talk white vs black society
Lets talk black countries without white people
multiply the nonwhite homicide rates by 10.
male homicides tend to be cases of family rage or mental illness, things that can't be saved by a hospital
hispanics and mexicans commit mostly gang violent type shootings. if you look at the shootings n chicago on memorial day weekend, there were 60 shootings, but only 6 deaths, because they were saved by hospitals. this patterns holds country-wide. the black male homicide rate is closer to 300 per 10,000 per year, which is more or less spot on the violent offender rate among blacks.
the ONLY reason they're not "mrderers" is because their victim was saved by medical technlogy.
ANY time you see murder rates for blacks or hispanics, multiply it by ten
you lot realize these statistics are due to systematic oppression right? they're results, not causation
I want the stats on
>per capita drunk driving by race
>education cost by race
>medical compliance by race
What were the Christian extremist attacks that collectively killed 3,301 people?
Thats totally correct, thats why Asian Americans, who had to build the railroad tracks instead of chilling in cotton fields have a higher avg income today than white and commit the least crimes.
Lets all thank our good (((friends))) for the concept of systematic oppression
IQ is 75% biological
Average black IQ in the US is 85
oldest meme in the book, what a thoroughly insubstantial comparison.
next you'll be trying to compare black struggle to that of irish immigrants
>What were the Christian extremist attacks that collectively killed 3,301 people?
This is pol newfag, you have the source now research yourself
Getting welfare bucks sure is hard.
>oldest meme in the book, what a thoroughly insubstantial comparison.
Not an argument!
read the fucking article before you try to spam it, literally counters your own point halfway down
>"We should note, however, that low-income and non-white families are poorly represented in existing adoption studies as well as in most twin samples.
>Thus it is not yet clear whether these studies apply to the population as a whole. It remains possible that, across the full range of income and ethnicity, between-family differences have more lasting consequences for psychometric intelligence."
The Incidents Tracking System no longer exists, and you can't search the new database by religion.
>and you can't search the new database by religion.
...really makes you think... these shifty whites do everything to hide their crimes
>not yet clear whether these studies apply to the population as a whole.
Your argument is that evidence of biological inheritance of IQ, since it came from studies on whites, doesn't apply to blacks? You do realize we're all the same species right?
I took an educated guess, at any rate. They're talking not about actual Christians, but "Christian" groups from Africa such as:
Really not impressed. Christian terrorism should be close to 0 in reality.
Does this prove that affirmative action and racial hiring quotas are unjust or that black people get more bang for their buck with IQ?
But the right is racist. The real red pill is that there's nothing wrong with racism. It's being aware of identities and being proud of your own. Racists usually get along a lot better if they're different colours than if the two were forced to be PC around each other.
Racism is inherently neither positive or negative.
what do you say to the people who say its just poverty that causes the crime rates and lower IQ
Those blacks get a free ride through college, preferential hiring, and still barely match the poorest whites. The cost to society is enormous.
was more talking about the crime stuff. I know theres stuff out there i just dont see any of it in the thread.
The MAOA 2R allele is associated with stabbing behaviors. 5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carry the 2R allele
>Does this prove that affirmative action and racial hiring quotas are unjust or that black people get more bang for their buck with IQ?
it means dumbing down of businesses through affirmative action and whites have to pay for it because they don't get promoted despite being better qualified overall.
The violence gene
Save all the images newfags and post them when applicable. don't just hang around!
How about actually looking into the fucking sources so people can't accuse you of posting infographs with no substance. Normies will melt the minute you post anything .gov and resort to calling you racist and point towards systemic oppression that doesn't exist, in which case you just start shooting more facts backed up by the government's own data.
>people on this board can't understand IQ is based on education and knowledge
>judges others on their IQ
I'm sorry but... you're idiots. :-)
>countering well sourced facts with empty rhetoric
How can race realists possibly respond?
>IQ is based on education and knowledge
No, it's not.
IQ is 75% biological
Average black IQ in the US is 85
I agree, almost half of the charts are missing citations.
And as I said before, your terrorism database statistics come from a source that can no longer be verified. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways to demonstrate the violence of Islam relative to other religions, though.
My liberal friend went full damage control when I showed him this gene sourced with the wikipedia. He then told me he doesn't want to talk about the whole deal anymore and that I promote a racist agenda. Why do all libertarians act like this when they are shown facts
So you're saying nogs have less knowledge and education despite preferential treatment at all levels of education?
Cognitive dissonance.
I actually think the left is more race realist which is why they treat blacks like pets and pay them gibsmedats so they won't chimp out even more
it doesn't apply to low-income, under-educated people, which is largely representative of the black population you're trying to target.
are you even aware you're bending statistics to fit your personal prejudice or do you honestly believe yourself?
No, they're just racist.
>it doesn't apply to low-income, under-educated people
Citation needed.
How come whites are responsible for the most killing, genocides, wars, native populations wiped out, resource taken, relics stolen.
The white man cant even recognize he is the most evil thing that ever graced this earth.
[citation needed]
We'll wait.
already posted the source, as did you, if you could even comprehend the research you're trying to bend to meet your agenda
>"We should note, however, that low income and non-white families are poorly represented in existing adoption studies as well as in most twin samples.
>Thus it is not yet clear whether these studies apply to the population as a whole. It remains possible that, across the full range of income and ethnicity, between-family differences have more lasting consequences for psychometric intelligence."
I hear this all the time, but I think it's a forced meme and means nothing
I do acknowledge racial differences though.
>How come whites are responsible for the most killing,
Blacks have that honor in the US
Only if you believe the muh 6 gorillian figure, which it's conveniently illegal to question. If you don't accept that, the next largest genocide is the turkroach genocide of armenia. Turks are brown, btw.
>native populations wiped out
>resource taken
Saudi Arabia seems to be doing just fine selling their resources. Learn to trade, shitskin.
>relics stolen.
Blame liberals. They're the only ones that care about your primitive "art".
Cause we're the best at it
it's what DEFINES the alt-right in my opinion.
If the world had spent more time pushing for this truth first, we could have spared so much misunderstanding in this world. Race realism is a truth time forgot. but it was an anecdotal truth and now it is a scientific truth.
Simply make it though high school cletus. Any one that made it through with at least a 2.0 can tell you that.
The fact that low income families were underrepresented in the studies is not evidence that the observed phenomena doesn't apply to low income people. Learn to logic, dipshit.
yes a huge proportion of the variance (and that's the proper way to describe it, variance) is explained by genetics.
even for the variance that is controlled by environment, it's not as if we have know how to successfully maximize this portion of the variance.
it does, however, mean that you can't try to use it as supporting evidence for your claim
China is "most guilty" of all of those crimes, and arguably any civilization with more than a few centuries of history would make the list.
Western civilization is quite legitimately the most peaceful, and has brought more good to the world in the last several hundred years than any other culture or group of people in the entire course of human existence.
t. someone who has read a little bit more than a high school history book
Why do we pretend that MLK wasn't a communist shill and wouldn't have been totally for affirmative action and racial quotas if his black ass were above ground today?
I don't use it as supporting evidence of my claim.
All studies indicate that IQ is biological. If you think that doesn't apply to poor people, it's up to you to provide evidence, of which you have none.
You know that the wealth of an average person was basically the same across all continents for thousands of years. Basically up until the middle ages where it slowly increased, and then rapidly increased during the industrial revolution.
Learned about it in economics. For the majority of human history as soon as technological advances were found people would gain wealth then start having more children because they could afford to and the wealth would spread out among them and repeat the process indefinitely.
The only reason this changed is because western civilization made physical capital(something that can accumulate) more valuable via inventions than land as capital(which more or less has a fixed amount).
Actually western civilization has not had a peaceful time in any of our lifetimes.. When have we not been at war? Ill wait..
Ive read far beyond history books, and i actually look at life, and what goes on something you should probably start working on billie-joe.
being a doctor is for suckers these days anyway
you've used it twice as supporting evidence, the only supporting evidence and that's just in this thread.
so in your mind, better-educated, higher-class people having higher IQs is just happenstance, since it's 80% biological anyway?
Kill yourself. That faggot kike jumped on this bandwagon for the shekels. It's been going on for longer than that homo has even been alive.
There's more to intrinsic pacifism than whether or not there is a war going on. For example, western civilization has not had slavery in any of our lifetimes, and that is more than you can say for just about all other major civilization blocs.
For that reason alone (since they are all actively warfaring), you have no clue what you're talking about.
That's a bit of a silly metric. There has been no continent in history that has been consistently peaceful.
Westphalia. Colonies don't count.
>you've used it twice as supporting evidence
No, I have not. Try addressing the arguments that I actually make, rather than the ones you pretend I make.
>born white
>automatically smarter than 80% of blacks
feels good man
Milo is literally a faggot. He's also a retarded race mixer. He is not altright, he's just trying to make it his thing for marketing purposes.
He was the first person I've ever seen use the term alt-right. His definition is basically all-of-Sup Forums except race realists, which leaves all the people visiting from reddit.
Of course. Why wouldn't we be?
We are actively putting our finger in someone elses buisness, saying they need to kill these people in order for things to be good. Ur response was so retarded, i dont even know why i responded.
The original people of hati, christopher columbus described as not knowing what crime was or murder. The next year white man came back, taxed them and chopped off their hands if they didnt pay. This is how the innocent were treated.
Yeah, you haven't been around long enough. If the first person you heard say 'alt-right' was Milo, you're new as fuck.
That's not a continent, you silly billy.
>Actually western civilization has not had a peaceful time in any of our lifetimes
Same for the rest of the civilizations mate, that doesn't prove anything.