Chris Chan is the living proof why Autism+lack of propper rising+internet is a bad idea.
Chris Chan is the living proof why Autism+lack of propper rising+internet is a bad idea
>Dollar store
>Spends about 30 dollars there
I found it more chocking someone gave Chris Chan 500$ as a prank.
What else should/shouldn't I do after 20?
Why does Chris chan look like one of Ted Cruz' bastards?
>work 40 hours
>workout regularly
>don't smoke, do drugs, don't drink often
>go to church
>faithful to my white girlfriend
>suddenly degenerate because I enjoy visual stimulation on a computer
Get fucked.
Reminder that if you're on Sup Forums period, you fucked up
its like how people with Down's all look the same
you don't have to be a gamer to enjoy videogames
Trust me buddy there is nothing "average" about Chris Chan. This is the guy who almost burnt his house down by trying to make coffee in the bathroom.
I used to hate Chris-chan because I hate vidya game shit but now that he has a waifu and a daki I think he's an alright dude.
I've been here for years. Is there even any hope left?
Enjoy the rest of your evening. You have a long day of work ahead of you tomorrow before you get your 2 days off for the weekend, wagecuck. Or do you have to work on Saturdays as well? My neetbux dont grow on trees, you know...better get some shut eye soon :^)
>be a gamer to enjoy videogames
>you dont have to be a driver to enjoy driving cars
>you dont have to be a reader to enjoy books
>you dont have to be able to hear to enjoy music
nigga are you fucking retarded? A gamer is literally someone who plays video games, thats it.
Did you spend your developmental years here?
you've got about as much hope as Bernie Sanders winning the democrat nomination
>this one guy's pretty weird, ive decided this one thing he's into damns everyone else
Quit embarrassing yourself OP
i will tap that ass
Remember that if you don't buy FF XV, you're a racist homosexual biggot faggot
>CWC got a waifu pillow
I thought we lost him when he went tranny.
I'm so glad he's one of us again now
No, there are also "Casuals" Who play video games(People who have sex and don't have a lifestyle based around sonic the hedgehog or dota or call of duty)
He did burn his house down
Holy fuck, he's still alive!
We need to encourage him to write a new comic series, something like: Trannichu.
Why did you have to remind me of this sub human?
Chris chan doesn't know how valuable he is for humanity's education.
You can have the shittiest life and you are still better than Chris chan.
Y-Yes. Ever since I was in high school.
I know I did lmao
I'm pretty good at passing as normal, though. If only I could manage to not be so fucking lazy, I could finish my qualifications.
I think he said something about doing just that
Know what "casual" is short for?
a casual gamer is still a gamer. How fucking retarded are you to not understand the word gamer literally means someone who plays video games. It doesnt just mean someone who plays them hardcore all the time, it just means you play video games. THATS IT.
I think you're the retarded one if you want to put yourself in the same category as chris chan and pewdiepie and FaZe_FuckBoy420 by calling yourself a "Gamer"
You're the one making arbitrary rules to separate yourself.
>doing something that this retard did makes you retarded too
Niggers breathe air, so do you. Ergo, you're a nigger.
No he didn't, it was still standing after the fire department left. Therefore he did not burn it down. Though considering how much trash was in it, it's a miracle the fire didn't completely engulf the place.
>$100,000 a year
Christine Weston Chandler.
It's like his whole life is a put-on. It's like he knows exactly what he's doing. He lives the act.
But... he's been this entertainingly retarded since he was a small child.... he's so fucking weird.
we have waaaay too much info on that guy.
>playing darkest hour kaiserreich mod genociding leftists and establishing German world domination
>mfw OP thinks my hobby is degenerate
Enjoy your Jewish controlled mass media you cuck
>implying Chris-chan could be considered the average anything
This man is the single most abnormal human being in existence. His entire life is like one prolonged train wreck, and thanks to the internet we all get to watch it happen.
Chris Chan is the rule, not the exception :-)
It was completely gutted and unliveable. Saying he didn't burn it down is semantics and makes it sound like the fire wasn't as severe as it was.
He's almost as disgusting as Nick Bait.
i only play 1 video game though? and not everyday
Lol fuck you I'm a grown man with a job who pays taxes, I'll do whatever the fuck I want with my free time and money.
which one?
Same, I just play Civ 5.
i look nothing like this idiot. i like playing video games but have lots of other hobbies, like travelling the world, music and concerts. my house is also well designed without pokemon posters but with paintings i made myself. i have a very good job and dress like a normal human being. why are you such a idiot?
battlefield hardcore mode only
Good choice.
Have to agree. You can play games but they have to be of competitive nature like league or csgo.
To not be a "degenerate" is to discern what hobbies are harmful and what hobbies are harmful if taken to extremes. There are studies that support the premise that video games are helpful to the brain's reaction time and over all visual-spatial reasoning.
yeah i like flying the choppers sucks battlefield 1 won't have any
Scout or attack?
They actually had to knock in a few windows simply because the rooms were filled up with lego and other things chris chan and his mother hoarded.
Video games are the one form of media not completely controlled by kikes.
Lets dispel this fiction that Christian Weston Chandler doesn't know what he's doing - he knows exactly what he's doing.
both but i'm better with the little bird
who do you main nigger
>I cant afford food no more plz gib monies
>Neither can my mother plz
>Plz watch me stream this just released game on my internet connection plz I AM STARVING FOR REAL THOUGH IGNORE WHAT THIS COST IS.
yeah it's pretty creepy, but remember chris has a terrible habit of sharing personal info
I play competitive games casually. A few rounds of deathmatch after work and that's good for me. Killing terrorists and talking shit to 12 year olds helps me blow off steam. Hardcore players are almost always autistic fucktards.
>mfw trying to explain this image
His problem is that he is, or at least used to be, extremely gullible.
Most of the early information on him came from him writing about himself on ED to make the trolls there feel some remorse for him.
been in one lately?
they have a bit of everything except for fresh meat and veggies
like mini-walmarts
Chris Chan Thread!
yes. from 2004 until now. before that was shit like somethingawful, other random shit. before that was the AOL chatrooms and messageboards in the late 1990s
i'm ALL kinds of fucked up. Nothing outside of double-inverse metaronic humor will make me laugh now. I can't laugh at tv, movies, stand-up, NOTHING. my brain is BROKEN
I play csgo and unreal tournament sometimes. Haven't played CoD since MW2.
Wait, you don't think pro players are the pinnacle of human race? Look at them arms though
>I play competitive games
>I play console games
directly into the trash
I've done more in one year than you have in five, son.
I miss the old Chris. The comics, the troll rage videos, the striped shirt.
Luckily Sup Forums didn't exist back then so we were mostly fixated on porn and trolling rather than legitimate neo-nazism. Sup Forums has done a number on me just over the past few years. Luckily I'm beginning to take the stuff I see here less seriously.
reeeeeeeeeeee that was never implied you elitist Sup Forums nigger
Saying he didn't burn it down is saying he didn't burn it down. Yea it was unlivable but it wasn't burnt down. Burnt down means it was destroyed, nothing left standing.
He fucking put his own address on youtube.
I play company of heroes 2
Exclusively as the Germans
Just to re-live the time the white man fought back for control against the jews
Is that so wrong?
If you are 30 years old, games have been apart of your entire life
If you are 50 years old, you were a teen when arcades were starting to hit off.
This edgy "if you're over 20" bullshit is autistic as fuck
"Gamer" pretty commonly refers to the gamers who take it seriously and make it part of their identity.
My life is shit at the moment. I'm starting uni next year but right now I live in an area I don't like and I have very few friends, those that I do have live an hour or more away. I don't drink, do drugs, rarely watch porn. I need something I can enjoy beyond lifting and shitposting online. Video games are all I have right now, you call me a degenerate but at least I'm not hurting anyone.
I'm 26 by the way, starting uni as a mature student
>Your Average "Gamer"
Dude. Play men of war: assault squad 2. It's COH on steroids
wait what?
I was in your exact situation. All I did was lift, shitpost on anonymous cartoon porn imagaboards, play vidya, and drive out somewhere to go hike alone for 2 years. I went from 145 to 180lb (keeping a visible 6-pack along the way, effectively clean bulking) and ate immaculately. I started school as a mature student and college at least gives you direction. If you want something to do before school, brush up on all that shit you forgot about. I'm talking basic algebra and trig, all the way up to calc or wherever you left off. If you're not going into a field where you'll need maths then lmao you're a dumbass
>posting this on a Nepalese chin waxing signal-fire
Wew lad you sure showed me the errors of recreation, thanks Mr. Keyboard Paladin
>it's more realistic
>therefore it's better
I've been checking it out but t b h This famalam, if relic could sort there shit out then CoH 2 would be my favorite vidya
>higher variety of units
>literally a test mode where u can charge legions of tiger tanks into capitalist pigs
>run a thousand man bonsai charge into us marines on Pacific islands
>play as british fighting Americans, or Germans, or Russians, or Japanese or any other combination
>invade Berlin for motherland
>capture Juno beach for the Queen m8
>be German and kill a yank
>steal his helmet
I mean it's way more in depth and has countless more customizable features and scenarios and a large modding community but whatever floats your boat
I'm studying nutrition to become a nutritionist. It's not like being a nutritionist in the US where you can just say "I'm a nutritionist" and you're good to go, it's certified here. Nutrition is the only thing I give a shit about. I was a complete mess a few years back, got my shit together somewhat these days, looking forward to being at uni with something to work towards.
Is he a troll, or is he really that mentally ill?
There is an entire fucking wiki dedicated to the "life" of Chris Chan. It's fucking encyclopedic.
If he is a troll then he is the greatest troll in the history of mankind, not exaggerating here.
Also add me you scrubs
Mongman is my moniker
Go check out the CWCki