Checkmate Sup Forums

Checkmate Sup Forums

My mother was in the same situation and instead of having one child, she had my sister and I at the same time. My mother also only had one job and only a highschool diploma, with no support from her mother or father she raised two children without a husband. Having a child is your responsibility you whore

>le epic rage comic
how about you save sex until marriage you fucking raging faggot

Where's the panel where she chooses to sleep with your average Chad degenerate?

>implying most people here are against contraceptives
Either way this comic is retarded, if she couldn't support a child then why have unprotected sex

I don't see the inconsistency? Even if the comic were accurate in implying that BC isn't ubiquitous

Contraception doesn't end human life, therefore it is perfectly okay. Abortion is murder, and welfare is theft. It's as simple as that.

Easy to say when nobody wants to have sex with you anyway.

She's still a dumb slut in the first place

It's almost like you should choose not to have sex unless you want a baby and are ready for it. It's almost like the whole purpose of sex is procreation.

Also, NGO's exist.

Close your legs whore. You belong to your father until your husband takes possession of you.

Shouldn't have had sex then.

Abstinence doesn't work.

Maybe you should not sleep with people you don't trust to commit?
Maybe you should not blame your life mistakes on "le ebul conservatives" and have a sense of responsibility for your life?

Maybe the solution is to not fuck until marriage you vapid whore

seems we got a 13 yr old normie here

>abstinence doesn't prevent you from getting pregnant

It does if you actually stay abstinent. If you have loose morals and no conviction then of course it won't work.

All past experience shows that people are going to have sex anyway.

1) Cheap birth control
2) More welfare spending

Pick one.

>Don't have sex period
Best and most effective birth control their is.

Don't have pre marital sex

>Having sex for purposes beyond procreation
Fucking degenerates

>this rage comic will show my da-
>I-I mean those racist rethuglikkkans!

All past experience, in America and other countries, indicates that people are not going to stay abstinent. You can't change human nature. Birth control was invented for a reason.

Why do you think you are entitled to anything?
No one is stopping you from BUYING birth control, it's just that people don't want to pay for your shit. No one is stopping you from getting an abortion, it's just that people don't want to pay for your shit.
No one is stopping you to find a job to provide for your kid, it's just that people don't want to pay for your shit.

How hard is this to understand?

>rage comic
>via 9gag

Wow...really makes you think...

I am perfectly fine with contraceptives and abortion. Keeps the degenerate population down. In a perfect world, they would be mandatory for people who fail parenting skill tests. With overpopulation, reproduction should be an earned privilege, not a right.

I love how I posted this and come back 2 minutes later and there are a hundred comments, i love you guys

Frenchanon got it

>Birth control was invented for a reason.
Yes. To disintegrate traditional family life by thrusting women into the male sphere. Birth control's primary purpose to to destroy the prime fertile years of women.
>You can't change human nature
Yes, you can. Women should be married off as soon as they hit child bearing age. Boom. Problem solved.

>Not realizing theres an entire religion based on abstinence not working

Birth control is awesome. I can fuck the shit out of my wife and don't have to worry about a little brat on the way.

>inb4 you degenerate scum

>No one is stopping you from BUYING birth control

Wrong. Court rulings in the US have upheld pharmacists' rights to refuse to sell medicine to anyone at their religious discretion. It is exactly people preventing women from buying their pills.

Besides. If Shillary somehow wins (rigs) the election, I don't want my kid living in that worlf, because it will be over.

>No one is stopping you from getting an abortion

Except, you know, when they ban it

Or when they pass laws requiring doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital nearby

Or when they enforce stringent and unnecessary standards requiring abortion clinics to have all the necessary equipment to perform brain surgery, despite abortion being a very simple procedure

Or when they drive the price of abortion up by the combination of all these things, to the point where the average citizen can't afford it unless her insurance covers it, which as you said, people don't want to pay for that.


Eh. Not really. There's a serious movement in the US to actually ban a lot of this stuff, including abortion. Throwing doctors who perform abortions into jail.

That's the #1 complaint.

She shouldn't have had sex then.

>forcing a business to provide a good or a service
I thought this was America?

All I see is a worthless bitch making the wrong decision time and time again.

Maybe she shouldnt have fugged and got herself into this mess.