Name one thing with my country
Name one thing with my country
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why was he talking to the Lorde?
Sheep rape
only negative thing about ur land I've heard is that you guys are fond of fucking sheep
what the fuck are you on about Hepe
Maori filth.
wtf is that id
>le sheep fucking maymay is real
Common core education
His pronoun.
Your meat comes in tubes in the grocery store.
Stupid ass island with like no white people
The only country with an Aussie accent that isn't Australia.
For a place called New Zealand you really lack zeal.
Where is the first Zealand?
I have fucked a sheep in new Zealand. It isn't a meme
dafuq im white
The Uruk-hai
Your English
i ate a hamburger in Amerifat land not a meme
Its inhabitants are Canadian-tier shitposters and have an inferiority complex with Australia.
oh, and path of exile
Path of Exile developers
Didn't you kiwis elect a Jew?
Second best gun laws in the Anglosphere and slightly less subhuman natives than abos. Oddly cucked knife laws that gave a pretty neat knife.
7/10 stop fucking sheep and it'll be 8/10
Best thing about this place is I live here.
Also mountains and shit. Tomorrow gonna go skiing.
t. Meant to be packing for trip away but am on Sup Forums for some reason.
Fuk off sieg heil
im a kiwi in bongistan. where did it all go wrong?
Binge drinking youth degeneracy
What do you guys think of Americans?
Would I fit in if my wife and I decide to move there?
HA jokes on you all i am not even from new zealand you faggots (i live there so no vpn you cucks)
We were named Nieuw Zealand by Dutchman Abel Tasman. The names stuck. I think its breddy cool desu
they got cucked by a ball
Yes, and he is a kike bastard.
Somehow the possibly dyke woman we had before him was better even though her party was the most bleeding heart liberals in our country. It makes no sense.
Always one butt hurt American that got put on blast by the red stars.
Protip; Only the Aussies can best us.
we did
skiing in NZ is absolute shit. Queenstown and Wanaka have the worst snow i've ever skied in my life. Its like the entire year is spring skiing. morning? hard pack. afternoon? slush. NZ has 0 powder days.
Was it maybe Sea-Land? And after the Brits shipped off all of their undesirables to Australia, New Zealand was inhabited by some of them. And because of their proximity to the shit posters of Australia, they are just Shitposting the country's name?
it's closer to south african
Globalist elites buying up redoubts in case they lose the thread.
That's a major opportunity for you to help us.
skiing is not a sport. its fag sledding.
>ever mattering to anyone but poo in loos
You have more sheep than people, it's not an internet meme it's a fact. You are also part Aussie, a people world renowned for drinking and not giving a fuck. Put those two things together and it is a logical conclusion that New Zealanders fuck sheep.
Kids in Africa could've eaten this island
opinion on skiing discarded. only canadians, french, swiss, italians, kiwis, germans and austrains can comment on this god tier sport. just stick to playing football poorly and letting muslims run your country fagboi.
I love your tolerance.
full of hobbits and chinamen
We have more Asians than people it doesn't mean we fuck them while drunk.
Flight of the conchords
Bullshit, I'd wager you do.
Actually Abel Tasman called us Staten Landt (thinking we were part of South America). A little while later the Dutch figured out their mistake and named it Nova Zeelandia, after the Provence of Zeeland in the Netherlands.
burgers can reply too, i guess you guys are good at skiing in colorado and norcal.
im a kiwi trapped in this shithole. i have no choice. rugby is the only true sport you cold asshole
you're all bunch of aussies
the clean
if you're ever at a bar with kiwis mention 'the underarm incident' and see how much it matters
Hmm you would win that wager to be honest.
Fine we fuck a sheep but only when spirits are involved.
Bleeding heart liberals in Auckland and Wellington. Otherwise a combination of American and British cultures.
What the fuck is with Yemen being so blue? I don't trust any of that shit in the middle east being blue in the slightest. Or Africa.
4 million people surrounded by an ocean
Enjoy your genetic diseases
rugby is based, i used to go to Chiefs games when i lived in NZ. it is a good spectator sport, but it isn't skiing. I would rather rip down a mountain on a powder day than have my ears ripped on by some fat maori who looks like a fridge.
based Shire
>surrounded by rampaging kebab
Enjoy your cultural disease
I go drinking to have a good time, why would I bring up sportball?
Zeeland* but i agree.
poo in the loo's
yellow fever
suppressors, green grass, probably goats and boats
i cant disagree with that really. fat maoris are dangerous after all.
92% white, unlike your 69%
You are slowly selling it to foreigners for no good reason, you have been running current account deficits with trade surpluses for ages.
how many points does wales lose by this weekend lads? this is /sp now
Not after Merkel's done with you.
You used to have lots of birds
You guys are still alright in my book.
62% pls go
Your women are massive whores even by American standards, and I love it.
Is your country also progressive like western Europe?
>The Lord of the Rings.
You guys need to produce one more thing with "Lord" in it to complete the Lord Trilogy.
We are the self loathing emo cousin of the bronzed more popular Australia.
But we have this crazy ability to play the guitar and everyone loves to watch us play even though the sheer fact people are watching us makes us physically sick.
We are all secretly miserable but craving validation and acceptance in our increasing realm of obscurity.
We are absolutely not important. This thread shouldn't exist
you cant pronounce any other vowel except I
And also
>Name one thing with my country
Makes absolutely no sense.
Mfw Jesus Christ is a New Zealander.
More so. It's Anglosphere retarded tier, muh rape culture, muh feminism, muh colonialism on top of the muh 6 gorillion
your rugby makes you a 10/10 nation
That neat looking theater in Sydney.
Calm down Himmler
I'm a bong in kiwistan
Why would I want to go? 87% white community and niggers (both sand and african) are beaten down instead of given awards for diversity and I can legally gun down anyone that decides to try something on the street or at home.
Meanwhile you are importing migrants to make the same mistake we did and are tightening control of criticism against the islamic menace.
Wait, that's Australia.
Oh I know, Kangaroos! Those are pretty cool.
Shit, still Australia.
They'll give it a fair crack Gatland always gets the boys up for NZ
Its a grey area. We are still very colonial Britain feeling. The last bastion of the British empire that hasn't been rotted by the plague of the subhuman.
Our only problem is lending to much of a hand to our coconut disabled kids (The Pacific Islands) Other than that our immigration laws are pretty good for all the Chinese and PooinLoos That want to move here.
Anything Arab or African segregate themselves into suburbs and we never really see them unless having to visit said area. We need Indians to run the corner stores and the Chinks to cook our Fish and Chips so they are more of a product than people here.
what about multiculturalism?
from a polish perspective their geographic location seems to me like heaven
would be pretty fucking hilarious if they destroyed their country with muliculturalism despite its remote location
Based Belgium bro likes Rugby?
I lap that shit up. Watched your national team once you got good stock over there.
Flight of the Conchords.
Pretty funny show desu.
A website about being butthurt when someone forgets to include you on the world map:
All Western countries are deeply infected with multiculturalism fampai. Currently, only 69% of the 4.5 million kiwis are white.
>69% white
yeah in 2039 lmao
No my plumber friend. We do NOT promote multi cultural-ism like they do up there the Anglo-Kiwi/Aussie is a vassal of the old British Empire and the world knows the importance of keeping it safe. Thats why we are locked down here only talking to the rest of the world through tubes and telephones.
New Zealand has its rightful place upon the throne at the end of time. We are Britain incognito
No, right now. Look it up, my differently gifted friend.