So are lightsabers toggle or hold?

So are lightsabers toggle or hold?

I always thought they were hold and that they sometimes use force Powers to keep the button pushed down.

but some cunt at work keeps going on about how they are toggle

george lucas didn't think it that far through.

they just werk

They are obviously toggle you fucking retard

Aren't you a little grown up for that shit, m8?

They're all unique.

then why do they turn off when they drop them

What's stopping another person from using the force to shut yours off mid fight then? Do they have to constantly focus on preventing anyone from shutting their light saber off?

Every time someone has dropped one in a movie, it has just hit the button when it hits the floor

Never thought about it, but they seem to function like you need to hold the button down.

Why do they stay on when you throw them?

Honestly it probably has an option for both, lightsabers are pretty customizable

Pretty sure they would have to train you to instinctively turn it off with the force as it goes out of your hand. Yoda wouldn't want lightsabers flying all over the Temple and carving it up thanks to inexperienced Padawans.

Are those digits toggle or hold?


Force grip. Same reason it comes back.

Hold, but with a toggle. Like a gas pump

Still doesnt rule out optional activator settings though

Or perhaps lightsabers automatically turn off when they hit the ground because of sensors or some sci-fi bullshit

IDK if there's any current canon answer to this but in the EU it's a hold, not toggle. They use the force to keep it activated when thrown.

It most likely varies from saber to saber

Double sabers are most likely toggle

Midichlorian switch

is this really a thing that people argue about?

Yes, this is Star Wars

Hold. Whenever Jedi die and drop them, they unignite.

It could just be an automatic setting

It's both, you go to settings then beam and then change from toggle to hold or viceversa.


I assumed toggle but when I so them turn off once removed from hand I wondered if it was hold. then again it could just be a detector that turns it off once its out of hand

>star wars
>sci-fi shit

you mean fantasy shit

I imagine they function like a lighter, two mechanisms that need to be activated sequentially.

>vader is using the force to hold the button down when he throws his lightsaber

wow this is dumb

They are clearly hold, which is why Luke's turns off when he loses his hand

If they are hold, why are Grevious' lightsabers on without his fingers on the activation switches?

>the force

He doesn't have it.


>immature fucks drawing dicks and tits on the ceiling

still doesnt explain

like oh yeah just got my head chopped off and dropped my lightsaber but oh shit gotta remember to force turn it off

I think it depends on the lightsaber, but I'm pretty sure most have dead man switches. Pretty much EVERY time someone loses a lightsaber, the blade shuts off.

There is, of course, the ability to toss a lit lightsaber to cut things far away, but I expect this is done with the Force just as its throw-and-retrieval is done with the Force.

Though... actually, now that I think of it, some may even have both, like Anakin's. It shuts off here when Luke loses his hand, but I think he also presses to turn it off when training with the remote in ANH.

I'd say toggle, but you could argue Vader used the force to hold the blade out when he threw his at luke and Qui-Gon lost his blade when he let go at death. Guess it varies from Jedi/Sith?

>tfw you will never own a lightsaber

or Lucas is a hack and

Toggle. Having a finger on a button the entire time while twirling the fucking thing around would be ridiculous. What it most likely has is a built in failsafe that turns the thing off if it hits the ground a certain way, like hilt first, or if it's not touched by anything for a certain amount of time.

>or if it's not touched by anything for a certain amount of time.
That may be very likely. All that rubber, there may very well be pressure sensors in them.

I mean, they figured out holo-tech.

It's toggle. Luke was nice enough to toggle his sabre off just as Vader severed his hand.

What a guy.

I feel your pain fellow Star Wars nerd lol xD

I figured it out:
>push the button in part way and it acts like a hold switch
>most jedi are skilled enough to fight like this and it is safer
>push the button fully and it's a toggle
>useful for throwing, if you're a robot like greivous

It's a dial.

It comes back because of simple physics, airflow over the ridges creates gyroscopic precession which is why they always make the same loop from right to left and back.

How did he get Anakin's and Obi's lightsaber?

fpbp+nice digits

The metal parts of the lightsaber aren't unique to any one Jedi. It's all about the crystal inside attuning to the Jedi that builds the saber.

And yet they all have different lightsabers.

At any given time in the PT there are 10,000 Jedi alive and active. Some even have more than one lightsaber, and at most, we saw no more than 100 of them. We can't say with any certainty that there aren't any Jedi with no duplicate saber parts unless we see every single lightsaber ever made.

Actually its "press to fire" and it shoots out a short projectile of energy. They just press it so fast- you see just a single energy blade. Imagine clicking a pen with a speed of light.