Where did it all go wrong lads
British feels
Other urls found in this thread:
When you fucked with America
when we won
Mass immigration of niggers and pakis.
loss of colonies?
/ thread Britain is joke
When you overthrew us in a taliban style insurgency?
Perfidious Britannia
Who knows m8
I'm a depressed hermit. modern society makes me feel sick. I'm just hanging on for the EU referendum and the happenings afterwards at the moment.
The great Benjamin huntsman died and with him a great legacy in steel making in the north,
Fuck off eh, you're supposed to stick up for us eh.
...pssst Americans where all British
The Eternal Anglo is just reaping what he sowed.
t. Bangladeshi Muslim with a English gf
same here, i'll decide what to do with my life after 23rd.
If we vote remain, i'm one a one way ticket to Canada, USA, NZ or Aus.
I'm the fucking immigrant now, deal with me.
When we battled and killed our European friend who deserved friendship and got none.
WWII, you should have been friends with Hitler, but couldn't because of your Jew masters
When this glorious man wasn't elected.
If your going to go to the us, Michigan is a pretty cool state, just dont go to detroit, saginaw, or flint
you should look up Britannia first on youtube.
A few of them went through Luton (pakiland) with a St geroge cross and almost got beheaded.
You aren't welcome
I doubt that it's going to happen but if we actually vote to leave the fallout is going to be fucking hilarious
>Trump elected
>kicks out Mexicans
>all remaining Britons move to the US and establish New Britannia
Feels good man
Its getting out of control in Europe now, I dont think you understand how things have changed, we are spiralling here.
I should stay and fight, but who to unite behind?
Brexit gives a mandate for change, I love Europe, I Want to save it, save it again, from the EU.
Stop this divide shit.
My ancestors, well some of them as I'm half French, taxed some tea and you cunts went mental.
leave your muslims there and you guys can come
*sobs* why Canada?
except not at all. We won it by set-piece battles. fair and square.
Please come here and make the states whiter....and smarter
The Americans were wise to the nature of perfidious Albion.
>muh tea
The rabbit hole goes much deeper than that.
come to oregon, as long as you arent complete fags youll fit in with the rurals
even if you are complete fags youll fit right in at portland
Only if you are white.
>Picking the wrong side in both world wars
>abolishing slavery
Happily take any britbros we could always use based white men in this country. But you britbros are going to vote leave on brexit. Got faith in you reginald
I am scared of English people after living with two of them for 2 years when I couldnt go back, they were both completely insane and demanded I paid for everything.
Everyone in England just ignored their nutty behavior and just let it be instead of telling her to get help.
I have an irrational phobia for English people now, you all also make some shit ass tea.
When you converted to heresy at the orders of a corrupt king and a cowardly, unprincipled monk, joining the aggressors in a centuries-long fratricidal conflict and destroying the bonds that held Europe together.
I'm white, I burn in the winter, I have blue eyes, I can trace muh heritage back to the Plantagenets, ive alwalls been a gud boy, payed my tax, opened doors for people, be polite, dont make a fuss, stiff upper lip, off we go chaps. pleasees and thank you, politeness costs nothing.
I'm real serious here too, there is noway I could ever afford a home here, there is no future in the UK unless you're one of the sneering Islington liberal elite.
Get outta here you Catholic cuck
Umm examples?
I live 40 miles from you btw
We should never have accepted America's demands that we reduce the size of our navy after WW1.
Then the yanks have the cheek to complain about how they "dont want to be the worlds policeman" when it was at their insistence that the previous holder of that title (i.e. Bongland) relinquish it.
where do you live in england
based on that fact i will determine whether you are welcome in america or not
We just wanted representation, but you cunts couldn't stop being cunts, thus now you're just cucks instead.
I am a millionaire business owner and even I am making plans to leave now. If we do not Brexit we are done for, and probably deserve all we get.
They would control my every move, check my phone and computer, call my parents to know where I was.
She couldnt be alone for even a minute, so she would constantly follow me around, if you had to leave her alone she would scream at you and punch you in the face and then she would start crying until you finally submitted.
He just did ketamine all the fucking time and then tell me how desperately he wanted to fuck me or just try to french me without my consent.
They were both hardcore socialist/feminists and the loudest people I've ever met, starting fights with absolutely everyone around them on the streets and at the supermarkets, eventually I just kept to myself in the house but I never could escape the insanity.
Now I cant hear the Brittish accent without feeling afraid and ill to my stomach, I wanted to visit England a year ago but I cant.
>He just did ketamine all the fucking time
I hear people there really do a lot of k and mdma
Suez tbqh
you're welcome
The Eternal Anglo vastly overestimated his chances in the Great War.
You decided to kill yourself and all of Europe in one fantastic funeral pyre. Now you are slaves to your corpulent colonial cousins, who use your isles as the designated dumping ground for displaced brown people fleeing Burgerstan's bombs.
holy shit this is the singular most entertaining tale of dear britannia ive ever seen