A guy comes in to your business with this tattoo and wants a job. He's extremely qualified. Would you hire him?

A guy comes in to your business with this tattoo and wants a job. He's extremely qualified. Would you hire him?

>extremely qualified
>burny tattoo

this doesnt make sense

Since in this scenario I'm likely running a starbucks I would. My business feeds off the souls of failed losers.

>looking for a job

not unless i'm hiring for a position with >50% turnover rate anyway

>hiring a white male

>Bernout looking for a job

I don't run a Starbucks

>over qualified
no one hires staff that can replace them mate

No. His quads are doughy as fuck. Therefore he's not qualified to do my work.

If he was wearing the proper clothes for an interview I wouldn't see the tattoo in the first place

Tell him I'm going to redistribute his paycheck to the lower income people working for me.


We're all Socialists now.

I would hire him, make indirect remarks about Bernie Sanders (The dress code prohibits shorts, so I can act as if I knew nothing about the tattoo), basically making him feel stupid. And since he is a impulsive brat he hill not last a month.


No, I would not.

Tell him that due to diversity quotas i can not hire a white male at this point in time.

fpbp came here to post this

Come on. Why even do this to yourself?

this literally makes me sick to my stomach...he got rid of his fucking ears?! What in the fucking hell, why his god damn ear? Jesus fuck.

If its a non customer contact position sure. I think its important that any business I'm running projects a certain image to the public, but if hes in an office or warehouse or some shit I don't mind a tattoo.

>Why even do this to yourself?
Demonic possession.

this x1000

>How do you want your head senpai
>ayyy gimme that van gogh

>ear cut off and is stitched closed

Kill it fire

>this tattoo
>wants a job.


Indeed, this is a 100% impossible scenario. However, for the sake of argument, I would say

>oh you're a socialist? why don't you ask the state to employ you?


jesus mother of mentally ill skeletons

What's th... Eh?

I do not see anything wrong with that

>wants a job
>Bernie supporter
sho thang suger

Questio to you bernie supporters out there, what happens to your donations?

I've got the feeling that the guy just got an idea when he was high that he should going to run for presidency and give all promises of free shit to people and just run away with donations

literally the first thing that popped into my head


only if you convert him later. if not, then no.

Yes but I'd distribute his salary equally among all his co-workers and myself.

>okay so I want to fuck up my sight, my hearing and my sense of smell, what can you do for me?


But yes, if he's qualified, he'd get the job, assuming he was the best qualified candidate who applied.

Someones gotta scrub the toilets

>leg tattoo easily concealed by pants

Sure if he's got the qualifications.

>comes in for job
>Bernie tat

pick one

>hiring anyone with a tattoo
fuck my professionalism up

