>Doesn't want to help defend other countries
>"Cmon guise let's build up our military!"
I am legitimately confused over this
>Doesn't want to help defend other countries
>"Cmon guise let's build up our military!"
I am legitimately confused over this
Other urls found in this thread:
>premium equipment and training
>primary purpose is to defend America
Why is this hard to understand?
From whom?
from anyone willing to try to attack America
I didn't know that America was elected the police of the world.
Oh yeah maybe it's because other countries are responsible for their own security.
Increase quality, decrease quantity
Because solidarity.
America should be able to protect itself without having to protect anybody else. (Except maybe what's left of our European brethren)
I have a car, it doesn't mean I want to drive everyone around.
I have a house, it doesn't mean I want dirty hobos coming in for sleepovers.
We have a military. It doesn't mean we need to protect everyone else. If we intervene then people say we're trying to police the world. if we don't intervene then people complain we didn't police the world. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Those other countries can take care of their own shit.
We'll sell the arms to the rest of the world, bro. It's a good plan, we'll invest, and produce and then make a killing!
we need to reuild our military, and we need to leave you cucks alone to pay for your own defense
I'm legitemately confused by what you're confused about. Our military is for keeping our country secure. You can make it better without using it to protect countries that aren't the US.
You want protection? No more free rides. That's the point.
but you guys are head of the new world order
He never said he doesn't want to protect other countires. He just thinks we should get something in return since we basically do it for free.
Most of us can honestly care less about the rest of the world. Defend yourselves. We shouldnt have to risk our lives because your incompetence.
Gotta keep those Mexicans and Canadians in line.
he's telling Europe and middle eastern countries to build up their own armies because were done fighting for them, and were done giving them free weapons
Basically Build up our military to defend the US's own interests whatever they may be. He's tired of other country's taking advantage of US protection without having to pay their fair share.
>>Doesn't want to help defend other countries
Everyone wants us to leave their country. Well....'Bye.
>>"Cmon guise let's build up our military!"
Need to rebuild and reconfigure to a defensive force.
I want to buy a gun to defend my house and family and don't want to buy YOU or anyone else a gun or go to defend their house
such a mystery?
>premium equipment and training
Are we talking about the US military again?
filthy potato niggers
What the fuck are you on about?
No more free rides faggot.
They're all muslims now. We need to invest in more military so we can bomb them when they inevitably need to have the shit freed out of them.
Okay but you already have the strongest military in the world? If you go isolationist you save money, so why are you going to waste tax dollars on defending your own borders from absolutely no one.
China trying to fuck with Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam etc
Russia trying to remake Soviet powerhouse
ISIS pretending to be an actual threat
"War is an act of violence which in its application knows NO bounds." "Let us not hear of generals who conquer without bloodshed; if a bloody slaughter be a horrible sight, then that is a ground for paying more respect to war, but not for making the sword we wear blunt and blunter by degrees from feelings of humanity, till some one steps in with a sword that is sharp, and lops off the arm from our body." -Clauswitz.
>Why waste tax dollars on the military
Three reasons
1) muh guns
2) muh veterans
3) muh freedom
We iluminums n sheit
because China is big dicking around in the South China Sea and looking to start shit
We can either do two things
Be pussies, give them confidence and they will try and retake Taiwan and lock the US out of the Asian trade game
Rebuild the military (navy especially) to let the Chinks know we will fuck them up. Chinks back down and we have business as usual in Asia with legitimate free trade
You fucking Aussies and NZ faggots should understand or at least be concerned with a rising China because if Trump doesn't get elected you will be sucking Chinese dick for the next 100 years
Thank you
Always room for improvement but logistics have won wars since the nation state emerged.
R&D is a completely different branch from the money and supply aide we give to europoors. He's not advocating a complete cessation of relations, just that other nations' defense shall no longer be subsidized by the US taxpayer
He wants to protect other countries, he just expects fair compensation on our part.
It's called having a defensive, rather than an invader army. A novel concept for a potato nigger I guess
We're already sucking Chinese dick senpai.
>having a military means you're obligated to protect others
I'll have no opinions coming from some lowly potato swine.
>Wasting TRILLIONS of dollars on a military you don't even use.
baka desu senpai
We should let them collapse. Honestly I don't think that Europe would have become so politically degenrate and opened up the doors to muslims in the firste p[lace had they had to be worried about security, and actually elect ballsy leaders.
>Rebuild the military (navy especially)
What is there to rebuild? Was the military broken over night? Nigga there developing fucking laser weaponry they don't need more funds dumped their way
>you don't even use
Australians are better shitposters.
...neither of these will attack the USA or any NATO country, ever
just cut funding from the CIA, problem solved
Hey guys. You know potatoes have only been in Ireland since the 1700s, right? Traditionally, potatoes are not even an Irish food.
>don't even use
CIA is useful for gathering intel though
Lad can you please tell me the last time Canada was invaded?
Trump doesn't hold any position for more than a day because he's insane.
simply possessing a formidable military is as effective as using it
There's no reason we should be spending tax dollars to help protect the world's strongest economic nations. South Korea and Germany would be defenseless without the US? Gimma a fucking break. They just got used to our welfare.
It's being invaded by Muslims, hence why I want a well funded American army.
You know like a million potato niggers died because their precious potatoes got infected with shit, right?
Well your army isn't allowed to go to war with it's own quintessentially British citizens.
But of course a well-funded American army is good for everyone except for the Americans.
Isolationism works best when people realize that fucking with your country is not worth the trouble of being fucking demolished in the process. It's the Stalingrad strategy.
>But of course a well-funded American army is good for everyone except for the Americans.
>UGH why waste TRILLIONS of dollars like, UGH
What the fuck do you want? Make your mind up already.
What makes you nervous, a normal dog or a rabid dog?
The rabid dog of course. Why? Because you can't predict what it'll do. Trump wants to be unpredictable so that everyone is more cautious around him
I'm argument for not wasting money on the military is what I'd want if I were American. As a New Zealander, however, I want them to continue being good goyim and protect us until their country collapses.
Are you fucking idiot ? Op said Trump doesn t want to defend other countries ..
And Russia will never attack the US
>I want a strong US military that would probably never defend my nation
>As a US citizen however I'd want a smaller military that would directly defend me against external and internal threats
as opposed to spending even more trillions of dollars fighting attrition wars with savages living in caves
It's actually cheaper the other way.
>if Trump doesn't get elected you will be sucking Chinese dick for the next 100 years
We already are
They've already bought up vast tracts of Australian farmland and pretty much have the rights to Darwin bay
Now they're moving into the suburbs, turning them one by one into CCP colonies
A strong US military deters the Chinese.
Besides New Zealand is never going to be invaded.
Looks like Auckland.
>tfw your country can't really do anything against the Chinese
but I personally don't want the US to intervene in South China Sea until they have their shit sorted out.
everyone benefits from America being strong, and America right now is splintered and needs to rebuild.
Why should we care about our "allies"?
Muh power projection.
>Trump doesn t want to defend other countries .. without getting PAID to do it
Preparedness now is better than catastrophe later.
thats fucked up dude I'm sorry
white worldwide revolution needs to start soon or we are all fucked
Chinese are mankind's worst enemy because they have no souls
>wearing a seatbelt for an accident that will never happen
South China Sea is currently the biggest threat facing America right now
Trump can befriend Russia, drop NATO, let him create his pet cuckpuppet states in irrelevant eastern european shitholes in return for cooperation against the chinese should anything happen
US massively rebuilds and expands its navy to meet this threat and deter china
Focus on cyber security and the possibility that in a massive war our satellites will probably be fucked…so we need a cheap reliable backup plan
also we need to get serious about a nuclear missiles, increase and make them harder to track and destroy in the first round
in addition, frontline bases in the first island chain need to be dramatically strengthened
The Chinks are fucking autists and they don't understand shit unless you put a gun to their stupid chinese brains
There is literally no other problem in the world right now aside from Islam and we could wipe them out easily and we will with Trump. All you have to do is shut the borders, deport them and bomb them to shit
Maybe we protect other countries to keep them military weak and dependent upon us?
Looks like San Francisco, maybe Hongcouver.
>Gawd! Why is America in other people's business?!
>America, please help! Why aren't you doing anything?! You have a responsibility!
The rest of the world in a nutshell.
The military is what gives the US its power. Do you think the US dollar would be worth anything internationally if the army were weak? There are so many new dollars printed now that the currency would have been completely devalued by now, if not for the military to enforce it.
But Trump is actively trying to get us to back out of the Asian trade game as it is. He wants us to withdraw protection from Korea and Japan. He wants to cancel trade deals with various Asian markets. He's proposed trade wars agains Japan and China. He basically wants to strongarm our allies into better financing us when things are essentially fine as they are.
>things are essentially fine as they are
Get off the proxy.
>...neither of these will attack the USA or any NATO country, ever
...beeeecause of military might. I know military power seems like a foreign concept to some of us, since our military power is literally foreign.
>speak softly
>carry big stick
he is teddy reborn, without that speaking softly nonsense
Mexico trying to reclaim California