>tripled lifespan
>not dying of primitive illness/hygeine
>Literacy for first time in history
>Blacks would still be wild, stupid animals if their ancestors hadn't been slaves.
Makes you think huh?
Was slavery a blessing to blacks?
Other urls found in this thread:
Did that white man impregnate a gorilla?
She's cute
ITT homo whites thinking they're superior kek
Nothing is a blessing to blacks because they squander everything they are given.
How else would the savages have found Jesus?
That's not her real hair.
>implying they aren't still wild, stupid animals
at least back then we controlled them. nowadays they regularly burn cities down.
My girlfriedn is black, and her natural hair looks like that after a lot of straightening and chemicals.
Lel die cuck
Yes. Proof? Show me one black person who wishes he'd been born in the African jungle instead of NYC.
In the big picture, slavery was the best thing to happen to them
(then again happiness is relative and most africans are pretty happy while most westerners aren't happy)
does every WEWUZ KANGZ count?
>implying that you won't get the answer you're looking for from a bunch of pol racist.
You really put your neck out there asking the tough questions of Sup Forums. So brave.
Not only that, the IQ of African Americans is significantly higher than Pure Africans.
A result of white DNA improving their IQ average.
>implying you can ask these questions anywhere else on the internet without a permaban
lmfao are you 12 faggot?
That video is hot. Fuck the haters. Her waterboarding video is strangely arousing as well.
Dude please tell me you have sauce on this shit, ive been looking forever for it
That's actually an interesting topic. It's the same arguments jewish (or any) supremacists use as justification for using the goyim as livestock.
use the little arrow menu on the post to search
>skin diamond slave videos
Yes everything OP said.
It took us 12000 years to climb out of the stone age. It took Africans less then 500 years when Europeans and Arabs found them.
Skin Diamond Unchained Fucks Her Master
>when Arabs found them.
>Makes you think huh?
And most important those saucy slavegirls closed 1/3 of the black-white achievement gap by keeping massah's bed warm. Keep that in mind whenever you see people bitching about women - the instinct to submit to her owner, please him, and hold his baby closed more of the black-white IQ gap in 50 years than men in government and academia were able to close in the subsequent 150 years.
double dubs of truth, damn
>Sup Forumsacks not realizing white man black woman is quite literally just as bad as black man white female
Not really. The man's biological imperative is to spread his seed everywhere while a woman's biological imperative is to choose the best man to mate with. So a woman who chooses to mate with a male of a lesser tribe is an idiot and in the natural world, likely a genetic dead end.
You really think it's a good idea to bring more mulattos into this world?
what does opp mean in that context?
What white man? I see a gorilla and a transwoman who appear to be a couple, with a couple of mexicans in the background.
Well, they're better than just straight up niggers.
>white people
>cant bring up slavery around them unless its to jerk them off and ease the tatter that is their conscience
Yes that's the whole fucking point as to why they are bad, they are our competitors, and suck up the Earth's resources.
Would you rather have 10 whites as neighbours or 10 whites and 2 mulattos?
ebonics might be pretty bad, but I'm sure its way more advanced than that african shit where they tick and crap..
Tell me about it Shlomo. We enslaved a few millions Eurofags mostly for their robust build and their cutie pie females ancient-origins.net
And look at them now, they have developed their own architecture, science, they have Iphones, and gender neutral pronouns.
Slavery was indeed a blessing
I think I would rather competitors than a horde of subhumans ripping our society apart from the inside and being treated like an endangered species. It's the last "reasonable" option we have left before we hit 'deport them all to Africa' and 'genocide' tier.
You clearly aren't very bright. Best case scenario would be ending up with another Central/South America situation, where most are majority European genetically but still act like dumbfuck apes throwing shit everywhere.
>subhumans ripping our society apart from the inside and being treated like an endangered species
You mean like the Jews, one of the most racemixed group out there?
Whites should never bear non-Whites into this world, no exception.
Nigger, you didn't learn to construct coherent sentences in high school. Your chimp ass needs to go back.
>master treating his mulatto housenigger like total trash
Broke my suspension of disbelief, should have showed him beating some darkskin hardcore first to show his true hatred of niggers.
>(then again happiness is relative and most africans are pretty happy while most westerners aren't happy)
Ignorance is bliss as the saying goes.
I don't know any conservatives who are actually racist... most of the racists I know are liberals who put on a show when in public but behind closed doors in the privacy are the most racist xenophobic narrow minded idiots to exist on this planet.
yes. They owe us reparations for bringing their asses over here and giving them all these benefits (plus fucking degenerate white women) for infinity future generations.
I'm assuming opponent/rival/enemy given the context of them forcing him to suck dick at gunpoint.
being a wild animal would be kinda cool though, you wouldnt bare the burden of overcomplicated lifestyles with expectations left and right.
imagine just sleeping, hunting, eating, and fucking all day. no worries about like corrupt governments or having to get a shitty job for the rest of your life.
also dying at a young age cause of natural causes > growing old to the point your body fails you and youre shitting yourself getting out of bed in the morning
>be a nigger
>do nigger shit like this
>be a woman
>still have to put yourself in every fucking photo you take
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger NiggerNigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger NiggerNigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger NiggerNigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
Not to burst your bubble - I'm not a fan of Africans as a whole either - but the X/A ratio is the ratio of the X chromosome to the total. Normally, it should be 0.75 because the average is X/X and X/Y. Less means more men produced by the tribe, more means more women. This means that Africans, on average, produce more women.
Which is why Black men committing 50% of all violent crime is even worse, because, applying this ratio to American Blacks, means that it's about 4.5 - 5% of our population committing HALF of all violent crime.