Is this Carpenterkino?
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I actually genuinely love it and would probably rank it around #6 for his filmography overall
Everything Carpenter does is kino
>ice cube
>jason statham
>all directed by carpenter
Truly this the pinnacle of human achievement and the definition of kino.
last carpenterkino was mouth of madness
last watchable carpenter movie was vampires, and even that was 90% down to james woods
ghosts of mars is shit
Nope, Carpenter never made a single good movie in his entire career (except for Halloween).
im still eagerly awaiting the sequel
kinda this
Probably the worst thing he ever did actually. It ruined his career.
Alright so, is this one of those movies that Sup Forums ironically says is good then turns out to be shit? I'm looking for a movie to watch and don't want to get baited.
Yes. It's fucking terrible. Even Vampires is better.
Its terrible on a technical level but its entertaining and fun as fuck.
Natasha Henstridge was ~literally~ perfect also why was the soundtrack so terrible
It's a work of art.
it has the hottest b movie actress of all time who is also in species so that's pretty high up there in my book
Kill yourself immediately. The Thing, Escape from New York, They Live, Assault on Precinct 13, Christine, Big Trouble in Little China, The Fog, Starman, Prince of Darkness and In the Mouth of Madness are all great films. If he had ended his film career with In the Mouth of Madness he would have a nearly perfect filmography.
If you want Carpenterkino watch everything he directed from 1974 to 1988 and In the Mouth of Madness. I would only recommend Ghosts of Mars if you're a die hard Carpenter fan who enjoys retarded schlock.
Worst post in this thread.
>Carpenter never made a single good movie in his entire career
Carpenter's made a bunch of amazing movies.
>(except for Halloween).
The Thing > Halloween
>kinda this
What? You agree with that retard?
Who are the bad guys supposed to be in this situation?
I wouldn't even call Halloween one of his best. You have no taste
It was originally Escape From Mars starring Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken, but it got vetoed because people didn't want to see Snake again or some shit so we basically got black Snake.
Never before or since has a low-rent Resident Evil clone for the Dreamcast been so accurately captured on film.
The studio vetoed Escape from Mars because Escape from L.A. flopped hard.
Top kek
>Wearing a flimsy pair of glasses lets you breathe oxygen on Mars
What were they thinking with this? Why? Why do it at all? Why not just say they put oxygen on Mars?
I would say the biggest fuck up is our main character learns that drugs expel the alien ghosts from people but she never tells anyone or does anything with this knowledge.