Your state will never be as beautiful as Iowa

>your state will never be as beautiful as Iowa

Other urls found in this thread:

A literal who state

Flyover state


Nice, I like rural environments myself.

>addressing something other than what I addressed
Damage control?

Used to go to Iowa a lot, have family there.

It's boring as fuck.

Michigan, Indiana, Rural Illinois, and Iowa are all pretty top tier.

There's a charm to it, though.

This nigga gets it. The Midwest is the last bastion of the white man.

>Your flat country will never be as beautiful as mine

I thought you were a state? /s

I dunno

Atlanta is still a shithole.

Bantz-senpai throwing it down

We are not that nigger infested state, stop bullying us.


the west shits scenery better than that

>Iowa will never be as beautiful as Utah

t. Your neighbor to the north

Cali is quite pretty

I'm just filling in until Russia gets back from the liquor store.

That pic could have been taken anywhere

you geniuses screwed the pooch in the Iowa caucuses, Sup Forums will never forgive you Iowans for that.

It's spelled "Shitty" not "pretty"

You misspelled Michigan


Not all of it is a shithole

Nothing like a good field

i prefer places where you aren't required to stand on a ladder in order to get a view of the landscape


Banter-sama teach me your ways. I see you Banter-sama everywhere I know it's you.

Wow, looks real fucking great

Truly the last stronghold of the white man. I love it here so much, it breaks my heart to know that there are fellow Sup Forumsacks who have to deal with niggers and muzzies on a daily basis. Life must be hell for them.


Think of something unflattering or hurtful based on someone's flag, picture, recent news, or text.

For example, I could ask you why you're changing the lyrics in "O Canada" to ”In all my wife's son command.”, or if this recent ruling is why there's a peanut butter shortage in Canada.

There's a stretch of on the train line I regularly take that's just gorgeous, no matter what the season.

>tfw our nigger population is less than 3%

All ya'll faggots seem to be misspelling East Tennessee

Fuck your state, your country is infested with alligators and mosquito while your cities are infested with Cubans and meth heads.

>when people are denying OP's truth

Mid-West USA is the honest to God' American way

At least it gives us Florida Man
>Florida Man Arrested for Drunk Dialing 911 When He Wanted Vodka
>The drunk man made the call because his girlfriend would not buy him vodka

looks so comfy. I'd love to walk out on my cabin patio with a nice cup of tea and breathe in that air every morning.


It is comfy. Here is one I took on a bike ride last summer for your comfy viewing.

Based japan, we have the same environment.

Sadly, summer and it's oppressive heat/humidity are coming soon.

Oh, trust me. I know. 90 degrees tomorrow with 80% humidity. I have a picnic to go to...yay...

>mfw I have an inground pool


Montana master race

Yep, supposed to be a hot summer this year here too.

We have inground pools too.

are you a native nip or a foreigner living in Japan?

Pretty comfy. Question, no offense meant; your guys rice pools, are they mosquito breeding grounds?

Foreigner working an office job.

Keyword is WE
I have one all to myself.

I live in Iowa, It's pretty nice, not too much traffic, but not a desolate wasteland. Not a lot of SJW cucks and retards like in Commiefornia. Not a very liberal state. Pretty good state.


Unless it's organic rice, they usually spray them to keep the bugs down.

The water gets changed too, so it's not totally stagnant.

Hanging out with the community > floating in a chlorine chemical bath alone.

Planesfags pls go. This here is mountain territory. NY state, baby.


>Hanging with the community
Gay bathhouse much?




We gave 99 delegates to the God Emperor. Your state is for faggots. Fuck Iowa and their traitorous Cruz/Rubio votes.

Shutup faggot, I live in Appalachia and it's 1000x more interesting than your flat cornfield state will ever be.



the owner of that place is not worried about earthquakes?

Illinois is better, and so is our corn.

This is Iizaka, northern Fukushima after the 3/11 quake, so I guess not.

Fuck off you shit cunt. South Dakota kicks your shit in.

The future of our people lies outside the cities. Let them rot away and self-destruct and enjoy paradise while you wait.

>You misspelled Michigan

>state with Detroit and Flint in it


Sorry, 49 other states, but you're over.

I want to move to the black hills real bad

Zim Zam pls go.


The beauty is every other town that doesn't have a population of 30k or more is 97%-99% white. I checked most of them out when trying to figure out where to live other than my home town of Coldwater. And we are a mutant Red state that somehow always votes Blue because nigs and mudslimes ruin every election

East Tennessee, rooftop view.


If you ain't connect to the sea your province/state is nothing but pee.

This is the most beautiful spot on the entire planet and it's all mine.

The funnest thing to do in Iowa is to pack up and get the fuck out

This looks like where some gnome fuckers would live

>A generic ass state. Literally every flyover ever.

Northern Arizona has the best scenery. I hear Utah is awesome too, but I haven't been there.

It's actually a quick snap I took of your mum's snatch.

Quite amazed no one has being a weeaboo and posted Iowa from KanKolle.

Thanks Kyoto.
Was beautiful, but the people were borderline retarded.

there are beautiful places all over america

but for real tho, humidity is shit and thats why the western united states will always be superior

Seriously, if Detrigger niggers wasn't in Michigan I would love to live there.

Looks like shit mate

Come to California

That's eastern Michigan man, western side of the state is a gem, I just moved from nj too Grand Rapids a few weeks ago and I love it out here

Think i'm on the other side of the appalachian's from you, North GA here, right at the mountain base.

>Come to California

Top kekarino

Considering where I live has been voted into the top 5 most beautiful islands on the entire planet I'm going to have to pass on that one :)

Give me New Jersey or give me death.

Hello Theon, how are the Iron Islands these days?

>all these people thinking they look better than Wyoming

>gnome fuckers
How would you know what the fairie kingdoms look like?

>not waking up in the shire every morning
Why even live?


God tier for all mountain folk.

NY mountainfag here.