So Maggie is thoroughly ruined for no reason. Why do they do this?
Has short hair ever worked for a female character?
So Maggie is thoroughly ruined for no reason. Why do they do this?
Hair that short works for very few women, Maggie is not one of them.
Oh so now she actually looks like she always has in the comic?
Actually her hair in the comic is still shorter than that.
Short hair is superior regardless of the woman.
Easy to manage, its not intrusive, and it looks very elegant and pretty.
Just my opinion; no idea why so many dudes dislike it.
she should do panty scene to make up
Certain short hair cuts work. Not that one though.
I'm glad whenever an actress cuts her hair, it reveals all the hidden betas who care too much about hairstyle.
Her ass is still plump, her face is still cute. Nothing else matters.
At least it's revealed to everyone that she's really not pretty at all. People are finally off that delusion train.
honestly should've gone full shaved head
[spoilers]keep that hair short clementine T_T[/spoilers]
>I'm glad whenever an actress cuts her hair, it reveals all the hidden betas who care too much about hairstyle.
>Her ass is still plump, her face is still cute. Nothing else matters.
But she's a strong Womyn who can do anything a man could do. Why must you sexualize her, user?
Nice meme response.
But it's not an argument.
>Nice meme
>not an argument
I'm hoping they don't over do it
She would be prettier with long hair. That can be said about every single woman with short hair with zero exceptions.
>what is subjectivity
she's about as pretty as you can get one way or the other
she will never get raped in the ass for looking like a man will she
Prove she wouldn't be better with long hair.
she doesn't look like a man you fags
Attraction isn't as subjective as you think. men evolved to be attracted to certain feminine traits, and a full head of long flowing hair is one of them.
He didn't ask if it was better or worse, he said whether it worked at all, which it does for some.
I've known that all along, since I have eyes.
>freestyle """"Evolutionary psychology""""
Back to le-reddit!
You're right. She looks like a sissy. And what do sissies do? They get fucked in their sissy little boipuccis.
Never. And never in real life either. Short hair on women is a disaster.
She looks like a hot woman like she always has
If short hair stops you from liking a girl, you're literally a bitch boy
Sexual selection isn't some crackpot theory you dumb fuck.
not really. she looks like a mother of 2 kids just like every other girl who cuts their hair short
sexual selection has nothing to do with haircuts you dumb fuck.
prove it
>if you don't like women who purposely make themselves ugly you're a bitch boy
cumslut with short hair detected
There is literally no picture in existence where she doesn't look gorgeous.
Am I the only one who senses a lot of suspense between these two? When Rick asked if he could see his wife and Negan said "No :)" and then Rick begged harder I got really giddy.
Sexual selection is why men find long hair more attractive than short hair. Why are you so stupid that I have to spell this out for you?
and why is that?
Yeah why? What is the science there? Is it because young fertile women have more healthy looking hair?
If you aren't hot without your hair, you weren't hot at all.
>not realizing what is considered attractive is a blend of evolution, societal standards, and personal preference
Because long healthy hair is an indicator of overall good health. Mating with a healthy woman greatly increases the survival odds of your offspring. Mating with some balding woman who looks like a cancer patient doesn't do too good for those odds.
healthy hair =/= long hair
No it isn't. Wide hips, big tits, and thick thighs are still the important things. Hair has no non-subjective aesthetic relevance.
Stop trying to justify your autism.
that's cheating
actually women have long hair (and most other parts of their fashion culture) to show that they can maintain such a look from not having to do manual labor themselves because they are high quality enough to get men to do it for them, so short hair instinctively signifies to most men that she's low status and masculine
of course most people dont think about this consciously but thats the sociological reason why things like long nails and high heels are feminine in human culture (sorry RDJ)
She looks like a beautiful woman. Who are you trying to fool?
Scissors/hair cutting tools haven't existed for the majority of our evolutionary history, user.
I didn't say those things weren't also important you illiterate fuck.
>Hair has no non-subjective aesthetic relevance.
You're demonstrably wrong.
>men find long hair more attractive than short hair
Speak for yourself, buddy.
>Short hair is superior regardless of the woman.
This. OP is just a closet fag
Nah, just because Sup Forums is a place where half the virgins dropped Emma Watson for cutting her hair even though her body was perfect and the pinnacle of beauty is 12 year old dancers with boy bodies doesn't mean you're right, it just means people agree with you.
Back to ridiculous evopsych garbage.
Do you like your women with hairy pits as well, seeing how cutting tools are so recent?
there's nothing beautiful about her ugly nose and ugly mouth
prove what. its just my opinion that short hair on women is unattractive and is directly associated with old women who dont put any effort in to their appearance.
idc if you prefer short hair but you gotta acknowledge most guys absolutely do not
Interesting, thanks!
I still think women with short hair are hot because it's like they're trying to hide their femininity, but when you peel away the layers there's still a girl there who loves the dick like every other.
Some men like fucking old grannies too. Do you know what a generalization is?
prove she's not attractive
>low quality cherrypicked screenshot
A lack of armpit hair is an indicator of youth; not sickness.
Short hair on a woman (historically) is an indicator of poor health, not youth.
When anyone here needs your dime-store self-taught cuck philosophy, we'll beat it out of you, faggot
It can be pretty, sure. But to call it elegant compared to a woman with long flowing is just stupid
Literally a perfect woman
obviously she is attractive but she is less attractive currently
stop making fun of my short haired waifu the post
No it isn't, you fuck.
Name one time in history when short hair was a "sign of poor health".
You're talking out of your ass.
>Name one time in history when short hair was a "sign of poor health".
>cutting your hair short means your sick
>pubic hair (which occurs with sexual maturity and healthy hormone levels) is somehow unnattractive because lol evopsych
no. You're a fucking retard.
>anon1: short hair is terrible
>anon2: I don't mind it
>anon1: b-but you prefer long hair right?
>anon2: I don't really care
>anon1: reeeeeeeeeeeee
>Muh societal expectation
Long hair is trash
>you gotta acknowledge most guys absolutely do not
Where do you get these statistics from?
If anything, the most plausible guess would be that most men have their preferences but don't let that get in the way of popping a boner.
Daaamn, is this shopped? What a gorgeous woman
>comparing pubic hair to head hair
>thinking they serve the same function
Kind of looks like Bobbi Starr.
you're just noticing that now
She wasn't attractive before she cut her hair, that shit happened in like 2003 when she was doughy and getting knocked up by greaseballs
If she'd had a bob in Hit Me Baby One More Time I still would've wanted to fuck her.
>Name one time in history when short hair was a "sign of poor health".
Don't mind me, just posting pictures of prime mating material
How is this stylized haircut not more elegant than the more carefree long-haired look?
Why is arm pit hair bad on women if it signifies fertility and health?
Recently bought a new electric razor
>Chick who served me had a shaved head
>it was fucking sexy for some reason
no hair =/= short hair
most handsome dudes look weird with shaved heads
People pretending she's not a goddess
>Why is arm pit hair bad on women if it signifies fertility and health?
Who said it was bad?
what a beauty
Balding is certainly the same as cutting your hair.
You're so stupid it hurts.
>same as a well cared for short haircut
that's not a woman
>already had short hair
>cuts it shorter
Very true in many cases. But much more obvious when it comes to men
Here's another healthy woman for you. She really wants to have your baby, will you deliver?
>Where do you get these statistics from?
pretty much every guy i've ever known personally to make a comment on the subject.
>I still think women with short hair are hot because it's like they're trying to hide their femininity, but when you peel away the layers there's still a girl there who loves the dick like every other.
Hit the nail on the head
>Name one time in history when short hair was a "sign of poor health".
Ignore the autist.
Yes it is, user. Yes it is.