Are modern video games the biggest propaganda tool the Jews have?

Are modern video games the biggest propaganda tool the Jews have?

No idea man I'm still trying to beat shadowgate for the NES.

No, that would be the mainstream media and hollywood films.

Are they?

Is this some sort of gay pride super team?

And with their ownership of the Federal Reserve, they can print as much 'money' as it takes.

>new player character is a black guy
>added parkour elements


They haven't been which is they receive the flak that they do. The likes of EA and Ubisoft are clearly trying to change that though.

Either way remember that if the jews do successfully take over video games that they will never be able to undo the backlog of great games which already exist, and there will always be indie games which are immune to the demands of MSM. Gaming will also always have Japan.

Right now I'm playing Thief Gold for the first time and its probably one of the best games I've ever played. There are more games from 2012 and before that are worth playing than I probably have time for.

I didn't buy my Wii U until Tropical Freeze came out and I won't buy the NX until a Donkey Kong game comes out on that.

TV or movies


But I guess everything that Sup Forums doesn't agree with is run by Jews, right?

It depends on the game, obviously.

Wonder if that'll be as much a buggy shitshow as the first one was?

>video games
>biggest propaganda tool

that would be social media and hollywood shit, video games are filled with SJW types tho

I mean you still have new releases like Doom 2016 that are 100% video game fun, but then again you have main stream shit like Battlefield that makes a black guy the main character of a WWI video game because they're too scared to make a game without screaming "I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE"

Battlefield is made by sweds for fucks sake. The game is cucked from the foundation up, what did you expect?

Is there an army of you on our board tonight, or are you multi-tasking?
I'm sure I'm not the only one to have noticed an infiltration...

There are so many great games out there. Masterpieces to be enjoyed by young men mostly.

Don't let others tell you otherwise, just because their highest form of entertainment is turning on the TV at times the jews tell them to, to watch stuff spoiled with commercial breaks.

name one Great game?

Shovel Knight

If you still buy games from jewbisoft you are fucking retarded.

Year of release?
This year: Doom and Hearts of Iron 4, both just released.

How are either of those Great?

based total war

Music is.

Short bursts of messages they want drilled into you head, and the faggots are going to listen to it over and over again evening singing it out loud.

The jews want you to be wasting your life watching meaningless pixels on a screen like an autist in a cage.

You can stream Tv shows for free.

The new DooM is fucking fantastic.

The last video game I honestly enjoyed was assasins creed 2 since then everything has been shit or redundant or a grind fest or disappointing.


Former ggr here. Gaming now generates nearly 105 billion annually in the US alone far more if you consider all overseas sales and events and things like let's players and streamers.

It is a far bigger entertainment industry than anything else in the sector including TV and Hollywood and has been since about 2007 onward.

It reaches more people than those do also by far.

Look up digra and gamification of learning if you want to see the rabbit hole.
But tldr yes

I never played any of them. So you run around shooting monsters like an autist big fucking whoop.

No, video games aren't centralized like holloywood and the media Any schmuck can make a videogame, but hollywood and the media are owned by jews

The argument could be made for AAA games, tho

What kind of genre do you like? How do you define great?

Great games shackle you to your screen out of excitement, while requiring mental and physical skills to complete, not just passive absorption skills like books, movies or TV shows.
Both games I mentioned are like that.


The last game I played to completion was mass effect 3 because I wanted to know how that piece of shit franchise would end. I also liked the First Dragon Age. And I played the GTA's up to GTA IV as a kid.

No because everyone hates those games and everything in them and by extension anything that promotes what ruined their video game

its doing them more harm than good

Video games are immune to propaganda by their own nature

I'd almost entirely agree except that great literature requires that the reader be involved in the meaning of the text.

Reading is the most patrician hobby with video games being an acceptable guilty pleasure since they at least require your involvement. Hollywood entertainment is trash.

Only Western games are jewish tools.

Also slavic games tend to be pretty redpilled too.

I only play red orchestra 2 so I'm good.

It's amazing how this fact hasn't filtered into the public consciousness yet. Gaming is the number one form of entertainment and generates more revenue than all others combined.

back the fuck up they are making a macross game?