What do you think about this pol. A white man trys to take a little girl but she over powers him.
Are we becoming weaker as a race?
What do you think about this pol. A white man trys to take a little girl but she over powers him.
Are we becoming weaker as a race?
White people commit crimes?
Lol you wouldn't know it on Sup Forums
>you will never get overpowered by a group of little girls that viscously bully your dick
Why is pedofila so high amoung whites? I mean everyday i read threads about lowering the age of consent.
Why cant we get laid? I mean 20% of us are virgins. We fuck 3x less women then BBC MEN.
Why do we have to resort to hitting on teenyboppers?
No its a good post.
Pedos go home
Whiteboi here im a huge bitch. I am a virgin. I have never even kissed a girl. I get bullied into doing gay shit all the time. Dudes used to force me to get popciles after they beat me up. Sometimes they would pull down my pants and dry hump me. The jocks say they aren't gay but i know they are. Idk what's worse about our race? The fact that we are all super gay or we are super weak and can be raped easly.
You guys should hang out.
Lots of whites are pedos because its so hard for us to get laid. I have never had sex and I don't plan on it either because i am so beta. Black men simply get laid because they are black. But us we cant even talk to a girl unless we are chad.
Pedo-rape is not high among white
In black neighborhoods i know girls who were raped by guys for their whole lives, boyfriends of their mom, their family, their brothers, random people in apartment complexes would just rape the kids who lived there
There is a lot of black crime that goes under the radar because it only affects blacks, their crime rate is even higher than reported because of this
Some of these guys really are white though
The girl was a KKK member.
These people know how to defend themselves.
No why check your local pedo list all white. Maybe blacks get cuaght more but whites are pedos. So many seniors raped freshman in every sport. That really gets under reported.
I heard the girl loved bbc
Good thread so far.
A girl beat me up once. She spit on me afterwards. Im so weak and white i cant fight for shit. Even a 12 year old girl could beat my ass.
Maybe we should.
How do you know?
>high among whites
>not knowing that mudslimes rape little boys and girls on daily basis
Goy pls
Have to notice those heights. Are manlets prone to aggressive behaviors do to inferiority complex?
The only one whose not a manlet is black and we all know to well bout that.
This is true. I have seen so much white on white MALE RAPE. In lockerooms in highschool. I remember when i was leaving the shower. Two other big strong boys left it too. We were all wearing towels. They beat me up and left me naked and they both dry humped me. One guy was hard. I felt his dick by on my ass. I cried. There are plenty other whitebois that had a similar fate.
Whites rape the most
>it's a niggers think they are trolling Sup Forums episode.
i know it's hard considering your mental disability but you could put a bit more thought into it.
I'm implying from OP pic.
Im white
O thats just a pic I had
Reminder that KKK was started by racist Democrats who were butthurt about black people in Congress.
Blacks only come on here really to talk about how much sex they had. And thry have a lot. I also read their many sexual conquests and get turned on. I haven't had sex myself but I dream about it. I wish i was black and women would just want to fuck me.
Did you consider suicide?
no, niggers do. rape is a part of nigger culture. niggers rape their own mothers and daughters and think nothing of it. go to bed nigger.
Actually the kkk started because whites were getting their girls took by blacks. They wanted to stop half and half babies from being born. They slowed blacks down but thery didn't win the war.
of course you are tyrone.
The democrats back then are nothing like the ones now. Also the kkk was jelly women wanted blacks.
I really am. What do I have to do to prove it?
Whites rape more. Whites love to rape but they just love to rape eachother in the ass. Haven't you been to highschool.
I wish i was black. Then i would have a huge monster cock.
A better pic for you, (((OP)))
Do you know of some unbiased book about KKK.
I find them fascinating.
Then they realized they could dangle shiny things in front of them and utilize them as useful idiots
Never. I mean when i got raped I did. I mean i cried because i am so weak. Also because im white i have small whiteboi cock and it's really hard to get laid.
Well you are
not everyone is as pitifully dumb as you nigger.
>it's another assblasted Berniebots try to troll Sup Forums because their old kike got fucked episode
Why do you fags take your frustrations out on Sup Forums? It's not our fault leftists prefer a woman criminal over a jewish criminal.
Bruh, Cummings just cries about >muh feels in congress. If you agree with anything he says, you're an idiot.
I never like berine.
Trump is a racist if you vote for him you are too. I mean its ok if your jelly of blacks. They all have big dicks. They all get tons of pussy im jelly too.
Anything is better than trump.
Well youve convinced me, now im an #attorneyforburnie
Get used to it spic. You have to go back.
Confirmed for gibsmedat voter or non-voter
Why? I mean they were set up because black men were stealing all the women. The kkk are the biggest haters ever. They hate that blacks get laid so much and the fact that they have huge dicks.
What does that eveb mean?
What's your obsession with dicks, anyway?
~ thou doth protest too much ~
Become a trap.
Blacks just have bigger dicks.
I actually like trap porn. Its kinda hot to watch shemales fuck eachother. Lots of whites do that. Its not gay. I like to watch a trap fuck another trap in the ass. Then they suck eachother off.
Why would you not want planned parenthood, higher minimum wage, legal weed and cheaper college.
You should sound dumb to me.
Well. Since most whites have small
Cocks we have to foucus on it. I mean our women cheat on us all the time because our dicks are so small.
Hoes love that bbc
,Quite. You know you can quote multiple posts
Like this, summerfag. And no, I'm >5in.
What's wrong with trap porn
Assuming your story isn't made up, I honestly don't know weather to feel bad for you or tell you to kill yourself. Does shit like this actually happen in high schools? I never had problems like that, but then I never had problems with anybody.
Eh you know what? Kill yourself. Seriously.
Nothing. They're inherently degenerate, but if you're crossdressing and/or doing makeup for shits and giggles it's fine.
When you're in extreme danger and fear for your life, your instincts kick in and your brain basically allows you to act to your full potential, which is why there are stories of people pulling off extraordinary feats of strength under extreme circumstances. Since the human body isn't evolved to do this you can hurt yourself.
Animals can pretty much do this at will: cats can jump 6 feet into the air, monkeys can literally rip you limb from limb, dolphins can blow your head clean off your shoulders with a well-placed cumshot.
>>Not KKK
Holy week in spain.
Yes i have seen plenty of guys get raped. Maybe not penis in ass but close enough to be crazy.
One kid made me strip and eat an ice cream cone. It had to be villina. I licked and they told me to put it on my face and make it look like cum. I cried because they already beat my ass before i did it. Sometimes i had to wink at them and say im a cum whore. I felt like a bitch. Those guys all had gfs too. Idk why they forced me todo this? Are they gay?
>not bulking up and raping chad yourself
you probably enjoyed it, cum whore!!
Holy fuck thats fucked up
I'm white and i have a small cock. Im too weak to fight back. Which is why they could force me todo whatever they wanted.
I know i cried everyday for weeks. If it wasn't for bbc porn. I would of killed myself years ago. I still haven't had sex and my dick is still small.
If i was a BBC man I would be able to fight back. And I could get laid.
I'm telling you right now, those motherfuckers are a hell of a lot gayer then you, and you are a raging faggot. It infuriates me to hear that some motherfuckers did that to you, but it also infuriates me how much of an actual bitch cuck you are. I suppose I can't fully blame you, that's got to be traumatizing.
That girl should have collapsed his windpipe. I mean, how much time are they going to give to a little girl who killed so pedophile Floridian maggot? I'm sure she would have been released well before she turned eighteen.
you made me horny
get on all fours while i fuck your ass, white bitch!!
Look dude, you don't need a monster cock to get laid, and you don't need muscles to defend yourself. There's another way.
>pic related, get to work, user, and godspeed.
Whiteboiz are weak, that's why white women flock on that black cock and twerk like clockwork
>that jew from the other thread
Are you a skinhead by any chance? No offense, I've just noticed that almost all of them are EXTREME pussies. I once witnessed a skinny hippie mop up the sidewalk with a skinhead idiot who must have outweighed by at least 75 pounds. I don't know, I guess that's why they hang out in groups.
I guess he can become a school shooter. But you need a big dick to keep women. Look at Johnny deep he is rich and handsome. But he has a small whiteboi cock. Which is why his girl left.
This hoes love bbc
Yes you do. Black men get laid all the time because they have huge cocks. They are also super aggressive in the bedroom. They make the women cum like no other man can.
We cant compete all the women want bbc
KKK=Freemasonry. Masons love boasting about it. A high number of white law enforcement officers are Masons, and that's why at Klan rallies there are ALWAYS plenty of cops protecting the Klan and billyclubbing anti-Klan activists. There are loyalty oaths involved in Masonry, and the Cops and Klansters are in the same gang/organization, and they protect each other, and they lie for each other.
Trust me, talking shit about the Ku Klux Klan is illegal in the United States. Not illegal in the sense that there are actual laws prohibiting it, but illegal in the sense that you WILL get fucked with by the cops. IAOM faggots are the scum of the Earth, and you cannot trust them. They are the lowest, most ignoble people on the face of the planet.
Congratulations faglord, you have a career in the law enforcement industry.
When those Chads grow up to be highly successful and marry 10/10 Stacy wives, you can take revenge by being their lowly yardman until one day they leave their kids alone at home and you rape them and tell them it's a gift from daddy.
I get laid and my dick ain't all that. My exs will call me up asking me to fuck them just one more time. You guys are just pathetic.
Thats why they are your exs because you dont have bbc
Well lots of cops are gay
No blacks get the most sex because they
>just grabs the girl right in front of her mom in the middle of the store
kek. What exactly was his plan there.
>kkk op pic to induce dat white guilt
>emasculated by little girl haha XD
>white guys are pedos!
>white guys are rapey homo high school jocks!
>white guys have small cocks!
>hey aren't traps hot?
>BBC worship by pathetic self loathing "whiteboi"
How much are they paying you marxist faggots to willingly cuck yourselves into destroying everything you care about and take for granted?
No we don't, and this meme is fucking garbage.
no, more because I got tiered of them.
>No blacks get the most sex because they
Because faggots like you aren't willing to step forward. This whole thing with white bitches being all over black guys? It's a shit test. And like any shit test you get from a woman, the only proper way to respond is to tell her to shut the fuck up and know her role. White women are shit-testing you and you are loosing so bad.