New Thread. Pic releated where we left off.
All rolls in previous thread have been read so don't use them again.
New Thread. Pic releated where we left off.
All rolls in previous thread have been read so don't use them again.
go into russia
Help me with Kazak, he's getting too close
>don't use them again
Are you blind?
Already saw your roll was 3 in the previous thread.
OP can you please give me back those territories, he didn't get any dubs, this war has wasted nearly 3 hours of my life, just cuck my shit up, and attack him again I guess
Attack Kazak
Defend if attacked
who is kazak, and sure
I already told you I was blind :^)
Kazakhstan, yellow guy attacking ukraine the entire game
Kill Bulgaria.
Be specific about those territories, does the other guy agree aswell?
can i have back the land in calais?
if iceland gives back my land give calais back, until then keep invading turkey
Why are you ignoring the Iberian Peninsula?
Op give him Calais, and move towards Ukraine or the yellow guy
OP the territories you randomly gave to the Kazak for no reason, can I have them back, he didn't get any dubs, this war is just dragging on, I think he has stage 2 autism
After the Yoopoors; it's you.
also take that one small blue island
want to get turkey first
Well please use 1T on Malta while you're at it. It's annoying me.
I made it more equal. Looks like Germany is coming too so it's not like Kazak guy will last long.
Attack Kazak
End Bulgaria.
Guys, where do I go after this?
Give the land Kazak took back to ukraine, from here
can you get rid of Atomic waste or is it permanent
take malta and fill iberian peninsula
Spills into Slovenia for smoother border purposes.
attack towards Kazak, and take the small blue island plus that light blue place by russia
Kill Ukrainians, everyone else kill Ukrainians.
Meant for this post:
and Attack Steppe some more, because I really enjoy dragged out conflicts with no end in site :))))))))))))
Where the fucka do ya want me to go?
Permanent, I will just add your rolls together with germ guy.
finnish spain and moortugal, defend against any attack
keep going into russia, or the dark blue
Just finish off Steppe, I'm going to get the bleach
Take that 1 switzerland territory, dont spill anywhere
Ukrainians die.
Finish off Slovenia.
Hey OP, can you make a sea route to Georgia from Bulgaria?
this is a good idea
Thanks for your support in the idea.
Not Georgia though.
finish spain spill into portugal
Take back slovenia
Dont spil anywhere
defend if attacked
continue down into russka
Invade the Northern Coast of Turkey and snake along the coast line to the Georgia and Armenia. I can cede the territories to Frankreich later.
Why would you ruin such smooth borders, fuck's sake?
right fuck this shit I'm out, give all my territories to charity, I 'll go get a rope and hang myself, my death note simply reads OP GET CANCER AND DIE, good night everyone this has been aids
Wipe out the Ukrainians.
Kek, bad rng I suppose. Bye faqm
Awww look. Your country is kissing the Steppes.
Look at that black territory in the middle of your land
I'm charity right
Zoom in at the border
Op can I have his territories?
You mean the bit that juts in on the right side of our shared border? That's nothing.
>Wanting free handouts
How's Bernie working out for you?
thanks op 10/10 thread
guess thats the end huh? gg guys
Fight back the Icelandicfags.
Fug i wanted to take france
Well. Nice game. Gg guys
I will continue the thread.
If OP gives me permission, roll to fight.
Break NAP with france
Defend if attacked.
ehh, i'm leaving
oh really? if that's the came then keep fighting turkey
can i have your land :DDD
Gibe land
Sure (F the Serbs)
Actually split between you two
(F the serbs)
You have my permission sure
Roll to genocide Ukraine.
Bad quality, but cool
Agh fuck it, sorry nevermind, I got to go.
how do you make these?
I apologize to the others, I like the part where I destroy Ukraine.
See you in an hour, Sup Forums.
Come here to play RISK again