*the roar* edition

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What is best Grimes song, /cum/?

i remember when cum was fun now its full of circlejerking

my gf

my gf

search "hematoma" on google images lol

>There is nothing more seductive for man than the freedom of his conscience, but there is nothing more tormenting either
Dostoevsky perfectly puts into words everything I've always thought


my gf

I exclusively date Italian women

My gf finally graduated from college and got a job so we moved together, I bought a car 2 months ago and I just got a new cool job.

Normal life feels good.


is it true asian girls dont like 8'' penises bc they're too big and it hurts them?

or was the person who said that trolling me with bs?

Last thread was awful.

no gf

everyone hates big penis

>first period

>no gf

Would you kill someone from /cum/? If so who?

you will mate with a dusky Ethiop


Oh sister dont be a fraud of me, I wont be nailin you down in the nursery Just like the rest of them did with those watery Wandering fingers of spit that were supposed to be glorious and fine

if that's true then I'm in trubble



LMM, Orange county, and Id break Clackamas's legs

>jordan peterson likes and defends jews


wouldn't kill a person unless they attacked my pet

why do people like jordan peterson?

I dont even know who jordan peterson is

he thinks there are two genders. he's fucking based

good question

Their intelligent enought to get Jung

he just says rational and wholesome things in an age of total degeneracy. hes like an anchor

they're idiots.

meme alt-right figure

frozen was a completely meaningless movie


Any kekistanis online?

you shut your fucking mouth i love frozen

im back from Mazatlan :3


>i love frozen

>going to mazatlan
>Literally south mexico in north mexico

Hey that's cool, that's where I was born

Did you have a good time?

I wonder if all my life I've had fucked up sinuses that cause me to get less oxygen than normal and thats why im super stupid

just remembered there's a tangled tv series

What would you do if Papi Trump bullied you on Twitter?

Redpill me on Mexico

Boorland, or all Oregon posters

>find facebook page of music producer I like
>ask them what's up
>they say they're dying
>I ask them if they're in hospice
>all these months later I realize they weren't literally dying
starting to realize why I don't have friends

only good poster is Baja

The guy I applied to be a roommate for said sure!
I'm not a guy with a ton of friends so I'm glad he seems to think I'm decent



>south of (the) US
>delicious food
>comfy music
>eternal battle with us over who can be fatter

i went to algodones once. it was okay

I don't get it, what did he mean

it was kinda meh, maybe if i had stayed more days i could have liked it more. my parents just rush to go out of the city instead of planning it with anticipation

hey, i didnt plan to go there

that they were "dying". like "oh I'm so bored, I'm dying"

got a weird feeling in my one nut, wa?

Mazatlan is really ugly and only has the beach going for it, and well maybe the debauchery.

>tfw just bought a big black cookie at Timy's
It's so big and chocolatey and delicious
How can I eat something SO big?

>just bought a big black dick

With your mouth :3

the other day i was at wal mart and the greeter greeted me with the typical "welcome to wal mart"
and without even thinking about it i replied "you too bud"
i still feel like a fool

I was at this concert and got so drunk I lurched into the sound booth and told the guy I thought his job was cool
We talked for like 10 minutes, turns out being a sound booth guy is what happens when your high school band goes nowhere
What a cool dude

I think his psychology lectures are interesting.
You can tell he's doing something right, bt looking at his detractors

ideal female body

want a cute mestiza gf

Let's hope next time will be better, it's a nice place to vacation on and get wasted

one time I helped an old lady to a one-person bathroom, and then seconds after she locked the door another woman came up and screamed she had to use the bathroom, but I told her it was occupied, and she moaned in what I think was bloody diarrhea dropped out from her.
I honestly just walked away bc someone else had it covered

One of our finest specimens if I may say so

>tfw shitalian shartmerican

should be in adams family familia

This is a very lewd post

woooah haha, epic

>tfw american living in mexico

God hates me.

my 1/4 french makes me automatically more cultured than any of you could ever wish to be

>ywn be a british chef

It's friday, friday friday oooh yeah
Friday friday fridaay oooh yeah

this girl is called slug, say something nice about her

my grandfather battled frenchmen till one shot him in the head.
he survived btw

Bet she gives a mean head

that's terrible

Rfuse to do anything anyone here tells me to


got mild back, neck and wrist pain

tfw no gf

like baby baby baby oooooooh
like baby baby baby oooooooooh

tfw no gf

W-what about a gf(male)??


eh well sometimes you just don't have a bedpan ready

how are things going with you

bit gay

stolen valor is an actual crime wtf

i want to pretend to have served in the military now

I would rather be anything other than a wop American