Who else is secretly wishing for a blue collar job here?

I've grown up in a middle-sized city (would rather have lived in a small city or a big city desu), and I have no experiences of a menial job of any kind.

For some time now I have this urge in me that tells me to leave fuck all behind, go somewhere first world and work in a blue collar job?

Anyone else feel like me? Not the immigration part necessarily but, do you too secretly want a blue collar job?

if you want to fuck up your health for slave wage sure why not

literally much better than being an officecuck

Me. But I'm a bit spastic and worried I'll fuck up some really expensive machinery and/or kill a co-worker.


not every high income job is office related dip shit. What about researchers, engineers, and doctors?

Are blue collar people in turkey nice?
I mean they are ordinally low IQ primitive savages here, and always bully people

>tfw too intelligent to work blue collar in my home country
I'd probably dislike anything that would force me to repeat the same things day in day out, and that would force me to sit all day

Come here than, you'd get a good wage and companies are always on short of blue collar workers.

well I had never considered asia
that makes things different

You are stupid.

why's that famalam
elaborate so we can discuss further

lmao go try it you will quit before first paycheck stupid ass kid

Because blue collar jobs suck, you don't even need first hand experience to know that, which I do to some degree.
Having to spend a week clearing out isolation in an attic with the other workers will make you appreciate the cool, calm office space where you spend half the day drinking coffee, gossiping about whatever and taking long shits in sparkly clean shitrooms.
If you need other people to explain to you why there is nothing noble or pleasant about manual work you're lacking in the head department. It's as simple as that.

bricklayer before that was bricklayers labourer
its pretty fun sometimes and you get fit but conversely it's also pretty fucked and exhausting, dirty and demanding

if u take care of your health and work with good guys its ok, otherwise it sucks

all in all maybe do it for a bit out of curiosity but wouldn't reccomend it

i feel like i broke my back at work yesterday, literally what gets me through the day is the idea of one day getting a comfy office job

what you do

stretch, dude, really

>too intelligent
you will get bullied on the job with that attitude anywhere in the world

to be fair SKILLED blue collar work can be pretty good

maybe you're right.
maybe I'm feeling like this just because I'm rotting away studying things I don't like.
because I still haven't found out what I'm interested in.
my ancestors would be disappointed.

just a peasant labourer now but iv done some semi skilled work before

if you are still studying then try blue collar work part time or on your breaks thats what i do

If we're talking about plumbers, electricians and mechanics - sure.
Maybe some of the automated labour, like a crane or forklift operators - maybe.
When I hear blue collar, I'm thinking about the work that would be physically impossible for a woman or mind numbingly tedious like cleaning or being a guard.

The vast majority of researchers spend a lot of time in their office though.
t. PhD student

as a student any part time job you're gonna get will probably still be office stuff or becoming a waiter or something

nah its pretty easy finding low skill manual labour type jobs, at least here anyway

Not every blue collar job sucks. Plumbers for example make a killing here and the job is not that physical. It's dirty as hell but man do they get paid, especially if you got your own company.

Wouldn't want to be a construction worker though. That has to be one of the worst jobs if you ask me.

machinist here ask your questions

how's a general day
do you like it
would you rather be white collar

>how's a general day
rather menial but nothing too harsh. ive been assigned on 2 turning centers in the factory and when i get to work i take over the morning/evening/nightshift dude on those and continue the production set on them. most of the time its watching and supervising robot arms doing the wetwork but there's the occasional time when an order is completed and i need to get the finished parts up in the production chain to next phase, get another pallet of raw shafts and reprogram/readjust/calibrate the lathe and the robot arm to do my bidding. the ammount of actual work really depends on a day. some days its just supervising and shitposting here and other days im juggling between the 2 machines 8 hour straight if theres complications halting the process and i need to fix them
>do you like it
yeah i love to see the fruits of my effort as tangible physical objects rather than getting paid for doing service or writing papers.
>would you rather be white collar
cant say cos never had a white collar job but as i said, i like holding an end product in my hand rather than do something imaginary and get paid for it


I'm strapped for cash.

Yes I've had this same thought, especially after working an office job

Do what you want in life man, I say go for it, office work is fucking SHITE

These people are only telling you "OH LOOK OFFICE WORK IS SO GREAT" because they are office cucks who don't have the balls to do a blue collar job

Go for it my man

You're a faggot, it's as simple as that

You think plumbers and electricians and mechanics aren't blue collar? What planet do you live on?

Cleaning, that's a woman's job, that's not really blue collar

Your definition of blue collar is not the normal definition, you're just being the typical office cuck who skews the actual definition of "blue collar" because you're so desperate to think of yourself as "above" people who are electricians and plumbers and mechanics.

You're not. In fact unless you're a high-flyer, many of them are earning more money than you. And banging more women than you. And probably more attractive ones too. And they've got families. And they're taking their kids on holiday more often than you are.


i had the same thoughts till i actually got a blue collar job, seei think its a case of grass is greener on the other side no matter what you do, each has pros and cons

I have a question. Were your parents blue collar, and did you ever consider white collar work (e.g. going to university) or did you go straight from school into blue collar work?

For me, I have done some minimum wage jobs, but I went to university (both my parents were "professionals"). My mum in particular has always encouraged me to do academic shit - in fact I always assumed I would. But I did a pretty useless degree to be fair, and also I just look at my parents' lives and they were miserable all the fucking time. I reckon blue collar people have much more enjoyable lives.

So maybe I should do something blue collar, I dunno. White collar stuff is utter shite. Sitting down, being a cuck, not being able to move all day, not having any fucking purpose, it's cuckery - it's the modern plantation. It's not like the old days when having an education was a sign of belonging to a rarified social class. Now every cunt has a degree. In fact I think you could argue that the people who go to university and get degrees are more useless, and have less nous, than those who go into trades.

True I guess. So you're not planning to keep up the "peasant labour" game for that long then?

your criticism of white collar work is fair, but that doesnt mean you should romantisize blue collar work,
honestly the best advice would be to try some part time work and see if you like it, but remember their is a lot of variation in blue collar jobs so just because you dont like one doesnt mean their all bad.
im only doing it till i get through uni.
Im studying Civil engineering so hopefully that gives a good mix of office/field work.

Do it man, but do get one that's fun.

t. Did a lot of different jobs

then why does Germany encourage people to do blue collar work? Why are 70% of German students in Hauptschule and Realschule?

Hauptschule and Realschule train students to be blue collar workers

t. dumb monkey

yes all women get wet from fucking plumbers XDDD

Firstly I have a degree from a very good university so no, I am not a dumb monkey.

Secondly, yes they do get wet for SUCCESSFUL plumbers. But anyway, let me explain a bit.

Your country is poorer than Britain (don't get me wrong it's an awesome place, I've been there, but it is obviously poorer), so I can understand why you think education is so great

Over here, it's different - we've got tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of universities, and EVERY SINGLE YOUNG PERSON gets FREE MONEY to go to university

In Britain it's something like 48% of young people go to university. In Germany it's only like 27% or something. So yeah, Britain sends A LOT of young people to university.

This means that not everyone going to university is necessarily very bright. They go because Britain is a service-heavy economy: arts, media, advertising, law, HR, PR, accounting, computer programming, all this service stuff. Our manufacturing just couldn't compete with Germany's, so it shut down.

So anyway, I know some people who have gone into trades, and they're actually very enterprising guys, because they've BUCKED THE TREND. As I say, over here, the trend is "go to university, it's safe, you'll get a job in an office somewhere typing random bullshit, that's what you should do".

Also not to mention we have a generous benefits system over as well, of course, so the people who are truly useless just go on benefits. Or they work as shelf stackers, or bank clerks, or "sandwich artists" (Subway), or they have McJobs. As I say, Britain is largely a service economy.

So yes I absolutely stand by what I said. In our country, it is enterprising kids that are going into trades. In fact our government is always saying that not enough kids are going into trades. People who go into trades in this country are hard-working and redpilled. They're not softy cunts who go and do a Media Studies degree and then become homosexuals who Instagram their daily lives.

Trades are based as fuck.

Also yes I'd just like to point out that trained tradesmen in our country earn pretty damn well. More so than someone in a McJob, or doing some stupid paper-pushing in an office.

I have been working at a big brewery for like years worth of days for now.
Pay is good, every days is different so its not all the same. I just wish I' get a fulltime conteact there which I think I have rather good shot at.

This fucking bong

Nigga, you just gay. Deep down you only like working with your fellow blue collars sweating from a hot day. And when the day ends you imagining their sweaty body touched yours just like what happens in your gay wrestling tradition.

Germany is the country of blue colour.
It's considered manly.
But our blue colour culture is dying due to to many immigrants. Wages deacrease in this field the fastest.

Do you have an argument?

>Wages deacrease in this field the fastest.
Same for us. You probably have many more blue collar workers though so perhaps there are more angry people about it in Germany than there are in Britain

i worked in a construction site for a day illegally
we were building a house not a gommieblock or something so there was only two people there so i couldnt fuck around too much
it was my first time i worked with the tools so of course i worked twice as slow
i could barely understand the workers speaking because they were speaking so quietly and with such a strong dialect at the same time when machines were working so i showed off as an autist
i quit after one day because i could have easily cut off my finger and they wouldnt be obliged to pay for it
worst 20 euros i ever made

what im saying is unless you have family which could help you (ex. if youre going to build a house in land you bought) you are "blessed" with no practical skills forever if you are an adult without any practical skills that cant go to profession school

As someone who's worked both, blue collar can feel very draining but very rewarding when you get to see what you've done (ie build a house)

Office work is nice and air conditioned but you become a fatass, you have headaches all the time, and work doesn't end just because the day is over

The best working days of my life were when I worked in removals and a furniture warehouse one summer.

I would come home from work every day feeling like a beast. I could go out all night afterwards and be the centre of everything. Or if I wanted to I would sleep like a baby and wake up as vital as a child.

All other jobs I ever had were in an office, feels shit man.

Study some interesting engineering branch and you can get the best of both worlds.