2001 a space Odyssey

About to watch this
What am i in for

All i can get from the trailer is a few people die

you're in for the long haul.
it's about evolution and its beautiful.
it's also slow as fuck. prepare yourself with psychactive substances.

A nice long sleep

Yeah i can see what you mean by slow

An art film. Its not a sci fi action movie if thats what you're looking for.

kubrick mostly showing off how realistic all his space tech is, years before helping the government fake the moon landing, this is his audition to make history and his dick is fucking huge.

Not sure what primates obsessing over a strange pillar has to do with space tech

A very metaphorical film.

Hope you have an ass pillow.

So to people who have watched it, what is your interpretations of all 3 parts? Was the monolith an observer or the catalyst?

Also would you recommend me the books/2010?

>it's about evolution and its beautiful.
God dam your not kidding.
I did not think i would ever cry over tool use

4 parts.

Forgot about the first monolith sighting.

Some notable scenes to look out for.

>Monolith on the moon
>The daily routine of the people on board the ship
>The heavy breathing.