What does Sup Forums think about Varg Vikernes and Odinism?

What does Sup Forums think about Varg Vikernes and Odinism?

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He's a murderer and Odinism is Atheistic autism.


Nigger tier.

WE WUZ KANGS, blonde girls edition.

But if he can instill some pride in those autistic scandi people, he's welcome.

Edgy loser and a Viking LARP game for teenagers.

Is this accurate?

paganism is literally just LARPing. You can't tell me anyone actually believes deep down in their heart that odin and thor exist. You can choose to pretend to believe in it and act as you do, but you can't just actually say to yourself one day "today I'm going to start believing in the norse pantheon" and have it be so. For the same reason that just because I like Santa Claus doesn't mean I can actively choose to believe in him again.

B-But Santa Claus is real

The difference is the one on top is designed to be old, and the bottom one is how the modern nigger builds their nest.

He's based. He was probably one my earliest red pills, along with the Baltimore riots. He's like the dictionary definition of a traditionalist. People on Sup Forums like to irrationally shit on him though.

Besides Hinduism, all forms of Indo-European Paganism are dead. Stitching a corpse together and beating it with sticks in such a way that it seems to move will not bring it back to life.

His RPG is half-decent, seems like he has a nice family, and his English speaking voice is crazy relaxing. Can't understand why he has the autistic following that he does beyond that.

Never heard of him.

he makes text videos

that is retarded

just fucking talk

it's not irrational, he's pretty extreme and some of the things he believes are ridiculous
I like where he's coming from some of the time and appreciate his videos but I always keep that in mind
also didn't he try to kill someone or something, definitely unstable

literally who?

We need to send money to varg.

he has plenty of videos where he talks


redpilled about Christianity

his personal life is bizarre tho

I think Odinism is quite silly but still, I think Varg's a fucking beast and deserves a lot of respect for actually trying to stick with it and rediscover it.

His brand of paganism is just atheism with watered down attributes of Norse religious beliefs. But he refuses to be honest about it, or is deluded that it is anything else.

What does Varg Vikernes think of Sup Forums?

>tfw I know for a fact Oden thinks you're all total faggots

He's right about how Christianity is pretty much Islam lite.
Christ is as foreign to Europe as Mohammed is. The Bible was forced upon the European people by force, rape, war and slaughter. Everything that Sup Forums is afraid that Islam's introduction will do to Europe has already been done by Christianity's.
A thousand years from now people will talk about how Islam is the true religion of the European people, how Hindus immigrants will ruin the continent and that Christians are just loser LARPers

I don't know about killing someone, I know he has burned down churches before though.

It is sad to me that these religions are lost with time. We really could never properly practice these religions again

Good musician that's right about everything. Ignore the Judeo-Christian shills, they're Habib tier.

Yes, he killed another musician

He hasn't. And he definitely didn't murder anybody.

A bit arrogant sometimes. Hardly admit he was wrong.

Other than that, based man.

I can't understand why would anyone take your opinion serious.

He is a grown man, with a wife, five children and firm ideas, and he is able to make a living doing what he loves and feed his family without doing anything else.

You are just a random Sup Forums dweller who probably comes straight from Sup Forums.

Still works better for Europeans than Judaism 2.

Christianity is atheism where you deny all gods (except the jewish one, good goy :^) )

He's varg you fucking ape, and he's intelligent. And he does thrive to sustain the good old way before it all goes forgotten. You won't understand tho, you have to much nigger blood down there. Just send him money and we will let you be.

Pretty bluepilled, he streams/uploads vidya shit on YouTube on his main channel.

We think that if a Western tradition could be rebuilt it would be bound to take on a religious form in the strictest sense of this word, and that this form could only be Christian; for on the one hand the other possible forms have been too long foreign to the Western mentality, and on the other it is only in Christianity—and we can say still more definitely in Catholicism—that such remnants of a traditional spirit as still exist in the West are to be found. Every ‘traditionalist’ venture that ignores this fact is without foundation and therefore inevitably doomed to failure; it is self-evident that one can build only upon something that has a real existence, and that where there is lack of continuity, any reconstruction must be artificial and cannot endure. ~ Rene Guenon, The Crisis of the Modern World

Varg has become an actual heathen, the kind where the very word comes from, an ásatrú.

I've seen some of his vids, and he has read the sagas, eddas and poems over and over. Connected a whole lot of dots, and now have an actual heathen mindset.

He is not projecting christianity upon a very different religion, which these kikewood types do, he's gone full out

But he looks a lot to other pagan religions and studies them. Not everything he says is "correct" he has his own weird ideas I don't know where he have gotten from in some of his vids.

But confirmed heathen, no newage shit. You need to go through a long process for this, he has even learned the old tongue. This is impressive, and this is how I know he has read all sagas over and over, because he has access to the raw material. Not every saga is (or was) avaliable in even modern nork.

I see this, because I have done the same over many years. But I take breaks because of time. I'm not practicing, but I am a heathen and do not have a christian mindset. That was shedded years ago, and fits more with me than that cuck jew religion christianity....

Most of you christians would consider me a criminal


Was Hutch always the insufferable faggot that he is now?
I cringe at his hot opinions every time I come across his twitter.

Well put.


Funny how the people of Sup Forums praises Christianity as a good thing against muslims.

They both come from the same place and Jesus was a nigger.

He's autistic.
And his music is shit-tier.

Autistic like any other Pagan memes. If the Saints didnt record Nordic mythology they would not exist.


Almost as retarded as Cosmotheism and other made up shit. Odinsim is literally just piecing together bits of a series of religions that developed and changed over centuries

He's a better man than anyone here
>5 white kids
>has pride in himself and race
>accurately realizes that christianity is an enemy of the white man

Paganism is pretty dumb when we have no idea how they actually practiced it. Supposedly though, Odin, Freya, Thor and the others were based on old kings of the Nordic tribes.

You're a fucking moron. He killed in self-defense. Typical fucking hillary bot.

>the religion of your ancestors is silly, goys. Real Europeans follow the Semite Yeshua, ahem, Jesus.

>It's like you goys haven't even read the Tanakh, excuse me, Old Testament where his coming as savior of the Jews (and us good goys of course) is predicted.

bump for logic since nobody else has the balls to do it
fuck primitive niggers

>barbarians at the gates maymay
>not knowing Palestine was part of the Roman empire
>not knowing Christianity was made official Roman religion by decree of the emperor
>not knowing that Christianity spread naturally to the Franks and Goths
>not knowing Jesus is the savior of the world regardless of race or origin

The Nazis were a bunch of KEKS, they let an Austrian be the leader of Germany!


Odinism is not the religion of most Europeans' ancestors desu

Not right pic, here he can't sleep...

But this is Håkon Jarl, a very powerful earl from Hlaðir in Tronderlag, which was the norse powerhouse and where the strength was.

Anyways I think he's going for his look, which is cool, you don't see it in this pic, but it is as always well described as the heathens were "obsessed" with looks, weapons, boats, fashions and ofc deeds. Sidetracking fucking morning sun already...

But yeah I see him here, and I have almost done the same a few times, except I'm to lazy so I just let by beard grow each tyme

Håkon Earl was the fucking man, he has his own saga I think, and he at least appears in several others.

Being an Odinist is like being a Wiccan. You can talk about your ancestors all day but you're just making shit up, those religions are dead and gone.

I respect that he stabbed some commie to death and for raising his kids away from degenerate modern society

But at the time he wasn't traditional at all and the crime itself was literally motiveless niggertry.

According to Nordic sagas the founder of Norway, Harald Fairhair, descended from Finnish kings. :^)

>abandon the all things your saints say about us goyim and go back to worshiping trees and dividing into more groups while we dominate the global market

He set fire to a church.

If he tried that shit here he would wish for the safety of a prison cell.
Odinism is a false 'religion'.
Pic is inside my church. It's very old. Almost 1,000 years.

Here is another one of my favorites.
Get the fuck out of here christian scum with your munks and bishops.

I'm to tired to remember if these are the same two Håkon earls or the grandson

go fuck your self, this is our thing not yours
those idiots you got over there with their "hail to the æsir and blablabla" and their "blots" are actually mocking the gods, and bringing wrath upon them selves.

No leave this. This is not for you, unless you are of nordic descent which I doubt.

>Also not implying that all that guy says is well right...
>but he has the right to his meanings as anyone else
>He is an actual heathen
>He is actually very intelligent to pull off all he has done, this is rather advanced. A full master or maybe even phd here
>I haven't seen all his shit, but taken notice to him lately because I noticed heathen world views

would actually like to disqus and speak with this guy

damnit here.. now last post.. piss sleep

>not knowing Christianity was made official Roman religion by decree of the emperor

Lel you mean like Islam is about to be the official religion of the EU as decreed by their emperor?

>nordic descent
A Finn worshipping Odin is literally on par with a Turk worshipping Zeus.

An allegation by the Christian author of the prose Edda, Sturluson, found in the Edda's introduction (that also recounts Genesis in order to avoid heresy) as written by him.

He also says that it is disallowed to manipulate the actual text (which notably lacks any mention of what you wrote, it only appears in his introduction).

His is even more read and worn than mine.
I got two of these. This be modern nork

>buttblasted wedgie pagan criticizing other neo-LARPers on a Mozambiquen aluminum mining board over their lack of piety

you can't make this shit up


Varg-kun is my husbando.

>Virgins on Sup Forums calling him autistic.
Average looking guy got a qt 18 years younger than him and has 4 kids with her.

>Jesus wasn't a Jew, he was a Semite who followed the older version of the Jewish religion. Thus he was not a Jew, but a follower of Hebrewism.

Wow, he was a Semitic Hebrew. How could I have mistaken him for a Jew?

I was speaking of European religion generally.

>there are no historical records, no sagas, no tales, no folk beliefs with regards to Odinism

>the global market

oy vey

>Islam is about to be the official religion of the EU

I know this is hyperbole but there is no reason to assume this is true for even Germany, let alone the entire EU.

He made a shitty tabletop role-playing game. Other than that, I know nothing about him.

>He killed in self-defense.
>you believe this
>I'm the moron

There's a reason he went to prison faggot. He went out of his way to start a deadly confrontation. He's a murderer and a general faggot.

He destroyed Moleneux in one of his videos.

He's a filthy pagan that goes to the bathroom in a garbage can


Varg is more woke then any of you pseudo-redpilled Judeo Christfags

pic related is the greatest metal album of all time by the way

Yeah well sorry Finland, You, The Kvens and the Sami had their own thing.

Samis were dangerous, they knew powerful magic. This magic we feared

Fuck that pagan LARPer. Just because he read a couple of fantasy novels chronicled by Christian monks about the indigenous savages, he thinks it's the best course of action to return to the age of savagery rather than the path of civilization.

ITT: Cuckristians falling over themselves to suck Jew cock

CI, haha

Vikernes is a lunatic murderer

his paganist beliefs are just more evidence of deluded thinking

it's like he only got half-way with the 'christianity is bullshit' and decided Odin was the coolest of all the x-men so he ran with that

Odinism/Germanic Neopaganism is chill as fuck to read up on on a cold winter day as you sip whiskey and listen to Agalloch, but that's about it.

Varg made shitty droning metal, and is obviously fucked in the head a bit.

Except for the honor killings, misogynistic treatment of women, terrorism, etc., yeah they're pretty much the same religion.

Go Ahmed, you ate too much pork.

Holy shit this is literally autism: the post.


>he doesn't know that Scandinavia converted freely and willingly

Actually that's kind of similar to today, do you think it's a recurring theme?

He goes a bit off the deep end with rejecting the modern world ("only 150 medicines work and we've had them since the stone age") but odinism is pretty cool. I use the Norse sources and archaeology (with a grain of salt) to get an idea of what the Germanic people's believed and meet it to myself. If there's a great revival of such a faith, I think that the only reasonable way to have it work would be to let communities approach it in their own way and have people agree to disagree (as it was in ancient times).

An idiot attention whore.

I wish the idiots here pretending that they care about him would just stop trolling already and find another sad person to use as their lukewarm bait.

Varg singlehandedly created the only metal worth listening to

>You can't tell me anyone actually believes deep down in their heart that earth was created in 7 days by a invisible jew

>You can't tell me anyone actually believes deep down in their heart that a virgin can give birth

>You can't tell me anyone actually believes deep down in their heart that a jew can come back from the dead

>You can't tell me anyone actually believes deep down in their heart that when you put bread in your mouth it magically transforms in the flesh of the jew that came back from the dead 2000 years ago

wew lad

>implying that is not currently happening

I don't know if you can answer this, but if you would I would be grateful.

From what I've gathered of Odinism, it was more of an esoteric cult for the elite in the ancient tradition. Worshiping the other gods, especially Thor and fertility deities was done by most commoners, and that the "priest" class were mostly women. And that men would be killed for practicing the religious rites.

Is that close to true, or is this bullshit senpai?

>Honor killings
Read what Christians on here want to do to sluts. Similar
>Christianity is not mysoginistic
Good one
Christianity has been as violent as Islam. Europe has only ever been Christian because of them doing Isis tier shit to the natives.

>deadly confrontation. He's a murderer
Confrontations resulting in death are called, duels. Not a murderer.

I love the cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics that Christfags go through to convince themselves that they are not filthy race traitors.

What does Varg think of his degenerate friend he stabbed to death taking pictures of a recently deceased euronymous and making a necklace out of his bones?

does varg condemm this blatant disrespect for the dead and friends, or is he too a barbarian savage

>Odin, Freya, Thor and the others were based on old kings of the Nordic tribes

I ignore all this anglo/american/jew interps and made up new shit.

But here is the deal, the Gods were real people that walked the earth once as it is said in poems and described by Snorre Sturlason, who was very concerned that the tradition of citing these poems and sagas would die out so he wrote them down, in yndlinga saga or yndlingatal

Not only Snorre wrote, there are several unknown other authors, some believed to even be Snorre lol.

Anyways these Gods lived before your Jesus, and they were divided in two.

One people (excluding sami/suomi/kven) lived here called van, some of the gods are of vanic decent.

Another people came who was called æsir, derived from asia and was said to come from somewhere in asia. Óðinn is an ása God while ie Frey is a vanic God. The æsir brought with them the language and the court system.

When Óðinn died when he walked here, he died of age, was marked with a spear and burned(this age was called brinnöld/burn age by the heathens, later came haugöld/mound age). The smoke went so far into the sky, which one took as a sign of the might of the "spirit"

Many times through history did one try to go back and find this ásgarð where they came from. Even in the late viking age you have examples of men setting out alone for year and years returning without finding it.

The belief is that Óðinn is there, and gods are in many different places. Óðinn comes to the earth still time to time, often asking to stay and expect your kindness. Take his advice. He is tall and has one eye and 100 names. He only speaks in verses, but he can shapeshift.

The kings hail from these Gods, and this is the only way you could claim a King title.


He's the one that gave him the bullet to kill himself.