South African Firefighters leave Canada after Pay Dispute, Having Fought 0 Fires

Remember those 300 firefighters who came to Canada to help fight the Great Justinian Fire of 2016, in a wonderful moment of international solidarity?

Well, there are gone. Apparently, Third World wages aren't good enough to fire a First World fire.

>After less than a week on the job, 300 South African firefighters in Alberta have gone on strike in a pay dispute. All of the firefighters have been “demobilized” since the strike, and some or all of them will be flown home, their managers say.

>At an impromptu meeting in the field, the crew of firefighters learned on Tuesday that their pay wouldn’t be $50 daily, as many believed, but only $15, with the remainder paid out once the firefighters returned home. A similar setup existed in the past when a smaller number of South African firefighters were deployed in Canada, and some South African firefighters contend they were never paid the balance of their wages when they returned home.

>The firefighters became upset when a South African broadcast quoted Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper story that suggested they're being paid between $15 and $21 an hour.

In fact, their contract reveals they're only making $50 for a 12-hour day on a 14-day cycle.

Of that, only $15 a day is directly paid to the firefighters, with the balance to be paid within six months of their return to South Africa.

A South African government news release makes it clear the amount of $21 an hour quoted in the media is "incorrect and was never agreed to with anyone."

>It also states that what the firefighters make in Canada is on top of what they make at home.

>That ranges from about 2,400 rand a month (the equivalent of $170 Cdn) to 14,000 rand (about $1,200 Cdn) for a crew leader.


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SA isn't THAT third world. $15 a day for a potentially life-threatening job is an outrage.

So basically Trudaeu was just using the whole diversity meme as an excuse to save some money by bringing in niggers? Seems about right. Multiculturalism is just a way to get progressives on board with importing slave labor after all.

>Canadia says they don't want help with fire
>Canadia says they'll take 300 "hard working" african men to fight the fire, believing them to be able to handle it after a few weeks of training
>Promise them money they obviously won't pay out at least not as soon as thought
>Fire truck monkeys find out and give up as evolution has shown before
>Most if not all are being flown home after 0 help
>"who couldve seen this coming Sup Forums?!"

Fucking hell this Planet needs to be nuked.
But not before Emperor Trump guides the white man to a new home.


Learn to read you stupid fuck

Great job, Canada. In the eyes of the world you denied help from other countries so you can get SA workers to do a job for peanuts. That's what racists do, fyi.

this was meant for you

South Africa is entirely Third World bantustan with a European, White veneer.

Cuck luck, chief leaf!

>>Canadia says they'll take 300 "hard working" african men to fight the fire

There were also a bunch of women as well, because >2016.

Good let it all burn. Fewer leafs on the tree.

>Massive wildfire devouring entire cities

>Canada doesn't want to pay more than $15 a day to people who want to help fight it.

Jesus Christ, keep this up and the only leaf left in the whole country will be the one on the flag.

>>The firefighters became upset when a South African broadcast quoted Canada's Globe and Mail newspaper story that suggested they're being paid between $15 and $21 an hour.
>In fact, their contract reveals they're only making $50 for a 12-hour day on a 14-day cycle.
Are you saying this whole thing was to outsource jobs to slave wages.

So where did they leave to? Back to SA or their subsidized housing in New Fort McMurray

The odd part about all of this is that the America and Russian teams would have been completely free. Trudeau must really want Alberta to burn. Is this revenge for not voting for him?

>SA isn't THAT third world. $15 a day for a potentially life-threatening job is an outrage.

Honestly, I think the real kicker is that will be "paid" the "rest" when they return. This mean you have trust that South African government officials (i.e. "friends of Zuma") will do the jobs and not lose or steel it.

Obviously I would be pissed at that point.

theres fires in south africa?
thought it was a fucking desert.
bet their idea of fighting a fire is getting all fucked up drinkin kot and then pissing on the fire.
*eyewitnesses note that half fall in the fire and the rest start eating the burnt corpses thinking a lion fell into it*

SA, us paying the flight back out

To be entirely honest its better they left. God forbid they get injured and Canada decide to waste taxpayer dollars on them/get embroiled in a lawsuit/offer citizenship.

b-but they all sang their negro spiritual at the airport!

What money are they supposed to pay them with? Trudaeu has spent all their money.

It is third world (not by definition obviously). Look no further than their shit tier government and their disastrous crime figures. No first world nation should have those numbers.

I suggest we rename Canada to Cannotada

>some or all

Enjoy your new neighbors, Canada.



>busting your ass digging ditches and hauling stuff around
>get paid a little more than 6 dollars an hour while the canadians get something like 27/hour

Seriously Sup Forums what would you do in this situation? Because to me it seems that what those guys did was pretty reasonable.

>theres fires in south africa?
There is every conceivable plague, drought and misery on that continent. It's like Essos of Game of Thrones without the Khaleesi.

>SA, us paying the flight back out

Leave it to sjws to ship niggers back to Africa after they refuse to be slaves

Brush fires mostly. Due to lack of water they fight them with large sticks padded in leather at the end called firebeaters. They had to be trained how to use hoses for a month before coming to Canada.

Holy fuck I kek'd hard

But they did their little dance and everyone cheered though, so this is really a victory for social justice.

Good thing Canada refused the help of Russia, which battles gigantic wildfires routinely though. That wouldn't have been very progressive.

>I joke, but in reality all people will remember is the news coverage of their dance and them pledging to hep and any news of this fucking disaster is quickly forgotten, leaving only the impression that Canada was helped out by South Africa.

Meanwhile, Russia has been ready to help for a while.

>It is third world (not by definition obviously
No, at this point it is the third world by definition too. They were surpassed by both Nigeria and Egypt in GDP.

Any White who can is leaving, Credit is going to junk status in Dec. It's 3rd world.

Niggers STILL using sticks after all these years

I am shocked. Who could have forseen this Sup Forums?

k so whos going to fix the problem. im not talking about the fire

Will Canada ever not be on fire?
This may be the first time a national leader will go for a whole term with their country in flames.

Here's a photo from my front porch.
I took this photo last month.
It still looks like this.

Geese don't fuck around

Will future generations say "Justin fiddled while Alberta burned"?

what is the Canadian equivalent of JUST?

I chekt them trips hard

Other countries offered to help for free

Canada at this point you're a third world country as well. You have no gold and you can't even deal with your own natural disasters.

I do it for free here; rural fire brigade

You know, people like helping others

Where do you live?


Holy shit, when I was 16 I killed a fukken goose with a broomstick.

>at the park with friends
>find a random broomstick
>carrying it all night
>walk off from the main group with Mellisa Bitner (woof)
>tiem for the fingerbang and some head
>wild goose rushes me hissing and shit
>out of the dark
>swing as hard as I can
>goose neck breaks and flops over like a limp arm
>it runs off into the bushes making this chuckling gurgle noise

No fingerbanging that night pol but TIL I am more dangerous and aggressive then a rhino so that's nice

I'm going to sell off all my assets and put it all into maple syrup. When all the maple trees burn down and nobody has anything to put on their pancakes I'll be rich.

Harper would have put the fire out by now
Easterners are so retarded holy shit

You devious basterd

>>At an impromptu meeting in the field, the crew of firefighters learned on Tuesday that their pay wouldn’t be $50 daily, as many believed, but only $15,
holy shit that's fucking retarded.

even africans are better than fucking commienadians now.

That pay was in addition to their South African wage. They were literally getting paid twice for this job. Plus lodging. Plus flight. Plus food. Plus iirc they were preparing to give them a raise to the amount.

Furthermore to break it down more:

20 people is a crew
>1 manager (highest paid)
>1 lookout (higher paid)
>~3 EMTs (higher paid)
>~3 Sawyers (to cut brush/trees - also higher paid)
>~8 fighters (average pay)
>~4 swampers to clean debris (lowest paid)

It's not even firefighters, it's literally a social work program called
>Working On Fire
to get marginalized niggers into work...

Well guys...


God damn

Good get and nice work user. The weak must fear the strong

People helping others is only acceptable amongst whites. I wouldn't piss on a nigger if it was on fire.

>commienadian justifying paying firefighters 15 a DAY.
god fucking damn you're bigger kikes than the kikes.

Moose country, five minute walk to the border.

found it

It's not like Harper would've accepted help from Russia either though


I love Canada

They just provide countless hour of entertainment

twice? this has happened twice? ahahahaaha oh canada trolling those south african nobs jerking the black mans chain....ha ha ha

If you put out the fire it wins.

Did you just completely gloss over the "on top of their regular pay, plus lodging, food, and flights"?

Spent, and continue to spend all the money on shitskins

Well so do you!

Brothers make each other laugh

>trusting a leaf
the only thing we know for sure is that they got their pay slashed.

everything else we dont really know, not to mention if they WERE putting out good cash then why wouldnt they pay an extra 25 every day?

these commienadians were fighting over 25 shekels a day, you don't fight for small change like that unless you're pulling a scam.

>Literally just untrained dumb niggers shipped halfway across the world to tackle a serious crisis who fuck off because the pay isn't good enough

Holy shit Canada has hit apex cuckdom.

o canada

I wouldn't find my brother being on fire the least bit funny.

I do, however, applaud your humanitarian spirit for attempting to integrate this fire into your society.

Hopefully you'll fully realize the vision of your PM and also ban assault super soakers.



Read the story m8.

Stop being retarded.

You make the flag look bad.

>SA fire company employees paid standard SA fire company wages at all times by the fire company
>In addition the fire company is given $170/person/day for the duration of their stay in Canada by Canada
>In addition Canada is paying for housing and food for fire company employees
>They fight fires for 10hr/day
>The fire company is being paid $17/person/hour of work
>Fire company deducts cost of modern equipment and training from employees
>Has absolutely nothing to do with Canada
>After all deduction by corrupt SA (tautology) fire company management, company employees are receiving their standard pay + $15 per day

Again, remove head from anus before trying to take a standpoint on this.
There was no "pay slash".
Their standard SA firefighting wages are still being paid, whatever they may be.
They are still getting free food, board, and transportation.
Their only conflict is with their own SA management who are deducting money from their bonuses to pay for whatever no-third-world training they needed to operate canadian equipment.
Canadian politicians are only getting involved to virtue signal.

would have accepted help from america tho

How has the fire not spread across the border?

Today was a triumph for multiculturalism in Canada. That fire has the right to exist and express its culture in its own way. Canada is stronger for having the fire. Not all fires are bad, and you can't judge all fires by the action of extreme heat elements that don't represent the whole. Many of them provide useful, vital services in our communities, and we should be looking to embrace and accept more fire to Canada. Its' diversity in the Alberta region makes everything a little brighter, and then a little darker.

>How has the fire not spread across the border?

Unlike most jobs, Blacks are willing to destroy America and its prosperity. Thus, there's no need for them to jump the border.

This is better than I had ever hoped it could be. I thought that they would just do nothing behind the scenes while canadians fought the fire, but they actually decided to quit due to 'poor pay'.

Fucking kek.

When is Justin going to suck it up and let big macho Uncle Sam save his sorry country

I'm still confused at the part where the first thing they do after getting off the plane is doing a dance routine. Jesus Christ, these motherfuckers would probably be trying to do backflips along the fire line and end up tumbling ass-over-head into the inferno, only to come screaming out as a fireball while yelling like some 60's-era cartoon witchdoctor as they spread the fire beyond the break. Also, since when do people from a barren savanna keep trained teams of forest fire crews? It sounds like some fucked up cross between a Nigerian prince scam and the cultural show a small country would put on for the one international event they got to host every 20 years.

What did he mean by this.

If you save your enemies, they win.

>Bring over 300 Africans
>punk them
>they go back and tell the other niggers that Canada don't got no gibsmedats
>African refugee/immigration numbers take a sharp decline


Sup Forums BTFO

Lotta tolerance for a Prime Minister.

>and some or all of them will be flown home, their managers say
It better be every last one of them

Oh really makes you think. I'm officially a #Hillaryartillary now if trump wins I'm moving to Canada

Our prime minister is the sneakiest of the greasiest of cucks. He could get nuts deep in a rattlesnake before it knew what year it currently is.


I've been nearly pissing myself with laughter about this all fucking day. Seriously, don't get help from people that could have already had the fire put out, fly in a bunch of fucking South Africans from halfway around the world, pay them peanuts, and watch it all burn to the ground because you wanted to have a beautiful scene with nigger firefighters being "responsible" for putting out the blaze and saving Mapleland.

You all realize, Fort MacMurray will be charred embers and ash in short order. Great job, Trudeau, you didn't put the fire out and extinguish your enemy, so you won!

Justin is playing chess while we've been playing checkers

Even white Africans refuse to work.


They didn't pay them peanuts, they paid the SA fire company $170/person/day for all 300 people.

The fire company was skimming their bonuses to pay for their training on first world equipment, but the company itself was still paid more per hour than local canadian firefighters.

Now I understand.

The fire is still going?

White Africans? What are you smoking dude?

Canada is being punished for DUDE,WEED. The flames of hell are blazing Canada.

There was a news article about how even if the fire is extinguished, it will restart later in the year because 80% of the land is peat.

It will continue for at least a year, on and off.

I pity the Albertans, Trudeau's faggotry probably made things far worse than they could have been.

something tells me this outcome could have been prevented

Whenever I see one of these bastards I try to start a fight with one of them.
Never works.