>watch a movie
>really like it
>come on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums hates it
what's her name?
Watch a movie
Godzilla 1998
Winters Bone
I don't have my own opinion so that never happens.
This may be the least reddit post of all time
>form opinions based 100% on Sup Forums's consensus
Who /this/ here?
right here
>mfw reading about a movie before hand on Sup Forums and making up my mind about it before I even see it
who /toobusywagecucking/ here?
Arrested development
Happened with Arrival, completely consumed by it, understood it even the unspoken concepts like Fermat's principle then I saw how confused and misled everyone here was so I started to pretend to know what the movie was about as well. Feels good.
Is that Lindsey Pelas or Charlotte McKinney? McKinney, right? Pelas has kind of a weird nose.
Huh. Maybe I was wrong about the nose. it just looks super narrow in her Playboy stuff. She looks way cuter here. Thanks user.
She looks nothing like her playboy videos. She put on some meat on her bones and doesn't look bad (imo) anymore, no idea about her nose tho.
Beyond the Black Rainbow just after the release, although it seems like people are starting to like it now
Sucker Punch
No way Sup Forums hates Arrested Development?
The Counselor
Actually just went and looked at the PB shoot again and I'm convinced she got a nose job at some point. You're right though, she is definitely thicker as well.
I feel you, man.
The Counselor's OST is superb, at least there is that.
Suicide Squad thought it was a 10!
Other 10/10 Deadpool, Revenant, Fury Road.
Pic related is also a 10!
Shrek 3
Hobbit trilogy
A Clockwork Orange. It's not even Kubrick's best but I love everything about it.
Mad Max Fury Road bc I didn't understand what was happening with gamergate and Sup Forums slowly taking over at the time.
SS and Deadpool are 6/10 at best. The others are about a 7.
But i get it, it's a pretty dumb movie. I'm just easily manipulated.
I thought Fassbender was the weakest part of the movie- Cameron Diaz was perfect for what she was supposed to do. Great fucking movie.
300 2 (whatever the sequel was called)
Clash of the titans
Wrath of the titans
Wolf of wall street
X-men apocalypse
Also fucking THIS, why does everyone seem to hate it?
BtBR is 101% patrician. It's only disliked by the kind of plebs who downtoke movies for being "boring."
Sup Forums likes too many artsy films and is obsessed with cinematography. Don't listen to them user, I watched too many of their gay films at my own expense.
Everyone liked Wolf of Wall st
Literally a great war movie, even if the final stand was retarded.
Sucker Punch has the same problem as Spring Breakers where there's a lot going on under the surface, but people see scantily clad women and assume it's lowbrow trash and refuse to consider anything else.
Die Another Day. There are far worse Bond movies.
>he consider artistic content devoided of emotion good
are you fucking 9 ?
Definitely arrival. Didn't think it'd be such a pleb filter but Sup Forums never fails to surprise me.
Return Of The Jedi
My favourite Star Wars movie, and everyone seems to shit on it.
Empire Strikes Back
Sup Forums loves all of based Cameron's work
>300 2 (whatever the sequel was called)
>watch movie
>love it
>Sup Forums hates it
>i love it even more now
>watch movie
>love it
>Sup Forums loves it
>i now hate it
>watch movie
>have mixed feelings about it
>some people on Sup Forums hate it
>some people on Sup Forums like it
>agree with all of them
me all the time
i only watch things so i can hate them
haven't enjoyed anything since 2005
sounds less fun than it is honestly
nee hong emo
This. The idea that hating what's popular or going into movies expecting to hate them is 'bad' is nothing more than a spook
Lots but Brick first and foremost.
hate is negative and some of you losers are real girls about your emotions, you like negativity. you might as well have vaginas
The Hateful Eight.
>300 2 (whatever the sequel was called)
Awesome films!
But this final stand ruins movie, for all their passionate screaming "THIS IS WAR SON, YOU'LL DIE HERE, NORMIE REEEEEE" the fact that he actually survived by such contrived and artificial way scratches the whole thing movie has been building up too by yelling at Norman when someone died, they all should've died there in the Fury and only then some amraican company would've found the battlefield and declare that:
"Oh, so this why german battalion we've encountered was so fucked up? Because these brave men sacrificed themselves... semper fi boys semper fi"
This would've been perfect, I would've even forgiven 3rd act nazi morons who acted like brain dead imbeciles.
Fury is a definitive: "How to fuck your movie up in just third act."
A film refusing to shove "feels" in your face and play loud soap opera music to indicate what you're supposed to be feeling like a fucking sitcom laugh track does not make it "devoid of emotion."
I'm guessing you're one of those knobs who calls Kubrick's style "cold and inhuman."
Beyond the black rainbow
People either hate it or love it
Schindler's List. It's a great movie but Sup Forums hates it because it's popular and >Spielberg >muh jooz crossposter cancer from Sup Forums
no i love kubrick, but it seems you have zero idea what cinema is.
2001 is not boring because it is not devoided of emotion because you give a shit about the character it's called movie making.
btbr is just pretentious shit, poor acting, just some nice plastic shot and plebs will call it a masterpiece
it's not a complete piece of shit movie, but the praise it receiving is just outstandingly stupid in my opinion which dosent matter
If it wasn't for the Ewok's it would probably be favorite also. The final space battle is God tier as is the Luke v Vader confrontation.