
Cosplay edition

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didnt get that game cos playing as a gril ruins muh immersion

might say "nigger" on an anonymous forum


wish I was a girl


>not always choosing to play as a girl

Gay twat


>2017 is half over already

He was right lads.


delete this

You realise he's saying that because he regrets his own life, right?

What's the point in listening to that dumb fuck, he is making a career off gullible fucks like you paying attention to him

Don't pay attention to him

>__ ________
>___ ____




Is it your birthday today young mexican boy


He's a comedian with a Sup Forums kind of humour you retard. I take him about as seriously as I take Sup Forums.

do people really buy things for traps just based on a few leg pics?

might shave my legs, put on some stockings, and start gathering a following

The Mexican fellow posted candles, indicating to us that it is a day of celebration for either himself or his country. Whichever it may be, this day should be devoted to our Mexican friend and Mexico in general.

wh*te """people""" need to stop cosplaying.

he always posts those candles

newfag scum


I'm not pleased to admit that I've been shitting up this general for the last four years and i still wish i were dead

ahh I miss being a teenager


Why is he angry?

Probably cos it's a fucking dude

how do get joseon gf

oh come on now that's obviously a man
dude deserved it

why do russians put )) in their posts?

Maкcим Maкcимoв1 month ago
hahaha)) lol

>when you realise that you and all your alt right friends are clean cut, middle class kids from down South

it's a smiley face

Best video game series

fascism has always been a movement for arrogant, petit bourgeois types who feel they should be the rightful rulers of society, and despise the poor and people who don't look like themselves

He's a transphobi shitlord who thinks that because his gf has a dick it means she's not a woman

>tfw no gf with a feminine penis

Lads, this is unironically Chris Moyles, what the fuck


Don't believe you

>43 years old

Too much of the glug glug



ah yes, the "great" lakes

State of the left

why are there so many female mps these days
is this some sort of equality bullshit

it's been steadily growing for decades, now we're reaching a fair balance
don't see the problem tbqh, though i am against women only shortlists

not like the new generation of male MPs are any better

women act more on feelings, and the ones who don't are complete psychopaths
both ends of the spectrum are very dangerous

clive lewis

Parties run all female lists in many constituencies to force people to elect women.

Lake Superior alone is nearly the size of your country, big boy

comes across as an angry politics student

Russians don't have eyes

bloody hell


What the fuck did you say about Michigan?

london on the map


*tips ten gallon hat*

Love cute lads.

That couldn't be further from the truth, fascism usually starts in the working classes. Hitler did not come from a very affluent background at all, his father was a customs officer, and was an illegitimate son, which was a big deal in those days.

Contrast that with Marx who was very middle class, went to a prestigious university, studied law, all that stuff. Engels was also very middle class, and so was Lenin. They also went to university. In this way, communism is essentially the middle-class bourgeoisie exploiting the working classes in order to fuel their own ambitions.

Look at picture related, the Freikorps (free corps). Working class men who formed paramilitary groups during the Weimar period. They were precursors to the Nazis - they went around the countryside killing minorities willy-nilly.

So yeah. You are completely and utterly wrong.

>poor little white country

Posted for your consideration

why have you posted an ugly twat


why is it censored?

VERY important question!

Would you let your daughter marry a scot?

Only if he wore both a kilt and a turban


Lawland or Hieland?

>In this way, communism is essentially the middle-class bourgeoisie exploiting the working classes in order to fuel their own ambitions.
Or those same middle class people wanting those below them to enjoy what they have. You leave out empathy, christian ideals prevalent in western thought that came out of protestantism and a whole bunch of other shit. That said you could be right, but you dont know enough to confirm you are right, when you do, you will be less willing to give an opinion. see dunning -kruger for more info lad.

And without Alaska?

They're all the same to me.

>to enjoy what they have.

Australia is that big? Crickey

The working class in Weimar voted communist, not nazi. They had their own paramilitaries too; the KPD's RFB and the SPD's RS-R-G. The nazi base was the lower middle class. It is true that communist theorists may well have been university educated, but so are theorists of any type. The voting base was a different matter.

Big bad Australian company owned by god botherers produces Weet-bix and sued the kiwi british stores to censor out the **** in W****bix

How can you breathe in your country without feeling so claustrophobic?

Wait I thought Australia was a comparable size to Estonia? Surely that map is wrong?

stop saying crickey you dumb cunt

seems incredibly petty and pointless

Australia is fucking huge man, it's a fucking continent. Like 80% of it is uninhabitable wasteland though

Okja was very mediocre bordering on bad

Is eet like a racist term against Sheep-fuckers?
No need to be upset, friend. I am merely trying to validate your meaningless culture of violence and petroleum sniffing


i still don't understand

This territory used to be under the Queen's crown


should i watch tokyo ghoul or hunter x hunter?

americans built giant cities in the desert
you're just lazy fucks

kys and make the world a better place

It's obvious the middle classes and peasantry voted for Hitler because the Marxist's were threatening to appropriate their businesses or stock.

the queen is the head of state of canada you dummy

Hunter X Hunter.

Aren't you bamboozled that such a small bit of land could have such a large effect on the word?



anglos are the masterrace everyone knows this to be true

shame the anglo is dying out wherever he is in the world though

Hunter x neck yourself

enrages me how much reddit loves the barely passable
there must be a term for this


Is this game fun?
What exactly do you do in it?