Go outside

>go outside
>see a girl wearing hijab

Day fucking ruined
Pls save me Sup Forums

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I see this every day multiple times.




>The ride never ends

>go outside
>pass by a 1st grade class on a field trip
>half of them are black

yes its bad it makes me not want to live anymore i presume you live in the golden horseshoe?


Don't worry user, soon 300'000 mudslimes will be permanently in our once great country.

Muslim women aren't that bad here. Like if i'm in a college class with a hijab girl at least I know she probably won't be a dumbass

So Portugal's getting more European immigration?


She is proud of being treated like a fucking slave
How the hell is she not a dumbass?

>Day fucking ruined

Awwww, did it hurt your delicate FeeFee's?

Stop being a special snowflake...

>our country back

heh. im asian and i don't even think canada is our country.

>im asian

China, Worse Korea or Flip?

MFW when I only see mostly hispanics and some blacks as the child demographics out here.

better than muzzie

>go outside
>things that never happened: the post

>Drive through Minneapolis, MN
>Fucking hijabs everywhere
>Middle-aged African and Middle-Eastern men just standing around in the middle of the day doing nothing
>Halal market and a mosque every block


Saw a bitch wearing a burka at my Uni today. Literally prepped for shelter in case they wanted to kaboom.

who is the creator of these gifs?

>a) Muslim's not a Nationality...
>b) Everybody's better then a Cannuk Sup Forums poster, even the freaking Aussies.

She did not see you

>not dumbasses


But I saw her face
I don't want to go outside and see a hijabi girl in my fucking city



They're usually good students though

I know the feel. I live in white middle class suburb and there's an Asian Muslim family and one black family.

who the fuck cares
US and Canada was not in shortage of good students before muslims came to the country

dont you have some typhoid to catch?

or they just pump babies like crazy

when I was in the 1st grade there was only 1 black in a class of 30 people

I see this too. As long as I see it less often than Asian qts dating the ugliest White men I will be happy.

>was 92.8% white in 1970
>now it's 60% white with pretty much the exact same population
white people leaving in droves because it's a fucking shithole even before niggers showed up and ruined it.

in highschool people kept calling this one muslim girl a terrorist and she quit school kek

this was in texas btw

bout a year ago i had the same experience
>live in small hick town
>go to small hick store
>muslim girl in hijab working the counter
>day ruined
>town ruined
>been shitposting on Sup Forums ever since


keep your filth out of our country

>>been shitposting on Sup Forums ever since

That was the best shitpost yet, congrats...

your country is a muslim shithole and the literal gutter of asia

Hey neighbour, Ditto...

Nope, those would be the nations you presented with the gift of 'Freedum and Democrazy', delivered from the B52's...

What's even worse are the whites that stayed behind are all cucked nu-male hipsters and SJWs.




>go outside
>chaperone a class field trip
>all the other parents are wearing hijabs

>go outside
Fucking normies

At this rate I won't be going outside ever again

>don't go outside
>live a neet life
>don't see anyone

Feels good man

>tfw no tuff hijabi boxer gf

Fucking this. At least inside I can be a virgin in peace.

but my man all the girls are getting fucked by the 5% Chad
Don't you want any?

>5% Chad

Rich Piana?

I meant that top 5% of men are chads

Girls in my country are ugly

>go to London
>see five women in hijabs at the store

>Driving down Queen st.
>Reach Queen and Bramalea.
>See a fucking full suited up ninja with 2 spawns dressed in garbs
Fuck I hate the, just nuke us.

why would u live in Minneapolis when the rest of the state is so based user?

kek, back in middle school me and a couple of buddies used to yell RPG!! then dive to the ground every time we saw this Muslim girl in the hall

I live in North Dakota and get to experience this everyday, usually with Somalis. They have mosque and such and are aggressive about pushing their faith. Many of the men wear robes and turbans as well, and they generally respond poorly to criticism of their faith.

So I sympathize, Satan.

I have a benghali friend who says the elections are retarded because the muslim party candidate gets elected every time.
really makes me think...

Stop giving them food stamps, or whatever your equivalent nigger production subsidy is called. Or, we've balanced it out with a federally funded voluntary genocide program disguised as a feminist issue, you could do that. It's cut negro population growth by more than 50%, it's only a matter of time before we offer a small stipend to any males who voluntarily undergo a free sterilization procedure. The reduction in welfare spending growth would be enormous.

The preferred term is nazgul and you wouldn't see them so often if you didn't keep slipping on the ring, Mr. Frodo.

>muslim party candidate gets elected

Slap your friend for bullshitting you, all 6 major Islamic parties combined gets

So if I have blonde hair and blue eyes, does that make me an elf? When does the age of cis-men end?

>go out for lunch
>see blue haired, blond eyed baby with a mother and father

Here's the ultimate red pill: Sup Forums is Valinor.

Stop getting tiggered easily OP

Hello rare flag

LEL, good one dude...

What town?

I'd still berry. She still looks better than the vast majority of American females.

Dude, I work near one of the refugee locations. Fuck me, those people...