I'm Not Racist

I'm Not Racist

I preferred the first half tbqh desu senpai

Remember when the black arts movement hated jews? I miss that

>calls the black guy nigger like 6 times in the verse
>still says im not racist
>black guy refutes all the points the white guy made by talking about Barbeque and Tupac
this is a failure on both ends, this song is easy to hate

>niggas in 90s
>making political songs about shooting racist cops and protecting their neighbourhoods

>niggas in 20s
>making political songs about getting along with racists and sucking Pacs and Ems dick

Maybe alt-right cucks are really right and society is getting pussified. I am not a racist, by the way.

>you have white privilege

ok, and?

There was rap in the 1920's?

you shouldn't be sympathetic toward racists, though.

Only the first half is good

I wish he argued more in the second half, all he did was insult the white guy.

Well, it was the most factually correct one.

All liberal niggers have is to argue. You can't argue facts.

its really funny when the strawman of the racist has more legitimate points than the other guy

>I'm racist as shit
>I'm don't like that you're racist
>Man... we're not so different after all... the true answer is in the middle...

>I am not a racist, by the way

That column of sentences shown at the end was some borderline Hopsin bullshit.

The major thing this song made me realize is apparently black people don't think white people know what barbecue is

its literally a joke at white people's expense that they dont use spices

this video sucks

on one hand you have the bearded redneck white guy strawman making generally inane statements on top ot saying the n-word and on the other hand you have the black guy claiming "systematic racism" with absolutely no evidence and choosing to externalize his personal shortcomings in the first place instead of developing self-actualization, growing the fuck up and building a life that he's happy with. liberalism is truly a disease and i'm glad i left it.

>im not racist but fuck white ppl amirite?

This song is unironically redpilled and calls for unity in all races against the bourgeois during the revolution to come

different races will never truly get along no matter how long we have this discussion, tribalism and hierarchical development is apart of nature and will never stop.

although racial tension is used by the elites to distract from their heinous crimes, notice how people arent still talking about the pedos and rapists in hollywood

>commie shit
You are literally promoting anti-intelligence. The class divide is increasingly an IQ divide as technology and the ability to use and develop it is the driving force behind the explosive growth of our economy. Marxist theories about the means of production are outdated as production jobs are done in 3rd world countries or increasingly automated.

>revolution to come
this is what people with blue check marks on twitter actually believe

The communist manifesto talks about automation, it's the point where the means of production become self-sustaining, socialism becomes communism and the state is no longer needed.
Lenin talked at lengths about how first world countries will export their production to satellite states and turn their economy into service economies.
You should really understand these concepts even if you don't like them.

>Marxist theories about the means of production are outdated as production jobs are done in 3rd world countries or increasingly automated.
the use of automation and production being entirely human free will lead to the creation of an universal basic income