What helps you ward off suicide in this shit tier society we live in?

What helps you ward off suicide in this shit tier society we live in?

What do we have to look forward to?

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The inevitable race war.

Hope I'm around long enough to see it.


Thought of my parents being upset.

I don't know man, I feel like I'm losing my mind. My entire family is brainwashed by leftist media.

When did everyone become such liberal faggots

I look forward to the day I can live peacefully, off the grid, away from all the retards and niggers, in a quaint little home with my gf

There's nothing to look forward to except Civil War and the hanging of the establishment globalist shills.

This isn't a climate where I'd want my children to grow up in unless something is done about these faggots destroying the West.

Alcohol, drugs, food, pussy, travel, history, excitement for the upcoming race war, etc. Don't quit right before things get good, user

The hopes that there are many other people out there with the same hopes of burning it all down and killing the worthless that I have.

The coming space race
>See you in space cowboy

new vidya, sex, food, music concerts, the online community i interact with.(pol,twitch,discord,skype)
And preserving the white race.

The hope of a better afterlife

fuck off faggot

Kill yourself on livestream op

St. John's Wort.

Not trolling, actually works. I took it my final semester in college where I stared at my gun safe every night thinking of ending it all. I describe it as "taking the edge" off of the depression. It doesn't make life worth living but much more tolerable.

Also recommended: exercise and eating vegetables.

that gratification of my developing sadism in watching it all crumble, and the joy it brings me to see people that think they're happy when in fact they're just a point of manipulation in a larger scale struggle to find validation in their purposeless endeavors.

They actually think a cell phone will make their lives better.


Kekked too hard.

Find your passion, run with it, hone it, and stay the fuck away from people like what you'll find in Sup Forums. Seriously man, this board is filled with pieces of shit from all over the world. You do know this is a containment board, right?

Take my advice.

Start a garden.

Get laid, get paid. Make something of yourself despite disadvantage. Do drugs. Have kids. Accept your death.



>community i interact with.(pol,twitch,discord,skype)

waiting on the race war

>What do we have to look forward to?

What to look forward to you ask....??

Why the next Lone Wolf for Islam who manages
to sneak a small nuclear device inside of a
box-truck across the US/MX border and detonates the same inside a major US city of course !!!

That's what I am looking forward to with a stiff cawk in one hand and a bowl of popcorn in the other.

If you kill yourself, you're letting every single SJW, Jew, nonwhite, and communist cuck there is fucking win.

Killing yourself because of the current state of matters is the ultimate form of cuckery. You are contributing to the leftist masses chanting for White cis Christian males to cease to exist.

You will end your bloodline. You will betray your ancestors. Your death will be the ultimate validation that the Left has been victorious. They successfully made you so weak minded and beta, that they made YOU kill your OWN FUCKING SELF.

Wait, user. I know it's painful. I know it is heartbreaking. But we will have our time. It is darkest before dawn. May the Lord grant us strength to holdout for Don.


fuck this faggot, he eats soy for every meal and was raised by a single mother and had no male role models growing up. He enjoys cuckold porn and in fact engages in the activity with his transgendered life partner in a satanic sex cult that practices globalist sex magic to bring about the new world order by means of making a one world religion that prays 6 times a day and in fact hates gays and women! You cant trust a wo-myn like that! He will only get you killed.

Just landed a 6-figures job (+equities +full benefits) that allows me to travel around the world several times a year if I so choose (paid-for by the employer). Feels good man. Looking forward to retiring at 40.

That was the most unintelligent response to an intelligent post I've ever seen. Way to prove my original point even further.

You're either a troll, a bot, or just plain dumb. Your post sounds paranoid as fuck, and all you've done is lay out buzzwords. Thanks for the laugh though

booze and bantz

White women mostly. That and an organized lifestyle with plenty of fresh airl

The possibility of Donald Trump winning

being united with Christ in Heaven.

>What helps you ward off suicide in this shit tier society we live in?

The shit tier society itself is entertaining to watch.

And even though so much of it is shit, the technological advancements we're creating also give me great hope for the future.


Your parents are from Belarus and therefore don't matter. That's my perspective, and you should take it into consideration.

How sad it would make the people that love me.