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Hillary Clinton Is The Right Choice For America
If You Do Not Think That, You Are Sexist

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That Is Right
I Am Voting For Hillary Now

You Have Great Point

You All Have Shown Me The Light #ImWithHer

Seriously guys, you had your fun


but the primaries are over, it's time to get serious and vote for literally the candidate that is actually qualified and deserves to get into the white house, no need to keep propping up this racist moppet anymore lol

How exactly did Hillary make his? Did she finally kill more people than Stalin?

No one wants another mommy

>being a phone nigger and shitposting while I shit

thanks for correcting the record

Wow that really changes things! guess I'm #mentallyhill now!

shut up you fumble fingers chuckle fuck

Hello I used to support Trump until I realized we could show that our country is ready to make history. I am now going to vote for the only candidate with experience. #ImWithHer #ItsHerTurn

Not an argument.




>Trump isn't really running, Trump can't win a primary, Trump can't win by May, Trump won't get 1237, Trump won't beat Hillary...

How can I be sexist if I gay?

A corrupt, lying politician with American blood on her hands. Yep, sounds about right for the current America. That's why you should vote trump and Make America Great Again!

Bernie supporter here. Gonna kill myself tonight. Going to take a couple oxy and then stream me shooting myself in the head. Keep monitoring this thread.

Hillary is pro-rape.

Sometimes I can't tell whether this is a concerted effort to be really really fucking ironic, or if actual people out here believe Hillary Clinton will be President

I Am Sorry, I Will Go Check My Cis White Male Privelage


If you were not sexist you wouldn't date men

>If You Do Not Think That, You Are Sexist

shillary doesn't have the temperament to be POTUS and so, so many character flaws


>a blind, bald, crippled, toothless man who is a hideous hermaphroditic character with neither the force and fitness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.
Thomas Jefferson

This was directed to one of his best friends, John Adams, we didn't invent shit posting, we merely adapted.

I Will Ban All Of Your Sup Forums Accounts

>deserves to get into the white house,

Shillary's already been there once before, and wasn't impressed enough to vote for her.

obvious bait is obvious


No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

>Going to take a couple oxy and then stream me shooting myself in the head.

e quando essa merda for embora o que vai acontecer? eçla vai ficar dando noica lá da argentina???? ela que vá tomar no cu dela.


What a goy!

Sorry, you're not smart enought to tell me what to think

I'm Ready for Hillary

>another woman card
let's play 52 card pickup with hillary's cards
oh wait they're all women cards

Wow, that really made me think. I guess I #StandWithRand now.

She is so based


Like Bill, I don't have anything against women. I just prefer other women instead of Hillary.

This needs to trend for a while.

I Love Women They Make My PeePee Feel Wowza

That's it, I'm a #ShillMissile

And you're literally enabling a mass murderer into office.

Really makes you think, huh?

Dont kill yourself yet
Vote trump in nov 8th

Then kill yourself

i would kill her if i had the chance. fuck people who protect pedophiles