Are they they descendants of the Phoenicians?
Should it be part of Syria? Is it a successful example of Christian/Muslim multiculturalism?
Opinions on Lebanon
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>Is it a successful example of Christian/Muslim multiculturalism?
They have to go back
> Is it a successful example of Christian/Muslim multiculturalism?
You Lebs are alright. My pizza guy is a Catholic Leb and he's pretty cool.
I hear you guys really love the Syrian war. It keeps the pressure off of you from Syria, because they want to claim Lebanon as part of Syria.
Lebanon is falling apart.
Leave me alone.
Hey, Lebanon has a lower murder rate than the world average
4.3 out of 100,000 in Lebanon as compared to 6.2 out of 100,000 worldwide.
>successful example of Christian/Muslim multiculturalism
no. its a better example of what will happen to europe in 50 years
t. lebanese american
Why did you guys annexed the south part of your country you retards? You destroyed the chritians majority with that dumb move
As a Mexican intellectual I agree
That's because they've already killed all the Christians and/or drove them out. Fuck you.
Source: Lebanese gf that hates muzzies
Lebanese people are awesome. Reading Lebanese history though is infuriating if you are a Christian. They get the short end of the stick in every conflict.
Not true. If it weren't for all those Palestinian and Syrian Refugees, i'd say Lebanon has a slight Christian majority.
>Are they they descendants of the Phoenicians?
Doubt it.
>Should it be part of Syria?
>Is it a successful example of Christian/Muslim multiculturalism?
Successful example of Christian and Shi'ite Muslim Multiculturalism, there will never be a functioning Sunni Muslim and Christian state.
>Are they they descendants of the Phoenicians?
>Should it be part of Syria?
>Is it a successful example of Christian/Muslim multiculturalism?
>>Should it be part of Syria?
Historically, yes, of course. But Lebanon was created so that a christian majority country existed in middle east.
>Christian and Shi'ite Multiculturalism
Hezbollah pretty much has the Christian community hostage, and Nasrallah threatens on occasion to wipe the Christians out. Shi'ite leaders also have been buying up land in Christian provinces to make them more multicultural, drive the Christians out, and gain more national delegates. I really don't agree that Lebanon has any semblance of a successful religiously diverse community. Try Eritrea, maybe.
yeah literally none of this is happening you stupid faggot. it's illegal in many parts of lebanon for christians to sell land to muslims
We made the mistake of demanding Greater Lebanon which brought in large muslim numbers. Most young Lebanese Christians today can't even describe their own civil war nor the history of the Christians in Lebanon. The muslims have tried to make our people forget our own history because its much easier to defeat us that way.
Please don't bring up Sabra and Chatila, that is a small dot in the 1,300 year history of Christian resistance against Islam in Lebanon
Are you kidding me? Hezbollah has bought up so much land in the mountains and hills over Byblos to expand their Shia population there, Hezbollah buys apartments and land all over Christian areas and puts spies or faggot treasonous SSNP sympathizers to keep Christians in check. Hezbollah will make Lebanon islamic, just because they dont kill and genocide at first site like ISIS doesn't mean they have a secular agenda. Hezbollah is on the rise, Christians in Lebanon will become a small minority one day because our pown politicians are too busy enjoying the money they receive instead of protecting the only nation in the Middle East made by Christians
>Hezbollah pretty much has the Christian community hostage, and Nasrallah threatens on occasion to wipe the Christians out
>Shi'ite leaders also have been buying up land in Christian provinces to make them more multicultural, drive the Christians out, and gain more national delegates
We only buy Christian land to construct residential areas and sell the houses to the Christians.
They're much better off in greater Israel,literally the only place in the Middle East with a few actually intelligent people expect for Israel and Turkey
I think u mean Neo-Canaan m8
I look forward to impregnating Israeli girls from our ancestral homeland.
how many lebanese look white?
>Are you kidding me?
A good amount of them afaik. I know one that has blond hair and blue eyes
What then? Lebanon basically becomes Israel's Mexico.
Good goy dogs doing your every whim? I mean come on you're not even trying to hide it:
>,literally the only place in the Middle East with a few actually intelligent people expect for Israel and Turkey
>some of these animals are actually intelligent
What is wrong with you?
>Tinfoiled Cucky Mc. Cuckaroo
Am lebanese, Fled because the economy is so fucked and our politicians are criminals, not to mention the garbage. Will only go back every so often to visit my nan. Fuck syrians
most of them tbqh. Lebanese are the descendants of Phoenicians and on top of that were colonised by french.
Don't they have huge amount of garbage just sitting in places across the country?
Might be Greece that I am thinking of
Good luck user, I just got accepted into a Welsh university for my MA degree.
Pretty sure my parents are the only reason I'm gonna miss Lebanon.
they should get outta me country
Just watchin the movie Lebanon right now. What a coincidence
What's it about?
>they descendants of the Phoenicians?
They are arabs
None of those ancient people exist
Arabs are from Arabia, don't confuse Semetic with Arab please. Arabs are one stock of Semites
I am lebanese.
I am white.
I have pink nipples.
Prove me wrong.
>What is wrong with you?
He's a kike.
post nipples
4 Israeli soldiers gettin trapped in tank in Lebanon city during the war
Lebanon was majority Christian for centuries, it was a legacy of the medieval crusader states. It has since become a Muslim majority country and, I believe, a test bed country for unrestricted immigration.
It's in perpetual violence these days. The ideal breeding ground for statism and authoritarian control. I lament and mourn what has happened to Lebanon and am reminded to stay vigilant against everything the establishment would try against us here in the west.
Actually, Europe will be way more fucked.
Christians have in Lebanon have had to deal with Mudslime bullshit for 1,000 years...
In Lebanon "Racially" mixing with Muslims is looked down upon as "haram" to by both Christians And Muslims... Thankfully.
Source: Me... We just slapped sense into my brother in law who was dating a Muslim chick... He dumped her and retained his honor.
do they bitch like little girls?
Israel cracking a tooth there was pretty funny, but thats the last time I paid attention to it.
this is true
im druze though
The only think that destroyed the Christian Majority in Lebanon was the CREATION OF ISRAEL:
See in the 1940s, the Christians were a STAGGERING 70% of Lebanon population. At the time, the population was in the 2-3 Million range.
Because of the 6 GORILLION, the international community needed "MUH JEWISH HOMELAND" and so the evil kikes in Europe mass migrated millions into Palestine... Drastically altering the region demographic within the course of a five years.... And, as you all know, "multiculturalism" is a cluster fuck, especially with kikes involved.
Arabs and Jews were now at eachother a throats and due to the British mandate and the UN, the Jews successfully purged nearly 1 Million Arabs from Israel...
The Arab Nations got together and told Lebanon that "we are going to settle about 1 Million and give them land in Lebankn"... As if we had the space.
How do we fix Lebanon?
This *100
Race mixing outside your religion is never a good idea.
You can't fix it.
One of the guys actually says "I want to go home. I want my mom!" kek
>You can't fix it.
Ireland used to be a warzone, now it's a developed nation.
South Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world in the 1950s. Now it is one of the richest.
Don't give up hope habibi.
You're delusional if you think Lebanon can be fixed.
We will never become civilized like Western countries, they will become like us instead; you guys are on your way to become Lebanon'ish in your own way.
The future is a dark place.
>Don't give up hope habibi
I'm not delusional you hoser.
>this country full of whites turned out ok
>this country full of east asians turned out ok
>surely a country full of arabs will turn out ok
That last one doesnt actually follow.
Palestinian Arabs entered Lebanon and created another "multicultural" CLUSTER FUCK.
Add 500,000 Muslim flea bags to a 2,000,000 population that is 70% Christian.... You DRASTICALLY ALTER THE POPULATION.
Of course, Britan, France and the USA have a long tradition of DESTROYING THE MIDDLE EAST AND INDIRECTLY CAUSING CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE.
The same cycle has been repeated until this day... With foreign aid coming from Saudis to Sunni Lebanese and Iran to Shia Lebanese... And NOTHING from The west to help Christians...
Now we are 30% and dwindling because foreign interests have only strengthened Shia and Sunni Muslims and forgotten Christians..
Fuck you all. The whole world FUCKED US
not really, as I said earlier, what ruined Lebanon was the fact the Christians demanded a Greater Lebanon which incorporated more muslims and thus was Susceptible to any foreign Arab interference because they had leverage over the Muslim populations. Had Tyre, Tripoli, and parts of the Bekaa belonged to Syria it would have been a different story. The Christians in Lebanon were bound to be swallowed up by the huge wave of Pan Arabism that swallowed the Middle East as the muslims with the support of the Arab nations including a hypothetical Palestine would have supported any destruction of Christian power in Lebanon.
Redpill me on the Jews. You probably knew them better than anyone here.
I like the flag except for that snot in the middle.
I have Druze friends and Shia friends and Sunni friends. We are all close and loyal to eachother
.. But there is an unspoken code that we all follow and that is not to mix racially or religion... So it's very rare
But lately, we have libcucks that are trying to defeat this code... It's not a big deal because in the end we are all Lebs... But we can't lose our religious identities either.. And that's what has happened in Beirut... The faggots and whores have taken over...
Stanford is a great school
You guys have our flag but with a cute little tree in the middle :3
They're like everyone else; seeking whats best for them.
The only difference is that they are ready to use unimaginable means to get what they want, since they view other humans as inferior golems.
They are smart, honorless, dangerous, and devoid of any empathy.
They are self appointed demi gods that seek to rule over all.
If they can't beat you with force, they will beat you from the inside through degeneracy and degeneration.
Yours is the color of a radish.
Ours is the color of a traffic light.
The Jews we encountered in Lebanon were different than the faggot kikes you meet here... These kikes were ruthless in your face and did not hide their power level.
These are TRUELY the most racist people in the world. Mossad entered in and out freely and they infiltrated the Christian leadership in Lebanon.... And basically turned the Christians against eachother until the biggest warlords and leaders killed eachother off.
Christians in Lebanon never recovered...
Even when a new batch of strong potential Christian leaders started to rise 10 years ago, they were all mysteriously assassinated ... Picked off one by one.
Your Catholic Leb friend has been misled regarding Syria.
Most smart Lebanese respect Syria. Syrians are identical to Lebanese racially... The only difference is the French and British put a border between us and Syria after WW1 and WW2
Your friend has been brainwashed by the factions that were allied wit Israel during the 1970-80s civil war.
Most Christian Lebanese correctly understand that Assad regime is the only thing protecting Christians in the region right now. Christians are in high ranking positions in the Assad power structure
>soon to be ruled over by Hillary "Satan Incarnate" Clinton
I may be Lebanese, but at least I'm not a fucking American.
I'd rather be living in this shithole than being ruled over by the SJW brigade.
Not true.
As a former supporter of Lebanese Forces, I used to think this way. While it's true the Shia are primarily concerned with their own betterment, the Shia Muslims are much more compatible with Christians in Lebanon.
My wife is from the Tripoli region of Lebnon which is dominated by Sunni... And the Sunnis in that area would have killed off Christians if not for the presence of Hezbolla as a force in Lebanon...
Of course the most ideal situation would be a Strong Christian Military presence... But our "Christian leader" Samir Geagea made some terrible deals selling all of his military equipment as well as signing legislation weakening Christians in exchange for Billions of US dollars...
We were stupid people ... But the outside forces really fucked our little country
I don't see any respect, you should try walking around Achrafieh, Jounieh, Jbeil, Bsharre, Zgharta, Tannourine and asking random people about what they think of Syria.... You might be confused with Christians who sympathize with the SSNP or follow whatever their political leader says(Aoun, Geagea) rather than actually understand the war and both those leaders' hardcore supporters don't even constitute the majority of the total Christian population...
It was YOUR FATHERS and GRANDFATHERS that ruined our beautiful country. You are nothing more than a cancer and everything you touch that isn't Jewish, immediately dies.
You are a cursed nation
Rare pepe
Partially true.. Some Sunni families descend from Arabs... However you will find many like pic related (my brothers and mom) who have red hair, freckles and can be confused for European or Italian.
We took the DNA test and it matches the genetic signature which is attributed to Phonecian genetic footprint by most genetic experts.
Those noses, are you sure you arent jewish?
I would be pretty scared if a bunch of Ashkenazi wanted to genocide me.
good thing Israel fucked its own demographics up too.
Lebanese people throughout the world.
Carlos Slim: Mexican communications mogul and Top 10 richest man in the world.
Danny Thomas: one of the greatest American comedians ever.
Michael Debakey: one of the pioneers of Open Heart Surgery and bypass surgery and the first to successfully use an external pump on a human heart.
Carlos Ghoson: Successfully resussitated Nissan motor company as CEO making it what it is today. Did the same with Renault motor company .
Other famous Lebanese or part Lebanese:
Vince Vaughn (1/4)
Zoe Saldana (1/4)
Shakira (1/2)
Selma Hayek (1/2)
Amal Clooney 100%
Congressman Darrel Issa
Sami Hagar (Van Halen)
And many others
Lebanon is an amazing place. Friendly people and the only place I've seen Arabic food with pork.
A shame Beirut still looks fucked up from the 2006 war with bulletholes and shit in some buildings while lots of new stuff is being build around it instead of fixing the old stuff.
What do you think about Hezbollah?
Considering they're declared a terrorist organization here it's hard for me to give a positive opinion ;)
Jews got their noses from their Semetic roots which they share with.... Phonecians
Lebanon is chill, it's a shame we hate each other.
oh well, see you next war and stuff
Hearing those shitskin Lebs claim that WE IZ WHITE is like Tyron claiming to be Nordic master race
ALL Lebanese are shitskins
The muslims act like, well, the mudslimes you would expect
Their non-muslim women are total feminist degenerate sluts
Literally just another target for atomic glass making
ashkenazi still have great genetics, only the degenerate richboi children that get taken in by daddy's traps fall prey. the true jews have been ethnically homogenous for thousands of years, you can't break their will.
What do you think about Hezbollah?
I'm genuinely curious. And how is Lebanon falling apart? From the syrian war?
Maronites seen based. Hate Hezbollah
Hizbullah is Based, I hope that they destroy your country.
They won't, and I didn't ask you. Your opinion is irrelevant and uninformed, they don't operate in your country.
>next war
Doubt it will happen. Who would provoke it.
Israel had a bad time and wold rather go back to stomping on hamas and other helpless retards
Hezbollah cares about Lebanese politics a lot. rattling the jew's cage once makes you look badass, but if you keep doing it and Israel keeps bombing Lebanon's civilian infrastructure flat in retaliation, eventually people will not be impressed by it.
>ashkenazi still have great genetics
Israel isn't majority ashkenazi anymore. They started letting in any freeloader who ever sucked at sports or hand an overbearing grandma to boost population and now they have shitloads of crap jews
It always feels like there'll be a next war here, that's why.
Fuck knows, we might be the aggressors through some falseflag if Lebanon is weak enough.
but mossad operates in our country you filthy fucking heeb
sounds like a bunch of crypto-jews
So you can ask me about my opinion about Mossad and get a relevant opinion. And I can ask you about La Raza, BLM and the others because you're an American.
See how it works?
>they don't operate
And, what's your point? I'm not uninformed, a few Shia kicked your ass and they will again.
Christianity and Islam cannot co-exist. Trust me I'm Assyrian from Iraq. The Christians live segregated from the Muslims while Muslims keep trying to move closer. Lebanon is done just like Iraq's Christian population.
Shut up kike, imma burn down a synagogue. Useless nigger.
You sound mad
My point is that I don't give a fuck about your shitty opinion I was asking my neighbor what he thinks about it.
Have fun.