Movies were the bad guy wins
But Trump won?
crashing this thread with no survivors
>Bad things
>Bad guys
Go back to sleep, Mr Castro
It's a new world
>not a bad thing
ah yes, I remember A-level politics
>Trump has gone back on a lot of his original promises or severely softened them
link me up to that debate senpai
>Ghostbusters bombs
>President Trump
and now Castro the saint of Cuba is dead!
ugh... 2016 is LITERALLY the worst year ever
u wot m8?
A-level politics is notorious for filled with smug leftist teenagers who all voted for (or wanted to vote for) Remain.
It was certainly the case with my class.
fugg that, reroll
you need the mental age of a 17 year old with no real-world experience to fall into the propaganda trap of le ebin frog man £350m a week to the NHS
don't worry mate, I fell for the meme too and now have massive regret. Since working in politics I've realised just how much we've fucked it
well that's not going to happen
Dopey doubters already crying. They don't bother me. Sad!
>voting to take sovereignty back is a bad thing
t. schlomo shekelberg taking his introductory sociology course at uni
>Implying my entire political philosophy hinges on the validity of some statistic painted on the side of a campaign bus
>A campaign bus of a campaign that I didn't even technically support
Vote Leave was run by Tory retards but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have voted Leave, my nigga.
>muh nhs
means fuck all to me. Matters of nationalism, sovereignty and self-determination do. The EU's fucked in both principle and in practice. Everybody sees it, everybody knows it. The EU is absolute shit. Even its champions have to accept this fact before they attempt to launch any sort of weak defense of it.
Spare me the "I voted Leave and I totally regret it!" false-flag faggotry.
Nobody who was seriously in favour of Leave would change their mind after they won the referendum, let alone someone who thinks they really know what they're talking about.
If you think you're smarter than random people online, okay whatever, but you're the one who not only has terrible (and democratically unpopular) opinions but also apparently got tricked by the people with the opposing opinions into going out and giving your vote to them. Somehow.
You're really in no position to scoff at people you think have the "mental age of a 17 year old" when you're claiming to now side with the Tony Blair, Tim Farron, Anne Soubry intellectual supergroup.
>being this much of a cuck
The only problem with Brexit is that the fucking Tories are in charge, who are embedded into the fucking EU establishment.
If we had a proper right wind government then we'd be in a better position going forward.
rolla rolla skate rolla
>2 options
>Option 1: WTO rules - will fuck our supply chains that rely on tariff free trade, in particular our Agricultural sector, specialised manufacturing and Financial Service sector (no passporting means repatriation of american banks or moves abroad to the continent)
>Option 2: EEA membership: we still trade under the same rules we enjoy now but we don't get a say in regulations or external tariffs
ah yes, very impressive
Reality has a left-wing bias
>we need the EU to have trade deals!
Bill "Roll" Wilson
rollos dos lollos
Rolling for some goodkino
It's not even a Sup Forums thread but even the worst wretch amongst you has a right to look down on the useless cocksuckers of mods. And janitors, obviously.
>they do it for free
the EU is our largest export market you total utter fanny, do you think we want to stop trading with them?
>we need to be in the EU to trade with other european nations!
downfall amirite Sup Forumsbros
Wew lad
did you even read my post? if we want to trade with the EU when we leave we have to trade under WTO rules until we can agree something with them, which will likely be a very poor deal. Even a good deal won't be as beneficial as tariff free trade so either way our goods become less competitive
Fuck that, re roll
And these economic predictions of yours are totally spot on and totally dissimilar to the Treasury's report and prediction that a mere vote itself to leave the EU would have "immediately"
>Pushed the economy into a recession
>Led to an increase of unemployment by around 500,000
>A reduction in GDP by 3.6%
>A reduction in wages
>An increase in inflation
>An increase in house prices
>An increase in public borrowing
Leaving the EU will destroy our economy and fuck over our country and we NEED the EU because blah blah blah, right? Like the last fifty times we've heard about it (and suspiciously not yet seen)?
Fuck off, retard. We're leaving the fucking European Union, an incompetent left-wing customs union with open borders, we're not backing out of the industrial revolution.
And honestly, if we couldn't survive without the fuckery that is the EU then we plainly don't even deserve to. So what's the point? Why not accept the result and just move on with it?
>we need non-democratically appointed bureaucrats who aren't british making trade deals for us to have trade deals at all!
>he thinks governments create free trade
>he doesn't realize that free trade is a socioeconomic phenomenon that spontaneously develops between peoples and doesn't require any government's approval
>he doesn't realize literally every "free trade" agreement ever made is actually a trade restriction
>Why not accept the result and just move on with it?
You tell me, fanny.
can you link me up to that debate please?
so the treasury got it wrong, doesn't distract from the fact that the true impact of brexit hasn't even been seen yet
the EU is very much a necessary evil with regards to the single market, it's too big to ignore. It's totally incompetent and shouldn't go further than being a customs union but unfortunately it has. The fact still stands that for 50 odd years UK industry has become accustomed to the rights they currently have - to suggest that a change to these in the forms of increased tariffs and changes to complex supply chains won't have an impact on the economy is burying your head in the sand.
you're literally not even reading my posts so I don't know why I'm engaging with you - the fact of the matter is to trade with the single market you either join the EEA (which makes the whole idea of leaving the EU a fruitless endeavour) or you abide by their WTO tariffs until something else can be agreed (which will not happen in 2 years)
>the fact of the matter is to trade with the single market you either join the EEA (which makes the whole idea of leaving the EU a fruitless endeavour) or you abide by their WTO tariffs
Or you're an economic powerhouse in the continent that most other nations need to trade with. Then you get to 'trade with the single market' and make your own mutually beneficial trade deals to begin with. There was nothing magical about the EU. Nothing the EU did that was legitimately beneficial to the economies and workers of European nations can't be established on their own separate for the bureaucracy of the EU. The EU was a way to strip the people of Europe of their democratic power in their own individual states. It was a ploy to devour sovereignty and exploit the people of Europe.
By all means though, keep slurping down the shit that the BBC and your half-retarded lib uni professor is squeezing down your throat about 'muh single market' and 'muh brexit is about racism'.
>the bad guy wins
>literally saves the world from World War III
>bad guy
Enjoy your recount, can't wait to drink your tears.
They're out largest export market because we've been limited to trading with them BY THEM
>Or you're an economic powerhouse in the continent that most other nations need to trade with. Then you get to 'trade with the single market' and make your own mutually beneficial trade deals to begin with
are you just being willfully ignorant? obviously trade won't cease but it will slow. You simply cannot get a better deal than tariff free trade because of our trade deficit, that's an objective fact. If anything EU countries are just going to use this as an opportunity to take over Britain's specialised exports in their own country, as we've seen in Germany trying to poach US banks from CoL already.
you're a fucking mong, I'm literally a lobbyist and some of my clients are major US banks - ALL have said there will be CoL shrinkage and repatriation
>keep slurping down the shit that the BBC and your half-retarded lib uni professor is squeezing down your throat about 'muh single market' and 'muh brexit is about racism'.
don't sell yourself short user, your old-maidish screeching's much more convincing. not to mention attractive
>the lefty screams in response
You were born at a time that meant living to see the "post-truth" era, user. These UKIP muppets could be turned out to sleep rough and get fucked in the arse on the Thames Embankment tonight and they'd still be gasping "based Farage, UKIP will save us" between penetrations.
>yfw the entire world is about to get Tracy Flick'd
Seth Rollins
I'm not a lefty, I even voted UKIP in 2010 and voted brexit and I'm fucking embarrassed to have bought into their shit
roll again
The opposite of the coin is just as scary.
There are already talk about an EU army. Trade deals can go stuff it if you are losing your sovereignty in the long term.
I've got the next 4 days in a row off of work somehow, rolling
Our system thinks post spam
The EU talks have been around for ages, they just denied it.
They're now saying it's needed even sooner because Trump got elected and it's unfair that he wants them to pay for NATO.
the EU army is just spin by the Express, the reality would be no different than the EU army
sovereignty is a spook, it means nothing in real terms
>He thinks the EU doesn't want to be a superstate
Lmao. Are you fucking daft? Everything the EU has done in the past 10 years is to consolidate enough power to force in a unelected monarchy. Look at what they have already done to Greece.
>to force an unelected monarchy
am not going to entertain your fantasies any more mate, utter rubbish
>He thinks the EU leadership is elected by the people
never said it was, but its a useless endeavour to do that because of vast voter apathy. Until voters in Europe (including the UK) pull their fucking fingers out and start becoming politically engaged there's no point in holding elections because the turnout will be less than 1% - people don't even vote in GEs or referendums like Brexit, why on earth would they vote in the President of the European Parliament
Exactly. Unelected monarchy. In practice of course.
but that's not the fault of the EU it's the fault of voters
>it's the fault of voters
Lmao. Do you also on the other hand complain about voting laws being the fault of the voters? EU through their laws and propaganda make it hard for the voters. And then blame the voters. Just look at the good goys like you blaming the people instead of looking at the monster of a system that you invented.
>sovereignty is a spook, it means nothing in real terms
Found the cuck/jew.