Is it racist to call someone a cracker?
Is it racist to call someone a cracker?
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No. It's basically saying "you're a cracker, your ancestors literally cracked the whip because my ancestors were to stupid or weak to fight back.
Same with when you call someone a fag and they use the bundle of sticks meme. The term fag became used to describe a bundle of sticks because homosexuals were burned at the stake by the church and people started referring to them as kindling.
Cracker is the best they have and it's just hilariously inept.
i remember when I was in grade school a dorky black kid was threatening to call me 'the C word' and I was like go ahead and he did. I just laughed at him and I'll never forget that sad introspective look he had from realizing that word had no power.
I talked with a nig once who was shocked when I said whites call each other cracker, she thought it was some kind of horrible burn or something.
Only if you think calling someone a nigger is racist
The new one is mayo
Let them have their moment, they literally have nothing else in their lives. They have no home nation, no heritage and they can't even trace their ancestors real names. They have nothing and they will continue to have nothing.
>whites call each other cracker
Were you lying to the sheboon or is that actually a thing where you live?
"You can't be racist towards white people" - @Truman_Blue
I'm from OR/WA and people do it here.
i like 'cumskins' been seeing that one on Sup Forums lately and I gotta admit, it's the most offensive one yet.
I don't understand what's going on in this picture other than the racism part.
Who are these people and why would someone care what they think?
the only difference between cracker and nigger is that niggers flip the fuck out if you say nigger, but white people dont care if you say cracker. the irony is that niggers give power to the word they hate so much
the OP was calling out a pop singer for copying his work and her fans started calling him a cracker
Racism is up to each individual speaker to decide. If you don't think what you are saying is racist, it's not.
The whole idea of racism being wrong is like a social contract.
We all agree not to be racist against each other and to treat everyone equally.
But as soon as one group breaks the social contract, that group is no longer protected by the social contract and it is OK to be racist against them.
This is how I've always thought about it.
It's definitely racist, but everyone's a little bit racist.
The best part is they think cracker holds a negative connotation.
Yet it is literally taking "shitskin". A white invention. Then changing it to be whitish. It is pretty weak imo. If they came up with it out of the blue it might hold a bit of charge but it is literally "i'm rubber you're glue" tier.
Some crazy black guy came up with "toiler seat complexion individuals" or "toilet seat americans" which is at least a tiny bit clever.
who cares, it doesn't mean anything
Racist is secretly an antiwhite slur, whites just haven't admitted it yet
cracker is a term of superiority when compared to nigger
>I literally don't get it.
Ergo ispo facto visa vee imparticus zeratul
Shit is weak fampai
Wow. These people are honestly pathetic.
isn't it a form of oppression to criticize and ridicule someone over their skin color?
Yes. But if you live in the south casual racism is just bantz.
Liberal double talk.
Do not buy into it. Do not empower it.
Racism is the negative attitude towards another person based solely on their racial background.
If someone doesn't like whites because they are white. They are racist. Which is why it is so absurd it holds so much power right now. The reason they can throw racism around and get reactions is because of hyper sensitive white people who think if they are "racist" they are bad. Which benefits literally everyone but white people. As other races are very openly racist and in their native nations it is hardly even something worth noting. Everyone makes judgements based on race. To say otherwise is utter horseshit.
Next time someone calls you a cracker. Get insanely upset about it and pronounce them as racist in their face. Don't let them worm away with made up SJW new definitions of "minority+not being in power" bullshit.
As I absolutely assure you they would not be affording you the same sense of shame if they were the majority and in power.
racism = privilege + power
check your privilege
I always think of "smoothskins" when I see that one. Kinda makes me emit a kind of wheezy chuckle.
hello newfriend
Get fucked, racist.
yeah but lefties would say some bullshit like 'prejudice is only racism when backed by power in society'
I'm not white, so I can't be racist. Try again, stormfag retard.
No, it's fun
OK now what?
They're still going to call me cracker.
holy fuck, how can i donate to you?
im russian, so us non whites must stick together
That came directly from freechDOTnet/intl/
I'm sensing you might be a goon so go fucking drown yourself in a toilet nigger
You're a racist in that you're saying that only whites can be racist.
no need, I'm well off and I do it for free
>waah a spade's a spade
drink some water and go for a run white boy
Id rather be associated with cum wich is the seed of intelligent life on earth than be associated with shit which is the rejected biowaste.
Not white, never been white.
Just melanin challenged. Freak of genetics.
only white people can be racist
im sure u are associated with both considering you're almost certainly a niggerloving faggot
Yes, but who cares. Just call them a nigger and watch them freak out.
I remember hearing it a few times in a certain video but I can't seem to find it now.
No one loves niggers, thats why their fathers run away and their mothers just tolerate them.
Niggers dont love niggers, try again canadian poo stomper.
i'd put $20 down for that being a dude
I don't really like it when people say one thing and do another. Try being more consistent in the future.
I'm partial to fishbelly, myself.
It's empowering, the opposite of racism. OWN IT.
>Its okay to be an asshole to people because they're "privileged"
Don't even bother arguing about privilege with these people, attack them on that premise first.
It's impossible for POC to be racist because racism is defined as privilege + power. White people are in the position of power and thus they wield all of the privilege, therefore only whites are capable of being racist.
Now suck my big black dick, crackers.
Non-whites have both. Check your privilege, racist.
Ive never understood this. Cum is a bright white color and could be compared to an albino person not a regular white guy. Shit comes in all different shades of brown just like black people so shitskin is appropriate. Cumskin just doesnt make sense
>racism is defined as
I'm still wondering just when it was that college professors read the Alice in Wonderland books and got the bright idea that they could simply redefine negative terms to implicate whichever group of people they don't like.