Arguments with liberals

Did I do well, Sup Forums? I have been posting more and more political stuff for normies on facebook, and I've been trying to normalize being an open Trump supporter.

Here is the second argument

>talking to libfags

just shitpost and call them faggots

you will literally never change anybody's mind on facebook by proving them wrong with facts

My third and most powerful argument.

Amusingly enough I have not received responses from these guys in hours.

I think I've been pretty successful.

What the fuck is this? Fuck off with this kikebook shit.

You can't argue with liberals. Literally, by nature, they are of lower intelligence. Just stop. Their day will come where their heads are on the guillotine.

>Arguing on facebook
You're even dumber than the people you argue with.

pose the question, then wait for their response, then attack their response while making them look bad
don't interject with your projections

I'm not really concerned with changing their minds, just the third party. Or at least to fact check them on their bullshit. I've changed about 5 of my friends view on Donald Trump and got 3 to vote.

I just don't want votes going to shillary because she's not The God Emperor.

On the side note my wife and I will likely be travel and stay the God Emperor's palace (Trump Tower) in August or September, I'll be sure to take pics.

not bad

He's not even arguing, they're just straight out ignoring him.

The autist is talking to himself.

Too bad you can't claim trump isn't a racist any more after this Mexican judge bullshit

Like I said, my goal is to keep mindless votes away from Hillary Clinton.

Also most of these were done in the last few hours of my shift at the hospital where I didn't have a whole lot to do.
I'm waiting for responses but the only one I got was from a New Zealander.

Over all though my goals have been successful in being a more open Trump supporter for my conservative friends.

this poster is a shill

do not respond to him

hi op. are you satisfied with your life? does it give you fulfilment and meaning to argue with people on the internet, and then share your provocative responses with others? does this make you happy and content? are you ok?

You're fucking stupid and should probably remove yourself from the gene pool ASAP. I mean this from the bottom of my heart.


REEEEEEEEEEE I hate these people. They make me so angry when they don't even read your shit. Your argument is well laid out and well said imo. Despite the lack of reaching these people I think you're doing God's work user.

You fucking owned


Like I said, I wrote these at the end of my work day, where I didn't have any other tasks.
But yeah I'm pretty satisfied with life. Have a beautiful wife, a good job and live in a nice area in VA.
It just saddens me when I see people I grew up with who are acting so mindless.
How is life for you?

Jesus Christ, there are so many defeatists or shills in this thread. I say you should keep doing what you are doing user.

I'm probably going to have kids in 3 or 4 years famalam. Want to get the wife pregnant before she's 30.

Thanks for your support, I'm just fucking sick of the false claims that are being used as facts. I argue with people in person about this too in person, I just get more opportunity with people online.

If your intention is to drag votes away from Clinton, then you're doing a terrible job. These people have it nailed in their heads what Trump is, it's pure social/media pressure on racism, you won't redpill them in one discussion.

Your best bet is to convince them that Hillary is an even worse option than Trump, and honestly, I'd target sour bernifaggots.

this is retarded. You can NEVER change someone's opinion by disproving them with facts and logic

The only way you can change someones's opinion is through persuasion. First thing you need to do is take their side and slowly nudge them over time to believe what you want. When the human brain is confronted with evidence that's to the contrary of what it believes its first response is to shut down rational thought and simply ignore that information. Do not do this. At best you're wasting your time.

These guys are sour bernouts tho,
At this point the only responses I'm getting are pro Trump ones, I guess I could use more emotional based persuasion, I would've been more inclined to vote for Sanders if I had the same mind I had maybe 4 years ago, but I guess stuff like this is how I became conservative.

I guess I can see why its stupid to argue online with these cucks, but I really just want to get rid of the shame for being openly conservative and to dispel the rumor that the right cant argue intelligently.

Are my efforts pointless, if so how am I better off making a difference?

Every single person in this thread saying "there's no point, just call them a faggot / don't bother" is as bad as or worse than liberals. In an argument, when you say "lol talking to you is like smashing my head against muh brick wall" or something to that effect, you instantly lose. By ignoring your opponent's points you essentially concede any form of debate. It's one thing to not start these arguments at all, but you should never be the one to walk away from an argument unless it's really clear that it's someone fucking with you, and I mean REALLY clear.

How can any of you believe Trump about healthcare when the plan on his website is so vague, is a mishmash of random ideas, and would take away insurance from millions of people? Some of his ideas are good but I will refrain my judgement until I see what the house republicans want to do as they are the ones with the real power and expertise in this issue.... trump knows shit

This, I could never just brush off my opposition and call them faggots, it wouldn't be any better than them brushing off everything a conservative argues and calling him a racist.
I don't argue with strangers, just people I grew up with. Like I've said doing this I've got 3 people to vote for Donald Trump, and changed 5 minds from the left to right. I think I do alright.
In a way I like to think it increases my voting power, takes votes away from those I don't like and ideally it brings them to the right.

My goal isn't to change minds, its just to fact check people from the nonsense they hear and regurgitate so then they can think for themselves. Hence is why I was able to have a somewhat real argument with the third person.

Not An Argument.

Something you might want to try sometime if you have a lot of free time on your hands is going on omegle or some other chat website, going in the categories of "debate" or "politics" and just testing your mind against someone elses, no preparation. It's good practice for when you're out in public with friends or coworkers or something and you get into a debate over some bullshit like the election or tipping or some shit.

I just say all of this because it seems like you have a passion for or at least enjoy debating to some degree.

So I got responses from the people other than the New Zealander that I had an actual argument with.

Stuff like
>these comments have become a disaster before my eyes
>I have less faith in humanity now

Oh well, I tried.
Thats not a bad idea, previously I would just use omegle to shitpost and for /k/ raids.
For the most part I only care about debating with people close to me, because it just kind of hurts to see them led stray.

a fucking leaf
not giving an argument
posting a picture of himself with a cock in his hand

Whats new, leafnigger?

>an ABSORBANT amount of money

jesus christ

I guess it's kind of the opposite for me. I'm both an oldfag and live in a really liberal area with a majority of liberal friends, so I do all I can to hide my powerlevel. Never comment on the shit they post on facebook about "white privilege" or something, and whenever politics comes up I usually just say that I don't like talking about politics or I just lie and agree with them.

It feels kinda bad to almost sell myself out like that, but I honestly think most people around me would stop talking to me if they knew my political views. Maybe I'm a bad person for the dishonest and not being true to myself, but I think they're worse people for being so judgmental just over politics.

Keep it up, user. Every clear, fact-armed Pro-Trump debater helps. You probably won't convince anyone you're arguing with directly, but people who are reading the arguments can be swayed.

I don't agree but I keked

Like I said, Its not my goal really to change their mind, but for the social impact of normalizing conservatism.
I think its working too, one of the self loathing cucks I know would constantly post anti white shit/blm propaganda and more and more people are calling him out on it in the comments (while I was the first to begin with)

My arguments for the right that I just post for people to read usually exceed 10 likes and get a few shares which is nice too. I know its not much but I am trying to normalize conservatism and dispel the thought that the right is comprised of low IQ disorganized individuals. In school I had always been quiet, not willing to stand up for my beliefs. I'm done with that now though and I refuse to be quiet about my beliefs or be apologetic when people call me a racist.


>ABSORBENT amount of money

How does this money compare to Bounty Paper towels? If I can just use wads of cash to clean up spills, why even go to the supermarket?