What would Sup Forums put into a time capsule that would be opened 500 years in the future?
What would Sup Forums put into a time capsule that would be opened 500 years in the future?
My spooge.
Ashes of the last Jew.
a turd
A hard-drive filled with redpill material.
printed picture of goatse and lemonparty
Dragon dildo
Dank memes obviously
Makes you think huh..
>Sup Forums is redpilled and better than Sup Forums and reddit
Exactly why you're all still virgins
Mein Kampf
You think I'm joking, but NASA has already sent semen into space.
Gold Trump coins.
sickle-cell anemia
A pair of balls so men of the time will at least know what they were before the feminazis started chemically castrating every boy at the age of 3 to prevent "toxic masculinity".
God damn cunts already have won the future.
The only good answer so far.
A crude drawing of a butt.
Dude weed lmao
In my city they opened up a time capsule that they buried like 20 years ago. I guess one of the cool kids drew a swastika on a piece of paper, so all the other kids started drawing swastikas. The capsule was 90% swastikas. How they missed that before they buried it, I don't know.
Vacuum-sealed alpha-PVP and some Lucky Star porn.
This rare pepe. Also the rarest flag I own.
A picture that proves Europe once had white people.
My bongs, Dokken tapes and lucky shamrock
Copies of Which Way Western Man and The Rising Tide of Color Against White Supremacy.
Nothing would explain to them the state of their world more succinctly. A modern horror becomes the Greek tragedies of the future.
A picture of a normie white male.
But it will never be seen. Possession of time capsules from the CISAge will be class 1 double problematic in tolerance zone #65
Plutonium. Fuck them
I'd cut the dick off of 10 jews, put them on my fingers and call myself penisfingers. before i put the penis jew in the capsule ill do a helicopter with my own dick and fly away like pigeon man off that one episode of Hey Arnold.
a warning about the jews
mixtape and hentai
and also a warning to NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES let women vote
A copy of The Art of the Deal
A time capsule that would be opened in 1000 years
The white races hopes and dreams.
Dokken is based.
I was going to post this
imagine their little faces
aww, he's a serial philanderer
no commitment to family, just a self centered hedonist
poor guy
They'd be.....shitting themselves.
A red MAGA hat
Ammonia mixed with bleach
george soros
Enough white DNA for a self-sustaining population.
A MAGA hat
they probably have impregnated a ton of alien broads
Dragon Dildos and a Limp Bizkit CD
My Tenga flip cup with a DNA deposit so futureniggers can clone me.