I kind of want to see the scene where Darth Vader kills the younglings in full just to see what kind of fight they put...

I kind of want to see the scene where Darth Vader kills the younglings in full just to see what kind of fight they put up (if any).

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He was a good friend




Thank you for this.


Jedi Academy-Movie Duels Mod for anyone interested

I always thought this was way too easy, seems like 30 jedi kids would put up a fight

Well, they weren't armed, and we know that Anakin can throw multiple objects roughly their size without even lifting a finger. He probably just threw them all out the windows.

Kid's delivery is bad but that movement he made is just wonderful.Best part of prequels.

They're all holding sabers in op's pic man

>7 year olds can put up a fight agaisnt one of, if not THE, strongest Jedi to ever live in his near prime.

Yeah you're a retard

They pooped their diapers thats for sure

I wish we could have seen more of the attack on the Jedi Temple. The 501st led by Vader vs hundreds of Jedi would be the coolest battle in the entire franchise.

I think you're just mad because you were wrong

>implying I'm the user you responded to

nice try retard

>implying anyone cares who you are

>implying you aren't a pathetic loser whose life is a series of failures and blunders culminating in you posting a retarded reply on an Bangladesh cow tipping website


haha so mad! keep going faggot kid what else ya got

>i'll call him mad! That'll show him!

you got me kid


For a sec there I thought you said "Kiki's delivery is bad" and I was getting ready to fight you.


Why do they make the girls wear different robes? Fucking Jedi.

Knowing Lucas and his vision they would probably jump around and flip mid air like a bunch of epileptics.

I sure did faggot look at you go!

>Oi mate Skywalker