Based Brother Nathanael

What's the Sup Forumsack view on this guy? Calling out em out one goyim at a time

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jews = EVIL
>plz donate :( :( :(

WW3 6/620016

Complete fucking sperg, but a harmless one at least.

I was about to make a thread about this guy.

He is a monk.
Monks are usually kind of low on money.

Jewish reject who became christian just to spite kike who rejected him. if you watch his vids you are wasting your time.

controlled opposition

He is very informative. Nice try kike shill.

America's lies on ukraine:

Jewish War on Holy Russia:

How the IMF really works

OP Brother Nathanael is a prophet of our times.

He's a Jew.

dank as fuck

hes apparently bipolar or something and he walks around doing his thing

I like him. He's better then the rest of the alt right fags you people worship.

Only for a new fag, he makes low quality videos compared to other Jewaware people and he literally kike you fucking faggot.

So what that he is jewish? He is on our side. Like Jesus Christ.

>rants about long robes
Dude. Everyone wears long robes. Jesus probably a long robe.

>dude says the Bible says no to long hair
What about Samson?

This guys entire video isn't even an argument. Brother Nathanael has never claimed to be a prophet. Protestantism is heresy, don't listen to their false teachers.

probably wore a long robe*


not to mention he is a jew who I doubt actually follows Christianity. He dances around in our traditional Christian clothing to mock us

He became a Christian just to spite kikes, he is not on your side, he just hates his own people. also he sucks putin's dick too much, thinks one side is good while another is bad as if we lived in a fantasy world.

Jesus wore normal clothes, not robes.

Bibles says no to long hair, if you have a problem with it complain to it's writers, not me.

Catholicism and Orthodoxy is heresy too, he is less Heretic than both.

Actually Putin kicked out all the kikes and sold the property to gentiles.
Putin is the Holy Savior of the White Race.

Thanks a bunch !

>implies that Protestantism, Catholicism, and the Orthodoxy = heresy
You just called the entirety of Christianity heresy.

belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially Christian) doctrine.

Russia is filled with rich kikes, many of the richest people in Russia are kikes. but you are trolling anyway so whatever.

Then heresy is a useless word and not an argument.

oy vey

Simply because Putin allows them there to utilize their accounting skills.
They work for Putin with a gun to their head.

Thank you Gentlemen, and God Bless Based Brother Nathanael.

Ignore this fully cucked Yid with the Georgian proxy posting against our Prophet Brother Nathanael. Georgians hate Russians and always elect Jews to rule them.

Brother Nathaniel is a wonderfully entertaining window into the world of the Jews. Rarely do you get someone who was on the inside for so long to show you the inner cogwheels in a way you can understand. Every time he brings up a Bible related point, I immediately open up mine to cross-reference it and sure enough, there it is.

The man mostly spends his time in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, hanging out on the street and shouting Bible verses, singing, or other things to get the attention of people driving/walking by. He seems very cooky on first glance, but that's the point. If he wasn't striking to see, nobody would pay him any mind. Plenty of boring Christians to go around. Driving to work and seeing this old guy with a giant cross in his hand, is a way of planting Christian seeds into the everyday person's head in a harmless way.

Those who become curious seeing him so often, want to know more about why he's out there doing that and come to talk to him and ask him questions. He isn't hammering on their door at 7:00am, they come willingly to learn, which is how it should be.

Some pretty good videos of his, to name a few:

This guy is a good speaker.

>he actually believes this
this guy is right

People behind the scenes in Russia are kikes. Neither putin nor his government are red pilled lmao. The only people anti jew in Russia are neo nazi skinheads.


Hey! I live there too!
I hope to one day meet Nathaniel!
What county?

His diction is bizarre and indicative of mental illness

muh cultural appropriation!


Rrright. He's still using a kike tactic, even if he "converted".