Seriously why do Mexicans keep illegally immigrating to the united states???? Why cant they just stay in Mexico

Seriously why do Mexicans keep illegally immigrating to the united states???? Why cant they just stay in Mexico

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Mexico is a shithole, and I don't blame them for leaving, but America should not be required to shoulder the burdens of a failed state. Them leaving Mexico won't do anything to fix it.

because Mexico sucks, how is that not obvious to you?

Most do stay in Mexico. Mexicans have been leaving faster than they have been coming in, ever since Bush crashed the economy.

Because Elite Mexican white politicians don't like their poor, slum dwelling, drug using, criminal mestizo and would rather send them to U.S.

Lmao. Those are the same sources that tell us there is only 12 million here.

>implying all mexicans come in illegally
>mexico isn't a shit hole
Funny because when Trump starts limiting trade with Mexico making it even poorer THEN the real illegal immigration will begin.

Because living in the US is easier you stupid faggot.
Ask any Mexican in Mexico.

Mexico won't give them scholarships and benefits because "muh statuses"

Because the world has shown us that only white people and a few asians are capable of running decent countries.

I love him. He is the only one who can fix my country.

complaining about getting deported is like complaining about getting kicked off the Titanic before it left the harbor

who cares we'll have a wall then and they'll have to turn around and make their country not shit

sure puto

gotta make murica a Latinoamerican country

DAH, because white people oppress browns and blacks!!
Why wouldn't they want to come to a racist country ??

i don't know, some have said more are getting out than coming in (probably true, who knows, remember that many so-called "mexicans" are central americans who say that shit to not get their asses deported back home and don't have to walk all the fucking way back to the border). Build the wall if you want, no one cares


who would want to stay somewhere full of mexicans?

just fix your own shitty country
it cant be that hard

it is when most of the population are 80 IQ

Well first of all there is a very real agenda of taking "back" california, Mexicans themselves will usually tell you this too.

Mexican here.
I dont hate Donald Trump.
He is a funny guy.

you will when you pay for it. Paco

They can have it. California is full of fruits and lefties.

>he thinks Mexico will pay for a wall

California is the most beautiful and maybe the most valuable state.

Latinos and Blacks are a weak people and will forever be cucked by Asians for model minority.

1/3rd of the Mexican population is here according to Anne Coulter's research for Adios America.

Now please attack the messenger..

Too blue for my liking.

Because their country is shit. But what liberals will never admit is that Mexico is shit because of the people in it. They're busy murdering each other over chump change instead of trying to fix the fucked up situations they created.

Trump's actually foolish. If you want more right-wing people in this country, you don't ban illegals or Muslims.

>because Mexico sucks

Then why the fuck are they so proud of it?

B-but mexicoo is an important pwoblem

>most beautiful

It's highly overrated, Oregon is much more beautiful

>implying white people are strong
>implying we care what white people think

Why is undocumented immigration even such a problem?

Mexicans are hardworking and contribute alot to our society

Mexicans are brotier

And are right wing.

Stay butthurt paco. There's a reason you shitstains barely occupy any high-paying jobs

Welfare leeches and violent religious ideologues don't benefit anyone.

That is what gets me too about immigrants in Europe

>leave shithole because its shit
>insist on keeping shithole standards in new country and even demand special shithole privileges.

Because mestizos and indios are races of fuck ups that can't get their shit together. They ruined Meh-hee-ko and now they're going to ruin the US.

Mexico is not a shithole......

No shit faggot, the next generation like me and that one girl who said she was undocumented will be the ones replacing the old white folk in hospitals/government.

Indians and Chinese can have the tech jobs I suppose, like always.

But liberals say that America is a shithole for minorities who are discriminated against by police and potential job offers. Why would they come here?


we don't believe you
you need fewer people

And in 50 years we'll be like Mexico and then we'll start sending all of them back to Mexico and we'll just ping pong the fuck up dark skinned mexicans back and forth between Mexico and the US until one country or another is tired of it and just gets rid of them all for good.

>Seriously why do Mexicans keep illegally immigrating to the united states????
they dont. this stopped like a decade ago.



>they're so proud of mexico they left illegally and ask for the us to hand the land they earned back over so it can turn to shit too

i bet they'll cross the new border illegally too and say they love mexico

Then why don't they fucking stay there?

Because they believe this country is theirs even though white people fought for it and won.

In short, they're delusional.

Found the illegal spic.

And doctors and engineers. As long as you know your place beaner. Can't wait for the wall so there will be less of you

Literally a George Lopez joke, neck yourself mayate

Because its hard to fix mexico

>the next generation like me and that one girl who said she was undocumented will be the ones replacing the old white folk in hospitals/government

And then after a generation or two, the US will be just like Mexico and everyone will want to leave again!

>this entire thread

meanwhile in reality..........

>le wall will save me
el mayo

Tell me user, what scares you most about brown people?

>there are lights on so it's not shit

>muh pretty lights

It's a shithole.

>he doesn't know Mexico is so shit partly because public education wasn't a priority for the longest time

Vincente kinda tried

The architecture kinda reminds me of the Reichstag

Looks fucking empty.

Oh that's right, they're not escaping the decent architecture. They're fucking leaving the insane amount of corruption, gun violence, and crime.


Because its hard to fix this shithole

Nothing at all but I'm pretty fed up with chicanos here that actually thing this

Fucking this. I'm mexican and I fucking hate when wetbacks flaunt the flag like they're so proud of the shithole they left.

... It looks like a shithole at night with too much overexposure

>country has buildings built by spaniards centuries ago
>this somehow means it does not suck

Just some LA millenia fags looking for some sense of purpose.
They're stupid and will work a shit job their whole life or just kill themselves if they don't get over it.

Not as big a problem as you think.

Not against the argument, but that's not liable to be unbiased info.

Illegals don't leech welfare, and those violent religous kooks are literally just the same as a more extreme republican.

If you were a legal citizen of the US Trump would actually help you by deporting all of the illegal pacos so you and the rest of us legal citizens can get jobs. Think about it. Not many people do.

>public education wasn't a priority for the longest time

Well that Mexican tradition still lives on even in American schools.

>look guyz mexico is no shithole we have litgh

Just fucking end it dude

This is the worst post I've seen in a while.

You're not even Canadian.

What I meant that if you lived in a rural area you had to try hard as fuck to even get to a school.
They were nowhere near these places.

It was more worthwhile for the parents to just have kids and have them work on a farm.

I don't really know about how things were in Mexican cities.

Bro, all Mexicans think it. They'll never admit it, the same way most whites will never admit that they don't like being around shitskins.

They all believe this country is theirs even though white people fought for it and won.

Keep frittering away....
Each day....We grow.....Stronger....

We are not shithole
We are not india

Kek, just stop posting.
Not everybody is some Sup Forumscuck or part of La Raza

Shut up, spic.

Great argument there friend :^)

I'm not your friend. Get out of my country.

Make me white boy

I had a discussion in certain comment section of a mexican news site, this is what I can tell you

They think its their right to cross the border to find a better place to live, a better quality of life, even though it is a crime but they don't see it that way, cause they have no opportunities here, so the only way is to cross the border
Some mexicans here defend the wetbacks, they say they keep this county afloat cause the money they send back, even though they are working illegally, and they shouldn't be working there, they keep repeating they same things, is because there's no opportunities here

I told them that no matter what we should be trying to fix this shithole, cause if the answer to Mexico's economy is to have people working illegally then we should export people to every part of the world, but they don't get it, they don't think of the possibility of someone deporting the 6 millions mexican illegals back to our country cause that would kill our economy, but they don't see that usa shouldn't give a fuck about it cause it's not their country, but they still don't get it

Anyway, tldr most mexicans are retarded, they don't get what's nationalism , they don't get that usa is not their country , and they just keep watching telenovelas, soccer and sharing normie memes and religious stuff on Facebook while other countries keep evolving

Better start running manlet.

Nah, it's fun to hit whites who think they're tough
See [spoiler]the most likely outcome of a fight[/spoiler]

they're not coming from mexico. they're passing through mexico.

Good job
Free stuff
Easy white wimmen

>clearly slipped
>mexican doesn't wait for him to get up like a real man would
>kicks him when he's down
Sounds about right.
It'll be fun seeing the look on your face when you fight a trained fighter.
Spics can't afford to learn kung fu.

>knows facts
>must be illegal
nigger, wut?


I guess you missed the part where he got decked and got his jaw smashed. He was out before he even hit the ground.

Why would he let him get up anyways? He was fighting for money.

>muh martial arts training
We're just born tough familia, we don't need it

>whites need training to fight as good as a black/mexican
Like pottery







>sucker punch

That guy doesn't even look white
