Little Ben Shapiro is fucking savage

Little Ben Shapiro is fucking savage.

but he gets mad when people make fun of the Jews.


To be fair, nobody should care about prairie niggers

... Wait, what the fuck is going on here, what is he doing?

Based kike. I'll always love him even if he is a cuck.

He's gone off the rails.

10 bucks says Shapiro votes for Trump. With bantz like that, how could he not?

I still don't get why Ben and other flip out over Trump. Trump seems like he'd be right up their alley, especially when compared to Hilldog.

eh, he's not bad when he's not trying to fuck some mediocre slut



Is Little Benji finally coming home?

He cucked himself once but this is savage

It's because he's a social conservative too. Also the shit posters on Twitter who tell him to burn in an oven rustled his

He's going off the rails of the MAGA train.

I think sharpy-o said he doesn't believe that Trump is a conservative and that he doesn't trust him. I think he will choose Trump over the shill though.

As much as I dislike this midget kike for sperging out earlier this year, that feather in warren's head dress line is pretty fucking funny. Why can Benny be this based all the time?

>feather on warren's headdress

Bill Kristol says shit like that... He referred to bombing Iran as a feather on Bush's cap one time I believe.

He does have great bantz.

well you can't ever call yourself a conservative and vote for shillary who is explicitly opposed to anything good and true that we stand for


He has lost all of his audience. He's a sellout to the core. This is him desperately pandering to remain status quo "journalist"


That was some pretty high class bantz, not gonna lie, there's no coming back from that one

I just can't trust him again after what he did.

>teepee P

I still kekd though

>pun is in orbit adjacent my sides

I was taking a tour of a Presidential home recently and on the tour this fucking liberal says in the fucking living room of a Presidential fucking home, and I quote; "This Trump garbage is out of hand, I heard he was making fun of Native Americans recently with that whole Elizabeth Warren thing."

No. He wasn't. He was making fun of Elizabeth Warren for suggesting she's Native American at all. He never said a thing negative about Native Americans. We all know Warren isn't Native American. We all know that even if she were it would have to be such an insignificant portion that she should feel bad about using it to score political points. Especially for a self-avowed liberal.

>tfw Milo is still taller on his knees than Benji


He can't handle kike jokes buy wants to bag on Natives lol Ben...

You could have been someone. But you had to white knight for a notorious faker and get butthurt that you were wrong.

guess that cruz money dried up

Reminder that this is what we're up against.

What in fuck does this even mean?

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