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fucking niggerfucker making thread before we hit 400 posts

Disappointing edition

Gonna make some coffee


user je. . .



because you're a sensitive philistine

I bet you're one of the qts

cue that seinfeld slap bass

I have more hair on my thighs and balls than on my head 7abibi

heres another aussie farm, lotta sheep on this one

Tu as une mignonne sœur?

another christhunt
a broken crucifix
and with the blood of christ
across MY FACE

What do the buildings look like?

oui je suis chaude pour tes triples
Ralph the janitor enjoys his job
He sweeps and mops up the garbage and crud
While alone at night he searches for goodies
He goes into every room hoping and praying that someone is flowing
Discarded plastic applicators in the bathrooms left behind by fertile young
Discarded plastic applicators in the bathrooms just waiting to be collected
Heavy days are here again it's that time of the month
Tampons and pads are easily accessible he senses the disposal of soiled
cotton bags one of the many perks of his job
In a woman's stall he takes a tampon and he dips it into the bowl
Sucking out the menstrual goop he swishes the flavor around his mouth
Discarded plastic applicators in the bathrooms left behind by fertile young
Discarded plastic applicators in the bathrooms just waiting to be collected
Rub a pile of moistened maxi pads on your face in order to prevent breaking
out in blackheads and zits
Dip a rag in a steaming cup of water, vampire tea is my favorite

*makes Berberian throat sounds*

Postez un photo de ta sœur et si elle est mignonne donnez-moi son nombre

cant find any photos of the buildings sorry

All good. Where are you getting all these photos?

comfiest farm i have ever seen

Proxy spotted

Just a tourist whose French could use some work. What was my mistake?

c-can i save this p-picture? It's very comfy.

these are old photos i took in the last 2 years

of course baal you cutie :3

this was in Japan if i remember right

Une photo
Un numéro de téléphone

Also you use vous, which is too formal to talk to a morrocunt

je suis mignonne aussi :3

Holy shit, fucking comfy.

Never met a qt Moroccan girl.
Boys were OK though

Cool who's farm is this?
thank you

I was asking for a pic of his sister I had to be respectful
I only want you if you're a girl

my back yard in iraq.
not a farm ;_; but pretty comfy.

that was my mates farm, picl before was my cousins

NICE that looks like lebanon i saw nothing this green in Iraq lol, northern Iraq?


How steep are those hills? Looks very dangerous.
Nice! How do they afford it? Do they sell so sort of produce from the farm?

Let's post something really comfy

It's probably destroyed by now, sorry habibi

eghh dirty



land gets pretty cheap when you move away from the big cities, and my cousin sheers sheep and they have cattle too, my mates farm is just for fun though

yes north iraq, near mosul. the google maps doesn't do the country any justice, most of iraq is steppe land so it is green or farmland apart from the western centre/south which is part of the jordan-saudi desert.
very steep a couple more metres ahead from where i took this pic and i would have brace myself along the ground to keep my balance and not tumble down the hill.
t. ain drahem shithole


Nah, it never fell to ISIS.
t. human waste
>ottomans sunni
>rashiduns sunni
>ummayads sunni
>andalus sunni
>golden age baghdad sunni
>shias *slaps chest*~

>ain drahem shithole

Of course i'm a cute girl ::3

ahh that explains it iv only been in the south/centre so all i saw was desert but i did hear north was much prettier


Sunni genocide when?

I want to own a farm and produce stuff. Sydney house prices are making me suicidal.
Looks very dangerous, anyone died?

Ew. I'm not a gay I want a girl (female)

yeha the north before the war very C O M F Y

>he fell for the ''golden age'' meme

Post streets.

You're so hairy Wtf.

What manga are you reading?

I'm more afraid about it getting looted desu

dont take the b8 m8

Is that what you consider really hairy? I-i thought MENA are supposed to be hairy?

it's about chicks that find sexual pleasure in gambling

outer Sydney

why are moroccan posters such degenerates

Post the western suburbs lol, the antithesis of comfy.

>not getting off to russian roulette
vanillafags out of my general

Very comfy.

lots of people, my family are mainly in the eastern side so when the battle started every other day it was some relative or friend getting their house hit by an airstrike, i know families that were in the double digits reduced to 1 or 2 people.

one of my friends was hurt by a mortar so he went to the liberated hospital in mosul to get treated, the hospital was lost hours later after an isis counterattack so the doctors fled and he ended up dead from loss of blood.
shit's crazy.
>Le golden age is a meme
HAha didn't know I was talking to Sam Harris.

I bet if the Golden Age was Shia led you rafidis would be all over that like a pig on shit.
kek there's nothing to loot most has been turned to rubble.

don't insult krièg

>HAha didn't know I was talking to Sam Harris.

The golden aged, came because there was peace and wealth, when these 2 factors ended you Sunnis started killing yourselves until 1 side again achieved supremacy.

same with the Ottomans

Same with Andalus.

Theology is irrelevant. Peace and wealth leads to progress and prosperity.


ah so youre that kind of Sunni

That sad bro may your friend rest in peace, but I meant has anyone died from falling down those hills.


My brother

> you Sunnis started killing yourselves

It only ended because of the Mongol sacking of Baghdad. Just like with the Ottomans, it was foreign intervention that ended these polities not self destruction.

Stupid shia. Shoo along now, this is a Sunni general.
>Theology is irrelevant.
Yet out of Shi'ism and Sunnism only the latter was accepted by the majority of MENA thus leading to great empires.

God damn iranian is ugly.
this """"poem"""" sound like unspeakable insults in your mouth

someone post more farms im running out


Oh lol, nah not that I've heard of.
Only for shitpostings sake desu :3

Read this hadith you mushrik sunnah.com/muslim/1/146
>'Ali observed: By Him Who split up the seed and created something living, the Apostle (may peace and blessings be upon him) gave me a promise that no one but a believer would love me, and none but a hypocrite would nurse grudge against me.


The Abbassids had collapsed into civil war and anarchy even before the Mongols.

Turkish warlords where basically ruling

It doesn't matter, the Phoenicians were superior in every way :^)

lets get back to comfy stuff, pic related is a nice house i saw in lebanon

ITT: Bedouin pretending their countries have trees by posting pictures of Italy

please don't provoke the ire of a certain poster ITT

>you mushrik
It's not that we Sunnis dislike Ali and Ahl Al Bayt we just don't revere them like Shia do.
Yeah you get a boner for Nasser so I'll take your history posts with a grain of salt thanks.

we have been found out

Which posts are those?

>i can no longer debate you, so i will simply attack you

>all of the ME is Arabia.

postez club des pins huheueheuhe
>il nage pas a club des pins

If it doesn't have to be farms I got a few comfy pics

How is my comment an attack? If your posts about Nasser are anything to go off then you're not a credible history poster. It's constructive criticism

Name me something negative Ali did I can name a lot of negative things about uthman and Abu bakr?

Post this last one then I'm goin to bed. Night habibs.

Reread my post please you didn't under

il y'a des rues comme ça sur alger j'adore *.* sutout celle du square quand il pleut.

>showed up to the war against Aisha


both sides are shit btw.

Well I have close to no body hair.

Sounds shit desu

i don't worship Nasser. i just like his charisma and oratory skils.

he was rash, retarded when it came to the economy, naive, to idealistic, and created the police/military state that still plagues the arab world today, well beyond Egypt.

there, better?

I get it my point is Ali deserved to be the caliph he was totally clean unlike the other two who have done many sketchy things

>war against Aisha

the mob that infiltrated his army and Aisha's started the battle.

before the battle and after the battle they spoke, by all accounts, and where friendly to one another.

Shia hatred towards Aisha is retarded

Nature thread?

He won the battle of the camel? Are you confused? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Camel