This is deep
This is deep
Post proof if you're actually from egypt.
if you are, demand to know what you think about american niggers appropriating your culture
How are these poor kids going to react when they realize they've been lied to by their own parents/role models.
This is just sick.
Really makes you thank n shiet, huh?
Yeah, figures a nigger would rather use the books as a stepping stool instead of reading them.
Dayum. WUZ KANGZ all along doe
They wont have to once this is put into school curriculum.
nigger hate bread?
say what you will about prairie niggers but you never hear them go "We Wuz Toltec Emperors"
Serious question for my fellow Americans. Why not let them have Ancient Egypt? I mean if it results in the promotion of positive values. If it fosters a positive self image via lineage, which promotes civilized behavior, then what's the harm? Bonus points would be getting them to accept that thier ancestors owned slaves too, and dropping all the Reparations and Victimhood bullshit.
Inb4 Historical Accuracy.
The civil rights movement folks couldn't figure out whether they wanted to leave for Africa, wanted reparations, or simply wanted the chance to earn their way up the socioeconomic ladder. Bit too late to get a consensus out of them, I'm afraid.
thats just narcissism
no different from you spergs worshiping white skin
idolatry is bad mmkay
They already think they're egyptians (This shit is spreading really fucking fast) and it's not helping them to behave more civilized. Hell, I think it makes things even worse, because believing in this shit fuels rage against white people, as they think the evil white man destroyed their kingdoms. Just look the number of ever increasing black rights movements and how they use this stupid argument.
It doesn't do that though. It just creates vapid entitlement and a victim complex. They don't want to try and become Kangz n Sheet again. That would be hard. They'd prefer to whine about bullshit. It's like a NEET who had 3 mall kiosk jobs that collectively lasted 1 month and a half living off wellfare checks because "work is hard and slavery of the working man and we should all just get free money man. SHOPLIFT FROM TARGET! STOP THE BOURGEOIS AND HELP SAVE THE WORKING MAN!" like the retarded college Marxists they are.
Get that horse shit out of here, christfag.
Semitic religions are cancer.