7:12 "TRUMP 2016"
Has TJ become uncucked? First it was James Rolfe, now TJ.
Is the uncuckening upon us?
7:12 "TRUMP 2016"
Has TJ become uncucked? First it was James Rolfe, now TJ.
Is the uncuckening upon us?
We can only hope
>Is the uncuckening upon us?
is this the return of the (banana) king??
he's still a huge cuck who avoids the topic of race realism with fervor
New Atheists are still some of the only mainstream critics of Islam and Feminism, stop drinking the christshill koolaid
When did James Rolfe become uncucked? Link please.
People like that he made a scathing review of the new Ghostbusters remake.
At least 20 media sites chewed him out for this yet he stood his ground.
There's a collage of all the SJW sites attacking him, someone post it
>neo-pol likes this gay idiot
He is just an angry butt hurt bernout.
TJ is still a massive cuck with a banana wedged all too deep in his anal sphincter. Still uses typical lefty tactics of calling facts that he doesn't like "Bigoted" or "racist".
This could be a gamechanger
I can't take this guy seriously. The dude has porn of himself online and doesn't even give a shit.
What would you prefer he do about it?
TJ actually cries?
fuck off dopey, nobody cares about you and your hoaky attention whoring
I can't take anyone who is so fucking full of themselves as to have their religion (or lack of) as an actual part of their social media name - SAD.
No he doesn't, he's just salty. He'll probably just stay home and not vote.
can you not post that?
That's the preferred response. What should he do? Sperg out?
He's still a Cuck with a micropenis but this is good that more people are not voting for Hillary.
please remove this post its really disturbing
Unlikely. A vote against Hillary, is a vote against Hillary.
i don't understand why he would record and uplaod something like this
He said he did it privately to a person in a live back and forth webcam session, but the other person grabbed the footage of him. He didn't want this out there but now he can't remove it, so he stated to own it.
Stop it. Why do you even have these saved on your hard drive?
To shi- I mean funpost with these whenever he comes up.
Alrught, Sup Forums redpill me on the Democratic Party. All through out college I was told by my liberal friends that the Dems and Reps switched parties. Also, how does this fit in to the southern strategy by Republicans? I've read some things here and there, but I can't really find any good sources that dispute this.
I'd be mad at god if he cursed me with that thing too.
So your thought process:
>I will save these pornographic images of a male so that I can post them whenever I please
Interesting. Are you homosexual? Nothing wrong with it, just curious.
>is he uncucked for supporting (((trump)))
nope. thats not really how this works. dont you know anything about reali...oh you're a leaf. carry on, faggot.
When is that balding fag going to shave his head?
Hey, if he's voting Trump, so what?
Wow, this is a big win for us. It'd really suck it we didn't have some snooty atheist fat faggot supporting Trump
where's his dick?
what the fuck? he has a micro penis?
No you fucking retard.
He supported bern, and now he has to pick between two people he hates.
He has a bet with his brother that trump will win for like $500
He made a bet with his brother or something.
TJ has already said he hates Hillary and would prefer Trump.
He doesn't like Trump really, he just hates that evil lying she witch that is Hillary like any sane human.
How new are you, Leafy?
Didn't answer the question, but I suppose i have the answer.
From what I know about this guy, he is the epitome of the "Bernie or Bust" kind of clown. The kind of person so deep in denial he probably actually thought Bernie had a chance in hell of ever getting anywhere near that nomination.
>Hurr the process in unfair
>Durrrr she doesn't """"""""technically"""""""" have enough delegates,
>Hurr durr durr Bernie was treated unfairly by the media Hillary cheated etc etc.
Whatever, who cares. He's still a massive cuck, but a lot of level II cucks look up to him as an alphacuck, which means if he's chosen to support Trump as a """protest""" or whatever, the cucks who mindlessly follow him will likely do the same so...I'm okay with this, assuming I interpreted this correctly and he's now angrily supporting Trump. Hopefully he makes more videos bashing Hillary and throws some pro-Trump stuff in there.
Jumps on shit on ghostbusters wagon.
Wow you guys are dumb
Delete your post.
That is not a dick, it is a clit.
>pretend to become a trump supporter to get a new audience just like every alt right member
sounds about right
No, many people will turn, because it's obvious we are experiencing a cultural shift.
In other words, TJ is like Milo, an cunt with his finger in the wind.
He avoids that because that is not what his brand is about, i used to like him even though i disagreed with almost everything he said, because he didn't fall for the bullshit, and believed what he felt in his heart, not what the tv says to believe
Thats why he is Trump 2016, because at least he knows bullshit when he sees it
also thishe is anti feminist, in my book, even though hes a liberal atheist, that makes him ok, he is one of the only free thinking liberals there is, a remnant of better days
I am proud to be an /Eggkara/ member of Sup Forums
Democrats want to keep the black man a criminal slave race, the Republicans want to free them and stop giving them handouts so that they grow into a better part of society
this makes the blacks hate the republicans, because they are not meant to be free
The Native Americans are free, we just killed most of them, but they are free, and that speaks a lot more to them than if there were millions of them in the current state of the american Negro
man, thom yorke has gained some weight.
Honestly it wasn't so much what he did, it was more the leftist shitstorm that targeted him for attacking their precious womyn movie that brought us to his defense.
That looks like a legit micropenis