What was in your opinion the worst scene from this movie?

what was in your opinion the worst scene from this movie?

the dust rising on the coffin

Either the party scene or Flash's awkward cameo.



I can only choose one worst scene?

anything with lois being a reporter

The one where Batman murders those people with his car

Doomsday fight scene
Other scenes was pure K I N O

wonder woman looking at the justice league teasers on a laptop

that was so retarded

The ending credits.

>brain flashes so many scenes in my head it might as well be the entire movie

gg op

Everything that wasn't Batman vs Superman.

The nightmare scene and Flash's time travel cameo. Felt so sudden, out of place and forced.
this as well

Anything involving Clark.
Yeah we get it, you can fucking hear Bruce's earpiece and he's Batman.
The way he stares at Bruce to show the audience he can hear Alfred was overdone.



Why?That's actually a legitimate way to introduce other characters by not shoe-horning them into the story.Do you prefer after credits scenes?

>No way! My mom's named Martha, too . . .

Literally walked out of the theater when I saw this

jesus christ you fucking retard

Lex negotiating that deal to get access to the ship.

>Africa scene
>Lois doing detective work scenes

Oh it's ''I really don't know how to explain my opinion so i'll just curse at you'' trick.It's been a while since I saw that.

Excellent rhetorical skills, friend. They'll take you far.

of course, it was the credits

It's kinda stupid how people complain about origin stories becoming too stale but they also complain that the DCEU managed to avoid the need for them?

>not having to stay for post credit scenes

DC is so shit

A legitimate way would be to lead up to them instead of bombarding the audience with them.

This is where Marvel got it right. The quest for more money meant more movies, therefore time to develop and introduce characters. Unfortunately for DC, they wanted to capitalise on the team capeshit gimmick so tried to get it done as quickly and as lazily as possible. Hence that whole scene just kills the pace of the movie so we can see teasers.

Honestly, it wasn't needed. The way these capeshit films are marketed, you wouldn't even need to lay down some foundations. Fuck, the Justice League trailer would have been enough. But instead we get Snyder shoehorning in this mess. Why? For hype? At what cost?!

But then at the end of the day this is a thread debating the merits of flicks about childrens comic book characters. Who gives a fuck.

Do you even get why they were important to the plot?

It will be explained in JUSTice league

thats the joke, man

>staying after credits for a shit quip
If you like it, do it. It's a waste of time those post-credits scene. The only one really worth was from the first Iron man

lex rant from behind the prison bars

Made 0 sense without the communion scene, I can't believe they deemed it acceptable to keep one without the other

They weren't at all. This is the problem with fucking capeshit. There's always a stupid fucking segment or a scene where they need to set up the next movie.

Instead of focusing on refining the story, they segue off into something that feels so fucking out of place.

None of the future justice league cameos were necessary.

does anyone have this image but wonderwoman is a skeleton batsy has a rpg and superman is bald?

Lois throwing the spear into water.

>Lois throws the spear in water
>Runs outside
>Immediately runs back in

Someone else (like Batman) should've thrown it, then have Lois try to get it back.

You mean everthing except that one fight scene?

>Lois throws the spear in water
>We see Aquaman monitoring the fight with Doomsday on his throne room
>Aquaman delivers the spear to Superman

exactly what we needed more things being shoehorned

>Martha scene
>Any scene with Lex being autistic
>Any Doomsday scene
>JL cameos in fucking security vids

The worst scenes were those involving Wonder Woman and of those, her appearance just before the Doomsday fight with her twiglet flexing in slo-mo to some horribly inappropriate Celtic industrial "here come the pain" rock backing track.

Any desperate cuck nerd who can claim the movie is "kino" with that kind of embarrassing shite in it deserves a mercy killing

Every scene with Gal Gadot

They were part of the story, you monumental retard. I didn't like where they fell in the action, but at least I understand what they were there to imply.

The absolute worst? It's hard to choose.

>dude is she with you lmao
>Cave troll doing a sick skid into battle
>The Flash
>Lex's Justice League icons
>Aquaman reenacting that scene from Jaws
>Spear into water

And a few others. This movie is legitimately retarded.

>doesn't understand a key plot reveal
>"The movie's retarded, not me!"

Ignorance really is bliss.

Kek, which one? The Flash? He travelled back in time to warn Bruce, nobody doesn't get that. It was still an awful scene.

Why do you hate Lex's personalized icons?

Hard to pick a worst scene.

Torn between any scene with Gal Gadot trying to act (Wonder Woman stand alone is well and truly fucked solely because of her) and every time Lex showed up to remind us through hackneyed biblical references that superman is a bit like god isn't he.

If they were files with no icons and labelled with the hero's real names, or shit, even codewords, it would be fine.

But no, we're expected to believe Lex sat there and made them all super sweet logos in Photoshop. It's not a plot reveal, it's marketing jammed into the product. If you don't think it's retarded then it's already worked on you.

He away autistic.
People here on this board Photoshop lesser meanings like making Chloe Moretz looking like a body builder.


all right
i love the tone snyder brings to DC movies but making BvS an introduction to justice league instead of the two most known superheroes duking it was dumb as shit

And this is why you suck. Someone finally gives us a villain that doesn't reveal every last detail of his scheme in a fucking PowerPoint, and people like you utterly fail to put the pieces together.

Can you seriously think of no reason that the business tycoon would cook up personalized logos for these people? No reason why he'd have bombshell information like he had, and not divulge it to his government cronies?

I'd spell it out for you, but you'd just call it stupid, then demand that I spoonfeed you more, then call it all stupid a final time. I suspect you find a great many things stupid in this world.

I see where you're going and its stupid, sorry.

>lex luthor mangles epicurus the way a high school sophmore who's been held back a few years would


Well, at least you've found a way to feel superior even when people call you stupid for expressing stupid ideas.

Go ahead. Lay it all out there if it's so stupid. Should be child's play for someone of your vast intellect.

It's "it's."

I think this was 3deep5me

stupidity hurts me, so no. This is common among people who aren't stupid.

You feel free to express your stupid ideas to your heart's content. I mean, what else do you have to do?

>Lex was pissed about Superman because daddy problems
>Genius move with african monkeys getting killed by FUCKING BULLETS
>Everybody thinks it's Supes
>Complicated plan
Nice one, pleb. Everyone in snyderverse is retarded.

Better things than continuing this conversation, that's for sure.

You know how much more frequently dumb people call things stupid than people of even normal intelligence? Grab a notepad. Start a tally. You might find it interesting.

You see, once you label a thing as stupid, it gives you a convenient excuse to not strain your little head trying to actually understand it. It's one of the hallmarks of a lazy, complacent mind.

negro, you're attempting to use your understanding of corporate product to auto-felate your ego.

If my options are fellating myself or dodging like a scared little bitch, I'll stick with the former. Every goddamn time.

The piss in the jar scene
Any scene with Luthor

You're not seriously imply that Lex's whole plan was to market superheroes despite having absolutely no control over them and spending the entire movie ranting about how God's are dangerous fearful beings? You're inability to comprehend that BvS has faults is actually causing you to create your own headcanon for the movie.

His whole fucking character is irrational.

... you've expressed opinions, people have called them/you stupid.

So you liked Eisenberg's performance? You're stupid if you do.


The time traveler ending to the dream sequence maybe. There's no flat out bad scenes that I remember tho.

I enjoy the loosh you spill in frustration.

She's supposed to be the Lady of the Lake so it makes sense (?)

Well, if that *was* his plan, what do you think his first step was?

Oh wait, I forgot. We're not here to think, just to hate. Fuck imagination.

I'm all for imagination but you're just generating nonsense to explain the nonsensical.

Shuster & Siegel must be spinning in their graves...

The Superman saving people montage.

It was a chance to see him being an improved Superman smiling and saving people, some classic shit.

Instead it looked like he was going to burst into tears at all times.

And provided nothing but the barest of analysis of their own. If you think those logos was either stupid, lazy, or both, it's you who's guilty of those faults.

You guys are far more lazy and insulting than this movie ever could be.

Louis Lane had plenty of information available to know that the city was under attack by a kryponian and that they'd need that spear.

She meets with Lex before any of them and learns about the kryptonian ship going crazy, obviously she suspects some crazy kryptonian shit is going down in the ship. She then witnesses the spear cause pain to superman and realizes through context that it's made of kryponite, which she also knows about, and also knows about the tests on Zod that showed the harmful effects that kryptonite had on kryptonians. At first she throws it into the water like we all know, because she now know's it's clearly an anti-kryptonian weapon that batman made to kill superman, so there's no reason to assume it wouldn't work on everyone from superman's race now that she knows it works both on clark and zod.

At this point we don't see her again until the infamous scene where she looks over and sees superman fighting doomsday and then runs back for the spear, but we can assume she learns more from the context around her. In the time between these two scenes:
-doomsday has blown up downtown metropolis, which there's no way she wouldn't have witnessed. People would have seen that nuclear flash from hundreds of miles away.
-a literal nuclear bomb blowing up in the sky that everyone could easily see
-what looks like a meteor falling from the sky, followed by another huge monstrous roar and then another huge nuclear explosion

In conclusion, she had plenty of information by that point to know that 1)Lex made a monster 2)this monster is kryptonian because it came from the kryptonian ship 3)batman's spear would work on all kryptonians and 4)superman clearly hasn't beaten him yet so clearly he needs the spear

She's a fucking reporter, she puts pieces together before she has the full picture, it's what reporters do.

>a marveldrone has never successfully responded to this post

And you're not trying at all, and worth no more of my time.

So it is your position that every aspect of the movie is brilliant (for every moronic squence can be explained/justified if you generate some headcanon to explain it!) and anyone who thinks otherwise is a doodoohead.

oh and I forgot to mention that there's a scene showing that she's not only extremely close to the fight when it's going down, but also we're given a direct face shot of her watching doomsday fall from the sky, scream, and then cause another explosion. I literally just watched the movie again and this scene happens between the two scenes I just mentioned

Batman's stupid dream

theatrical: dude drowning horses lamo
ultimate: Wallace was set up because he bough groceries before blowing up

Well, let's just start with the logos and work outward from there, shall we?

Start by asking yourself this - what did Lex want Superman to bring him, and why?


>I didn't read the post at all


You can really can the Socratic bullshit.

I can't even decide what is worse - IS SHE WITH YOU? xDxD or MARTHA. First one is fucking disguting and cheap version of marlel quips which is shit in the first place. Second one turns Batman in fucking insane retard who can be triggered by FUCKING WORD.

But in that image, Wonder Woman is a skeleton and Subparman is bald.

No one would buy fruit before a suicide bombing!

Fuck you. I'm not wasting any time spoon-feeding your lazy ass. You waste all this time on blind, stupid hate, but the moment someone challenges you to actually stop and think, you tell them to make with the goods or fuck off, you pathetic info junky.

Just keep hating. It's all you're good at.

>another day another BvS hate thread made by a Disney shill

Why does this movie trigger so much these guys? Why? If you really think it's the worst movie ever so stop talking endlessly about it. I will never talk about Dr Strange or Thor 2 because I thought they were really bad and I don't want to waste my time on them anymore, but you keep coming and coming, every day. And you get BTFO every single time.

Don't you understand that a movie that leaves such a big impression, that causes you to feel these intense feelings you're having, has to be good even if you don't get it completely? You're so close to open your eyes to the world of good movies, leaving behind the Mouse and his minions and expanding your mind to bigger magnitudes. Just give in bros

there's literally nothing wrong with this logic.

She's a reporter, she already suspects foul play, and a suicide bomber that lives alone would not fully stock their kitchen before killing themselves, there's simply no reason for it. Basically the apartment had no signs that the person inside was psychotic and suicidal, it was a totally normal living environment which would make anyone suspicious, let alone a FUCKING REPORTER. Have you ever met a lonely, suicidal depressed person? They don't live in an environment like that, period.

Negro, no one wants to follow your mental gymnastics routine. You can either express your interpretations like a big boy or you can just stop.

That doesn't look like the kid from justice league

>Have you ever met a lonely, suicidal depressed person
Moot point as you haven't either.

The airport fight sequence

So all I'd have to do to discharge all suspicion of my actions as a suicide bomber is to buy food beforehand?

>Sup Forums
>not depressed suicidal loners

>make daily/hourly threads praising shit
>omg why are people responding to these daily/hourly threads??

Yes and then blow yourself up.