>So, sixteen days into the reality of Donald Trump being our President-elect, and I'm reading New Yorker and Jacobin and Slate and NY Times articles, trying to make sense of just what the fuck happened, and how the fuck do we go forward. The Democratic Party is in shards on the floor right now. I think we're going to have eight years of Trump and his clean-shaven looters scraping out the carcass of the country before fucking off and blaming it on progressives and lesbians and PC and rap music.
Poor dear. He really wouldn't have wanted to see what happened when President Clinton ordered Texas immigration officials to stand down.
Connor Adams
Julian Gray
so he won't be in Space-Cop 2?
Christopher Price
Trump is all he thinks about now. It's like he's forgotten his wife died. Fucking faggot. Get a real job, cuck.
Brody Phillips
>le American drama queen meme Getting pretty stale desu
Michael Sanders
The US is the definition of first world problems lately.
Carter Russell
>Wah Trump wah *liberal tears*
Boring. What I want to know is why did he kill his wife?
Chase Howard
Do people seriously like 'Gary Gulman Standup' 17 million times? I mean is Patton Oswalt like some personal Jesus and I had no idea?
What makes this guy so special? He's just a stupid nerd but he's bigger than almost any thinker, celebrity or politician.
I literally know him as that guy on 3 episodes of Agents of Shield.
Grayson Nguyen
>Slate He gets his news from slate
Christian Hernandez
>The DNC is more dead than his wife
phew, you went too far.
Jaxson Edwards
He just seems like such an unhappy person. I mean I can't blame him; his wife is dead, he's an ugly manlet pug and his stand-up comedy hasn't been decent in years. But the way he acts is just so pathetic. If you're a progressive/ Democrat, fine whatever. But this clown shoes just can't admit any of the many faults that are present within his party.
Jaxon Rivera
>archive.is/EqK7z It's sad that he has no clout of any kind and has to post this on his Facebook page.
Gavin Adams
Hi Nathan
Ethan Campbell
Man you nailed it.
Adrian Hall
It's clear he's channeling all his pain and anger about his wife's death into the Trump is evil meme. Maybe his therapist suggested this was a healthy outlet to deal with it. This man deserves our empathy not scorn. I'm also hoping Posehn can step in soon and get him out of this spiral
Eli Nelson
just look at him, hes a failed human being, a waste of air
stop paying attention to this ultracuck, his wife is probably fucking satan atm
Robert Baker
i'm considering unfollowing him on twitter since it's been non-stop trump bullshit on there for weeks now. it's just, come on, him getting elected instead of hillary is not going to impact your life in any concrete way. who cares.
he's a good guy, but come on, you know? george takei is worse though.
Jacob Torres
Man leave Pat the fuck alone. Fucker had a shittastic year, let him spurg out.
Isaiah Hughes
These Leftists are seriously fucked in the head.
>You want to kill gays because you're a secret, self-shaming fag >You want to kill Jews because you're just jelly of their jokes and money >You want to kill blacks because you're envious of their dicks
Even in their projection of intent upon their enemies they have to assure themselves that they are superior, better in every way.
If the fucking blackshirts come to drag these leftist faggots to the ovens, I won't say a word.
Ayden Sullivan
Based Patton "My wife? I took her life" Oswalt dropping truth torpedoes
Camden Taylor
Yeah, if I want to kill someone it's because I plain don't like them. I'm not envious of them somehow, I just want them not here.
Joshua Robinson
Slate has to be the most garbage """news""" site in the world. If you rolled up any of the articles post-election, you could actually fill a bucket by wringing out liberal tears.
Jace Diaz
Adrian Thompson
>He's a good guy Nope.
Blake Cruz
leave patton alone
he's had a really hard year no thanks to you guys
Anthony Carter
Benjamin Rodriguez
You've gone too far this time Pepe
Adrian Jones
Luis Garcia
>the alt right isn't composed of manchildren who throw autistic fits and cry about anything in their safe spaces
Sebastian Barnes
All those f-words. can't he post something without having to resort to filth flarn filth
Justin Torres
Must have been more autistic since they won.
Jaxon Taylor
slate has tons of contributors mate. It's possible for 2 to have different opinions
Oliver Davis
who are you quoting?
Anthony Stewart
>him getting elected instead of hillary is not going to impact your life in any concrete way This, really don't see why rich actors get so triggered about Trump. The people who will suffer will be the poorfags who voted for him (not that Hillary would be any better kek)
Caleb Perry
>Trump and his clean shaven looters What does this mean?
Joshua Williams
what did they win? i don't recall them entering any contests, just spreading lies all over their safe spaces and masturbating to infowars
Juan Miller
their tribe won, so they have to milk this as some personal achievement since it's the closest they'll have to success
Easton Collins
He looke like Kuato
Jaxson Parker
Seeing as Breitbart's CEO, the guy your own Safe Spaces have decried as literally Hitler, the leader of the Alt-Right, and a bigot, is now President Trump's Senior Adviser and Counsellor I'd qualify that as them winning contests.
Please, continue your own autistic rage. Don't forget you can still donate to Jill's recount effort.
>ib4 'haha i don't like either side, by not having an opinion i demonstrate i'm smarter than everyone!
Jason Cox
>i'm considering unfollowing him on twitter Woah you can't just go and something like that without really considering it for a few months, you have balls man I'll give you that
Mason Martinez
Patton Oswald dead wife was one of the highlights of 2016 for me.
John Jenkins
>clean shaven looters What the fuck is he talking about? Shaving is too aggressive and toxic?
Justin Gomez
>Circlejerking over Fatton Oswalt's Twitter account.
Every single poster in here's more pathetic than he is.
Josiah Jenkins
You made a good point. However it is still the point of view of the website newspaper. Or the ideology that they stand by.
Jose Lopez
I don't announce to the world how pathetic I am every other day though
Nicholas Edwards
i actually just don't like your side but that still fails to be "you" having done anything the pathetic clinging to other people's achievements is, well, pathetic, but kind of amusing, so keep going
Anthony Fisher
>electoral college is an instrument of white supremacy and sexism
Mason Foster
I love how pic related becomes more and more relevant every day
Joseph Clark
people hate me, t-they wish they were me! Yeah thats how i'll protect my ego
They just wish they were comedians too!
Hunter Wright
No opinion there other "I don't like you therefore everything that benefits you or that is even slightly related to you is bad"
You can find the same behaviour in , the exact same thing is good or bad depending on which "camp" it benefits
Ayden Garcia
I'm not denying that the writer who called the EC a tool of white supremacy is doing it out of pure salt over losing
I'm just defending Slate because they publish a lot of different opinions, many of them (especially on the science and technology pages) which aren't even remotely on the liberal side
Angel Rodriguez
He's an excellent "one trick pony" comedic actor who fits in well in a lot of tv shows. How many people can play the short/fat/scared/fast talker archetype as well as he can? Not many.
His standup is limited and average but he has a good voice and ok stage presence. Ever since his wife sudokued he's gone off the rails completely and isn't funny at all anymore. Just angry and sad.
Brayden Cox
Was losing the Presidency, the House of Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and most state governments part of their plan?
Colton Cruz
California is truly lost. Let them secede already.
Xavier Bailey
Yeah, the bible is also intentionally contradictory in order to attract as many people as possible.
Jace Wood
Trump IS evil
Christopher Taylor
who would have thought calling the vast majority of people who actually vote privileged, misogynists, racists and homophobes for the last 8 years would have backfired so spectacularly?
Angel Cox
Kayden Cooper
James Wood
You probably don't even know the half of it
Oliver Sullivan
>>So, sixteen days into the reality of Donald Trump being our President-elect, and I'm reading New Yorker and Jacobin and Slate and NY Times articles, trying to make sense of just what the fuck happened
>trying to figure out what happened >reading New Yorker, Jacobin, Slate and NYT
>this isn't satirical
Liam Cruz
More people voted for Hillary, people in the important electoral college states voted for Trump, and even then Trump's turnout of republican voters was lower than Romney's.
Christian Sullivan
le epic cuck meme lol!! great job OP
Asher Garcia
Go cry over your wife's urn, Patton
Sebastian Myers
I know, he should call half the country racist sexists again.
Fucking slowpoke incarnate, this cuck.
Cameron Fisher
Please update your script. They've still been counting absentee and military ballots in states like California and Trump, as of three days ago, is the largest vote getter of any Republican ever.
Caleb Kelly
basically this. Crazy SJW's called everyone disagreeing with them racist, misogynist, etc. and turned off voters Crazy right wingers called everyone disagreeing with them satan worshippers, globalists, and cucks
both sides lost voters because of the political climate, Trump just lucked out that Republicans have a more stable based of old people who will always vote for them no matter what
Lucas Martinez
>More people voted for Hillary >in California
Wow, it's nothing
Jaxon Lopez
nuh uh you CTR shill trump won through memes! Sup Forums literally did it i was on the ground floor making history!!!!!!!!!!!
Ian Hernandez
How is California still a thing? Small and middle business leave it at alarming rates, industry is going out. Half the state are Mexicans replicating their third world. IQ lower than in the black belt in Mississippi. Crumbling infrastructure. Half the porn produced in the US. Needs a constant supply of external water not to starve. Thought police. A few grossly overvalued internet companies in the Silicon Valley won't be able to maintain the facade of this failed state for long.
Aaron Turner
Imagine being that self-unaware, I shudder thinking that maybe I could say something that dumb and not know it.
Chase Sanders
>Crazy right wingers called everyone disagreeing with them satan worshippers, globalists, and cucks
Difference is our sides' outlet was only individuals on Sup Forums and twitter, not 95% of the media and cultural establishment
Cameron Brooks
I hope coastal California (lol if they think all their red and purple counties aren't staying American as Jefferson State) really does secede and all these chucklefucks just stay there, they can take the whole country's "undocumented workers" too, see how long they last as a high cost of living welfare state with a tidal wave of immigrant mooches and rapefugees like they want. No more fleeing to Austin when the going gets tough, either. Christ almighty I've always detested the idea of us losing land, but I can live with losing a stretch of beaches that doesn't gel with the rest of the country.
Dylan Ross
still salty?
Oliver Collins
as a percent of the vote he still got less than any winning candidate in a 2 party race
you won, be happy with that. you don't need the delusion that it was a landslide too
Daniel Allen
>reading New Yorker and Jacobin and Slate and NY Times articles sounds completely worthless
Parker Reed
>still not unironically believing in meme magic
wow feel free to stop posting any time
Colton Lewis
>it's a "right wing hicks butthurt when somebody has different ideas" episode keep whining niggers, but do it in your safe space. reported for not Sup Forums.
Liam Myers
>Democrats control the least number of State legislatures in 88 years >2018 is coming for what's left of the Democrats in the Senate >not a landslide Whatever keeps you warm at night
Gabriel Cox
still salty?
Elijah Gonzalez
Do average Americans really hate California this much?
Why not this much hate for New York?
Ian Reyes
If the democrats lose 1 more state legislature they will not even be able to stop constitutional amendments.
Luke Myers
New York doesn't project it's faggotry over the media as much as California does.
Blake Hill
Isn't all of your news based in New York?
Leo Adams
Which all still have to get approved by an editor. Editors job is to have consistency st the place. Slate is just fucking retarded and doesnt care
Tyler Sanchez
party affiliation in state legislatures doesn't correspond to the national parties. You think NY Republicans vote like Republicans as a whole? the party out of power almost always does better in midterm elections, and Trump's appeal as an outsider will have vanished after 2 years as President
but please, keep telling yourself that you've already won and nothing could possibly happen to change that. It worked so well for Hillary
Wyatt Lewis
Nobody watches the news on TV anymore.
Andrew Myers
His wife is safe from him now. That's what counts.
Luke Moore
you do realise that without the electrical college the elections would be decided by just california and new york dont you?
Mason Powell
Why are the republicans pussy-footing over this golden opportunity? They could call a constitutional convention right now if they wanted to.
Balanced budget amendment, life at conception amendment, strengthening the 2nd amendment amendment, you name it. Maybe throw libs a bone and overturn citizens united.
Connor Harris
>Editors job is to have consistency st the place no, some publications actually enjoy having a variety of opinions. It makes sense as a business too, why make another left/right wing echo chamber when you can attract both?
Isaiah Stewart
>obsess over every little insult to his god emperor >gets called on it >"NO U TRIGERED"
nobody take you faggots seriously anymore. i don't give a shit about who is the fucking president of the united states. i just want for you niggers to keep your obsession in your safe spaces, that is Sup Forums and reddit. this is the movie board. fuck off and die.
Hunter Taylor
>before fucking off and blaming it on progressives and lesbians and PC and rap music.
yeah because it's totally not the democrats that never do anything in their term, then blame the other side for having fucked up so majorly before, so they just didn't have enough time to fix it! vote once more!