

Name one relevant Germanic language that isn't English.


Name one relevant Romance or Slavic language. English and German alone are enough to put Germanic languages at top.

why would anyone learn a slav language

Wild horses population is estimated around 60 million, without counting the ones in farming. Do your math.

Russian alone would get you through a good part of two continents


kys weeb
not a single language worth learning that isn't English, French, German or Spanish

We're like 1\6th of the planet + ex-USSR countries which still have a good amount of russian speakers.


Why would you bother with French or German ? It's not useful unless you plan on living there.

>possibly 100s
>It's not useful unless you plan on living there.
you could say this about every language apart from English

Does this mean that English is officially the only relevant language on the entire planet? Hmm

That's basically every language. You don't NEED to learn any language besides your own it you want a successful life.

If you have no other guiding purpose to learning a language other than pure bang for your buck then yeah, kind of. That's how a lingua franca works.

That's just sad.

Welsh is worse off than I thought. Only 19%?
I thought it was the one celtic language that might survive the next 50 years.

Japanese is useful if you want to watch anime, even if you don't plan to live there. If you are interested in art, there are plenty of languages that can give you something

I wouldn't mind teaching English in New Caledonia so I'd like to learn French

>Japanese is useful if you want to watch anime
that is not 'useful' you nonce

ماذا تفكر عن دراسة اللغات السامية؟