Why everyone in the US, especially media ignore this?
Why everyone in the US, especially media ignore this?
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thanks bro
Because it's an irrelevant issue.
Is this real life
>especially media ignore this
the Clinton News Network, sometimes referred to as CNN...
So why is FBI investigating this?
Because the people who own the US media also own Clinton.
Well... If you mean by this that it won't change anything then it is irrelevant.
They pumped to much money into her to let some leak ruin her "carrier".
>Clinton's involvement in the Syrian mess is 'irrelevant'
how is that exactly? her influence helped create the current situation where we cant tell our 'democratic rebel allies' from AL QAEDA
Normalfags dont know jackshit about anything that isnt shoved down their throats 24/7 by the media.
Of fucking course the kike media isnt going to throw shit at their candidate.
Read The UnabomberĀ“s Manifesto.
He knows what the fuck is up
Because they are waging war with the average American citizen.
In their eyes Hillary MUST get elected, not only because they are owned by the same people as her, but because if she doesn't, it's final proof that televised media is going out the door. and that no-one cares what they have to say anymore.
I hope there is a really good happening thread somewhere on Sup Forums right now. I can't see any other reason for Sup Forums to ignore this.
Everyone still ignores that Trump is a personal friend, business partner with the Clintons, and has worked with them for over 30 years.
Business partner, probably true. Friend? Source? I thought he gave them money like everyone else to makse shit happen.
We can barely pay attention to anything that doesn't happen to us personally. Divide and conquer worked.
As of right now, all new threads consist of:
Hillary or Trump's twitter 14
Role playing 4
Black people 8
How white, etc. 4
Reddit 2
Ylyl, yryl, etc 3
Situational help, relationships etc 2
Is this redpilled? 1
China 1
Jews 6
"Really makes you think" 1
Sjw 2
Sup Forums is one person 5
Gays 1
Hillary wiki leaks 1
Brexit 1
Best cuisine 1
Min wage 1
Nazi songs 1
Mexicans 1
Woops, really makes you think was supposed to be 11.
Stuff like this is hard for the average person to digest, as they have neither the time nor intellect to read through it, and none of it is particularly easy to condense into a soundbite.
Ylyl should only be allowed 1 thread at a time, it is cancer that happens to be funny
Sup Forums have more than enough time to read it and find something juicy. For fucks sake, divide the work between thousands of unemployable Sup Forumsacks and you will have your Trump presidency in no time.
I wasted all my motivation on listing what's in the catolog,.
What was on those emails?
Nobody knows. Nobody bothered to read them. There is a reason why we can't have nice things.
Even then, I think a certain kind of nihilism and despair sets in, because people see how fucked the world is, how much we are being lied to, and how little control we have over any of it.
For example, I recently read a leak showing that Gaddafi was overthrown because he wanted to move towards his own gold-backed currency, which would've fucked up the US dollar. So NATO went in and overthrew the government. And no one really made a big deal about this, except for a some fringe websites and Sup Forums threads.
And forever and ever, people will learn that Gaddafi was overthrown because he was a brutal dictator. The whole thing is fucked.
You know what bothers me? Why the fuck do terrorists attack innocent people instead of politicians who fuck up their countries?
That's a good one.
Pic for those who don't want to click your link.
anbody know bout the clintons hiring murder>
don't worry Trump will probably be talking about this, at length on monday at his press conference.
>latuff finally doing god's work
What a time to be alive.
Cant expose certain country (((A))) as controlling our foreign policy.
Because the politicians are protected by a strong security presence, making them hard targets to take out; blowing up a class full of kids will get in the news and they aren't guarded.
My favorite Clinton email is where she jokes about sacrificing animals to Moloch. Because that's exactly the type of humor I expect from a 69 year old woman.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
I sometimes wish the memes weren't true.
Too bad that these mails seem to be the unclassified ones. The real dirt will be in the classified ones that she had on her server.
I'm so fucking tired of this bitch
just seeing her face and hearing her name makes my blood begin to fucking boil
and this CUNT has a good chance to be the next president
Think about how many billions have been spent hiding this? Think about the mainstream media being owned by Jew street... Also because it's a criminal investigation the FBI aren't going to be telling us anything until they are done. So it's easy for Hillary to just pretend it's not happening! America is a joke they think they live in the greatest most free nation in the world when really they have a more controlling government than China but they don't even know it.
just read it and wanna weep
some guy tried a few years ago here and got BTFO by the guy who's now ambassador to Ireland
It feels like Trump actually is western civiization's last hope.
These are the emails that weren't deleted, right? If they are then this is fucking huge, but I kind of doubt no one would notice this.
What a fucking idiot.
She always lets too much slip to the common folk. They should have killed her already at this point.
She's lucky her family is powerful.
Now you'll know what it was like under Harper. Prepare for two terms of political grandstanding with very little action, cold war rhetoric, omnibus bills and non-stop photo-ops with fuzzy sweaters, cats and impromptu piano playing
Watch this as a bonus.
Spot on the old petro-dollar America also invaded Iraq because a year earlier Saddam signalled he would also switch to gold for oil instead of US dollars. This is why since world war 2 America has started nearly 200 armed conflicts Afghanistan, then Iraq then the cia created Isis must be stopped in Syria who have also signalled a desire to use gold instead of US dollars world war 3 will be started by USA when the oil producing nations refuse to let America rob them any more
Yeah m8, because politicians pay billionaires to be their puppets all the time, you fucking dumb cunt
>With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
These emails have been around for months, she deleted 33,000 and anything else juicy has been redacted.
The only interesting things I found, was she wrote about Ghaddafi's gold reserves and plans for a pan-african currency and some e-mails talking about Merkel and the EU.
There was a few that made her sound like a dyke aswell, with one of The Rothschilds.
I saved some I'll see if I can find them
>I'll see if I can find them
Send them to Trump before Monday. I need to GTFO now.
goddamn that gave me the shivers,
thanks user
>There was a few that made her sound like a dyke aswell
My dad was a sheriff's deputy back in the 90s and the Clintons would come to our town every once in awhile. So he ended up working with the Secret Service, and according to him in addition to treating the Secret Service (and everybody else) like garbage, several of the agents told him that Hillary was a lesbian.
So I believe it.
They can fuck off all you want, still doesn't negate the email problem, Benghazi, her rapist husband, that turkey neck of hers, how unfuckable she's gotten, that sandpaper snatch that only gets weepy for Huma, should I go on?
Yeah pretty strange. I showed that email to some blue pilled family members and they said she must have just been joking. But that kind of joke is something you'd here from someone browsing Sup Forums, not a old woman. Also weird how specific she is. The average person doesn't know who Moloch is, why would former first lady be name dropping pagan gods in conversations?
I love seeing the look on normies' faces when I show them this:
a snuke
Whatever you find, send it to Trump team.
Remember, the funny thing is, you are doing a 100% legal thing. Of course this will change once TTP passes.
Not the worse she did.
and this youtube.com
>using Google for anything else than gay captcha on Sup Forums
Those emails are the lowest on the totem pole. The ones being held by the FBI is what matters
Sure, but the simple fact that she asks Soros for advice should really make Americans think.
>Clinton asking Soros for Advice
Like that's fucking news
You're right, a joke like is VERY out of place.
>especially media ignore this?
The media is deliberately distracting people from it. They want normies fighting over superficial crap, hence why they constantly focus on Trump while simultaneously shitting out dozens of sunshine-and-rainbow pieces starring hillary. It doesn't help that normies are easily overwhelmed, if something has a modicum of complexity their brains just turn off and they stop caring
So what is the problem. Fucking US plebs don't know who Soros is? I find it hard to believe that they feel fine just fine with that.
Sigh ...friggin burgers.
No, soros has done a lot of work into keeping himself secret in the US
only recently he had to out himself because he's losing power and losing it quickly
also, alex jones has been screaming his name from the top of his lungs for many years while people call him crazy to justify ignoring him
Call me crazy, but I believe that covering Trump campaign brought many new listeners to both Alex and Stefan "not an argument" Molyneux.
One word..
so why did one of her aides have to be granted immunity?
surely he wouldn't need it if there was no crime
Normies are fucking scum that don't even have the attention span to google what an email is.
Democracy is great if informed citizens of good-character are voting in the interest of the country but what we have today is anything but that.
So, if democracy is dead than what system should replace it? Should you make Trump your Emperor like Russian did with Putin?
no one gives a flying fuck what happens in some shit hole country
leftists actually believe this... up until they can use it to virtue signal on social media
Americans bitch about Russia but what they fail to realize is that one of these countries will have a culture 100 years from now.
America has a huge constituency of hedonist millennials that are largely lacking in any ethic or purpose.
because it's their god given right to ignore anything that could change their worldview
you wouldn't understand
it's a second amendment thing
god bless america
>America has a huge constituency of hedonist millennials that are largely lacking in any ethic or purpose.
Mission complete
Nobody is ignoring it, we just don't know what the hell we're supposed to do about it. I'm not going to vote for her because I don't trust her, do I need to be rubbing my dickskin on doorbells and mailboxes too?
>it's a second amendment thing
oh look another ignorant german
Have you tried being more active in your local community? Do good to people and then try to smuggle some reason to their minds while they are still giving you attention in hopes of receiving more good. You have ~5 months to pull that off, right?
it's a gold mine for smear campaigns, it starts to seem like this whole circus was made to just get this mad satan worshipping cunt into the office
You mean don't want to do anything.
Though maybe our neighborhoods are different.
Here, the beaners wont talk about it and apologize for it because "EL HITLER, GRINGO PUTA".