>c'mon guys let's all be nutless nu-males
This is what passes for writing these days.
This. This motherfucking shit right here
Other urls found in this thread:
I really hate it when attractive guys try to police my mating behaviour. Seriously fuck off I'm just trying to get laid here.
Why am I responsible for making creepy men less creepy? Do I try to enlist non-bitchy women to make bitchy women less bitchy?
>linking to the puffy host
> You see, when you interrupt a woman’s day to “compliment” her — a suggestive whistle or a simple “hey baby,” for example — you’re not making her day. You’re harassing her.
why does this bother women, anyone mind explaining?
oh get over it, you really think they'll notice if you do or don't surf on over to it?
cuz muh everything
because it's rape.
I no longer date Jewish golems. Our people have been golemized--they're soulless husks under magical Jew spells with no autonomy. They only follow the orders of their Jewish master.
I wish a woman would interrupt my day
>dont shame women for being ugly, fat, hairy..etc
>LMAO get a load of this fuckin creep, kys now weirdo
fucking hate women lads
Numbers add up, dude.
As if that cunt would know.
It doesn't really. It only bothers them when men they aren't attracted to do it. They like when men they are attracted to do it.
And this is why women are silly creatures who are not to be taken seriously. They are innately whimsical.
You did it while not being Chaning Tatum. That's the problem. If they simply were Channing Tatum, they would be no problem here.
because disgusting people hitting on attractive people is a crime. Its no better than some sjw cunt harassing some male super model.
All, and i mean ALL ugly people need to be culled from the planet. They are digusting, they make everyone uncomfortable, they commit most of the crime, they are responsible for 100% of mass shootings, and when they realize how ugly they are they take our their frustrations by raping women.
I'm just going to repost what I said on the /r9k/ version of this thread.
>Creepy most certainly does mean ugly.
>We've established that, but lets focus on this author. I haven't read his article fully so I'm judging on the title alone. He's basically asking men to regulate how we talk to women. Which is stupid for several reasons. One being, MEN ALREADY DO THIS.
>I have a facial deformity and have been told I'm creepy pretty much my entire life. It never changes, I kept trying to change the way I act to find out what non-creepy was but I noticed I get called creepy for doing what was supposed to be not creepy, etc. And over the years I got told, by other men, not to talk to girls. They would never tell me what I was doing wrong either, I was just creeping the girls out SOMEHOW. Hell, even when the girl was actually really into me and seemed like she wanted to talk and following me around I get some prick telling me not to talk to her. Chad pulls this shit all the time, if you're NOT Chad and you're getting ANY attention from girls, he throws a temper tantrum and tries to get you to stop.
>So men already do this stupid shit. It just reinforces the "creepy=ugly" thing because the women don't tell them they are creeped out because they're ugly, they make up some BS excuse to not make themselves look shallow and the Chad and normie guys just eat it up.
>Secondly, knowing this. Knowing what women actually mean by creepy, why should I try to "do more" about men who aren't attractive talking to women? How about women just be honest and tell them they don't want to deal with any human being that isn't a model-tier in the looks department?
the 20% of men will keep getting laid regardless of how nice the 80% acts
the polarization will just drive more women into the hands of the alphas
tbqh the muslim solution of wrapping women up from head to toe is starting to make more sense as i get older (im a christian btw)
ultimately though the dam is going to break soon, and the liberation of all things is going to wash over the earth, so you might as well enjoy it and just try to get laid and hang out with someone cool while you're here
>inb4 really makes you think
God how great would be if all men worldwide stopped giving a shit about women for a month? They would flip the fuck out
>since we are not women, there’s really no way to know how it feels to be man-gazed upon or to know how constant unwanted attention feels. We should just take their word on it.
>Wah being desired sucks
Holy shit this culture of victimhood has lead them to fucking make up complaints
The economy will collapse from the 80% angling for their NEET bucks, and not filling the trough for single mothers to stick the snouts into. They'd literally have to enslave men to make the whole system work long term.
just be yourself bro works every time
There more these types of feminist and SJW screeds get written about what men should or shouldn't do, the more i'm convinced the real goal of feminism is to create a modern caste system.
Unattractive men are the untouchables. They are not to ever look a woman in the eyes or talk to one. If you are unsure if you would be considered unattractive and thus part of the lowest caste, then you are on of them.
I would say they'd prefer if you just killed yourself, but really they want you to keep the machines running and for you to keep paying taxes to take care of other women. They just want you to do it out of sight and out of mind.
Looks like the freak science lovechild of Dennis Reynolds and Bill Clinton
dude looks like a heroin addict
alpha and beta is on the inside
you guys can do it
take shrooms
>we should do more
Jesus christ HuffPo is getting Orwellian as fuck. First encouraging violence now this.
Fat women write these articles, they want everyone to be as miserable as they are.
nothing you can do about cat calling.
but that is indeed a beta way to get a womans attention.
you will forever be branded as a weirdo/creep by her.
this doesn't imply they don't enjoy the compliment/validation because they do.
You're right.
I'm writing a novel with a similar premise actually. About women ruling the world and they create political systems that look exactly like their reproductive sexual selection systems.
Everything goes to shit and is literally crumbling because they keep oppressing the people who actually made the world run smoothly for them.
Fuck off faggot, don't link fucking click bait.
Also, you couldn't even muster up the effort to post a comment on the article?
>insulting based golden god
he hasn't even begun to peak
I'd read this
It's kind of under handed too. The REAL problem is that women don't like unattractive men even having normal, plutonic conversations with them.
So they twist this around to guys being "creepy" and this being a problem. Well, we aren't falling for it. A lot of us are obviously waking up to that shit. So what do they do? They try to get a guy to say it instead! Typical female manipulation. She's so passive-aggressive and cowardly she never tells the "creepy" guy to back off, so she gets a guy friend to do it for her.
This article is basically the journalistic version of that. We still aren't buying it.
>Hell, even when the girl was actually really into me and seemed like she wanted to talk and following me around I get some prick telling me not to talk to her.
So why did you stop? Ignore him
I don't get it, "huffpost women" isn't for women or by women, but about women?
Deeply curious if "Hey baby you have a nice ass and you should smile while you bring me that coffee, 'kay?" would elicit the same "discomfort" coming from a Calvin Klein underwear model with perfect white teeth as it might from the obese fedora brony with yellow teeth.
What do you all think?
Who IS actually talking to women though? Ive lived in several major cities over my 26 years of life and have never once seen a guy straight up cold approach a chick (few exceptions being a bar or nightclub- which even then its pretty rare). Even in the face of painfully obvious signals being given off from certain women, guys never act.
Who are these abundance of men cold approaching women? The only answer I can think of would be niggers desu, theyre the only ones who are actually unaware enough of themselves to do something like that.
This is why your women are currently fucking Somalians. You're worried about a click bait site across the ocean that will never affect you.
Wake the fuck up sven
Depends on the girl honestly. Is this a waitress at the trendy upscale coffee house or one working the graveyard at Waffle House. Either way a cringey line like that runs the risk of swift and embarrassing rejection.
It's not supposed to make sense user.
I think social pressure is already high enough. We spent our teens trying to come up with funny and intriguing phrases we thought would pull women in but somehow other guys were quite successful with the ladies by just talking to them. The social pressure I mean is not only what the woman themselves thinks but all the people around them. Don't they know how terrible it seems to be branded as a loser or creep? That is what is driving our society.
The writer doesn't even realize that his suggestions only worsen the situation he describes to encounter as a "decent human being" who "who would like to make human connections IRL". Is he going to step into every private conversion and tell the other guy to buzz off?
"I am sorry for interrupting you, but I couldn't help overhear how you were harassing this poor little girl with that compliment of yours!"
I never stepped out of line in the club with the Russian broads as they always had a part of the Red Army with them and I remember a cousin of a Persian gal at the university constantly monitoring us when we were standing together. Why doesn't James Cave take the next logical step already and suggests women be dressed from head to toe in a bag hiding her physical features and having family members escorting her around?
But you accept that an attractive man has a better chance of making any horseshit line stick, yes? Women filter statements from men partially based on their appearance, just like men do to women?
I'm just curious why we pretend there is a blanket rule when there's a whole sexual attraction raw calculations side to things.
>that pic
Doublethink is doubleplusgood
The next step is getting legislation to stop 'street harassment.' Which will mean anytime a woman 'feels' a guy is harassing her she can get him arrested. Of course in most cases the 'harassment' is just an unattractive guy daring to talk to a woman. The content of the conversation won't matter, all that will matter is if they can prove the man engaged in unwanted conversation with the woman.
Made it three paragraphs.
Just cuck my shit up famigliamo.
Sad thing is the girl on the left is actually reasonably pretty and doesn't look like she's a stuck up cunt. I'd be happy to harass her on the street if I weren't afraid she'd turn out to be the stuck up cunt on the right.
The one thing I will give to feminists is that women do get harassed all the time. I've seen it happen a bunch and its baboon-tier behavior that I think most women have had to deal with at some point. The elephant in the room is that is usually black guys, MAYBE homeless white guys on occasion.
This is being framed as part of "male culture" as if we're all just told we can scream "ayy bb u wan sum fuk" at passing nurses and businesswomen but that's an academic blood libel because everyone with common sense knows it's only the niggest of the nogs that think that kind of behavior is okay.
White dudes don't do this. So...
WHO could it be?
I'd read it. Sounds like something I'd like, I'm a big fan of authors like PKD, Samuel Delaney, and Kurt Vonnegut.
Who are your influences?
I thought Sup Forums believed in eugenics...
Ugly people shouldn't breed. They pass their genes to make ugly children, who may do the same. Beauty in men is nearly always an indicator of good health, symmetry and good genes, (no makeup, anorexia etc like in beautiful women.)
In the animal kingdom, females choose the most attractive male. Why should it be different with humans?
I know a lot of you guys are virgin and frustrated. But it's supposed to be that way. You aren't meant to breed, that's Darwin's evolutionary science.
But, "muh dik" and "muh kimochi feelings"
Kek. Like that famous video where it was mostly blacks and hispanics talking to the big booty chica on the street. Someone was able to figure out her route and I believe she was only walking around the shitty minority neighborhoods to get those reactions.
I live in a very liberal town. When the white women get hit on by grimey homeless niggers they force a smile through gritted teeth and act like they are honored for the compliment... simply because they think they'll be racist if they don't.
What's it like living in a crown colony?
If we want to base civilization on how animals behave in nature then people can't complain when those rejected men resort to violence.
The natural response is rape. Other animals do it. Humans do it too.
>socially retarded or awkward men don't know how to talk to women
>if they try to learn by getting firsthand experience they'll get put in jail for rape just by being inexperienced and "creepy"
>rather than let them learn their lesson and grow up we should punish them and keep them in their miserable state
You can act like the creepiest guy alive and a woman won't care as long as you're a 10. They're huge fucking hypocrites who call any kind of unwanted attention harassment.
Try to strike up a conversation with a woman and she doesn't find you attractive? Later that day she's bitching about muh creepy dude harassing her.
I don't whine cashiers try talking to me when I buy shit even though I don't want to talk to them, so why should they bitch about unwanted conversation
creepy = not attractive, and I can't quickly summarize if he has any money or resources that I can mine/steal/gain from at least being nice to him.
You know that's from Nathan for you right? He's wearing a fat suit and makeup and shit, doing it as satire
My smarter female friends says that this kind of stuff repulses them, but in certain contexts, it's also a nice ego boost.
I have a few younger female friend that rolls her eyes a bit, but I know she fucking loves the attention, which are the ones that reward guys that catcall.
So it's always been a straightforward issue, but as with many things in third wave feminism sjw stuff, it's more about women trying to flip or obscure the traditional sexual market value in the favor of the less desirable. Stop men from complimenting women period, and 4/10 girl who is tired of dieting doesn't get reminded that 9/10 girl has a line of guys complimenting her every day.
just yesterday i had a woman admit that the difference between creepy and not was attractiveness.
separately, the girl I'm seeing said "you joke about abusing women but I can't resist your face" to which i responded that I was going to beat her.
I feel bad for the nu-males
fuck off to reddit shill
wasn't she also jewish?
If I was her, I'd be more creeped out by white knight desperately trying to play hero over a cartoonishly harmless guy that would be easily deflected or ignored.
I'm not sure if the big booty girl was, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were jews involved in making and promoting the video.
>look at me girls on the internet, aren't I so progressive?
Virtue signalling: The Huffington Post
Also - pic related...
I'm sure she gets cat called all the time.......right
>you sir
my fedora went into orbit
It's platonic. Not trying to be a cunt, just for future reference
I behave myself. What more do you want? I'm not my brother's keeper.
ive got an even better article
the link should be enough to put you off, but holy fuck
a cuck on fb suggested that everyone "please read it, and think carefully about what it says, what it means, and what it implies, not to mention what it says about how these attitudes are so deeply ingrained in today's society. We can do better. We _should_ do better. Even if we can't be perfect, we can at least strive to make the world around us that little bit better."
3rd wave feminism. not even once
That's a crime and the child would be born to a genetically unfit rapist out of wedlock.
Isn't that degenerate?
>Stop men from complimenting women period, and 4/10 girl who is tired of dieting doesn't get reminded that 9/10 girl has a line of guys complimenting her every day.
This reminds me of the period in my life where I resolved to try and compliment at least 6 people a day. Those people were usually women, typically women I'd see regularly, like at work, gym, supermarket. It's kind of hard to compliment a man without being awkward, but once a day I usually fit one or two in, like at the gym and whatnot.
Didn't go over well though, I had all positive reactions, but more than a few got butthurt when they realized I wasn't looking for dates (these conversations were typically had over facebook, eg, "just curious, why haven't you asked me out?").
I was earnestly just trying to brighten people's days, but I guess I actually don't know what women want.
Ad money and healthy visitor statistics are good for them.
You don't belong on Sup Forums.
>muh animal kingdom muh survival of the fittest
Fucking fedora cringe... Get some lines of your own, dull queers.
>That's a crime
That has nothing to do with whether or not its natural. I guarantee you have rapist DNA in you. Ugly men used to join the militaries of the world so they could rape and pillage far and wide.
It's tru
But today's ugly ass nu-males would never join an army. To much work and they can't have a combat fedora or play with dolls.
It's immoral and degenerate to be this obsessed with sex and crime.
Do you plan to get married and have children in the future? What kind of father and husband would you be.
It's the Huffpost.
You literally have to remove you testicles, closely followed by your brain before reading content from there. And on that note, I won't be visiting your link but I'll take your word of it.
Usually I can keep the Mormons out by locking my door during the day and drawing the shades. It appears they can now come through my computer as well.
>alpha and beta is on the inside
how are men supposed to approach women if they can't say something about her. if there's no common activity or thing to look at then there's nothing to start a conversation about except her. after all, the woman is what we're interested in. I think that the womyn who write these kinds of opinion pieces are ashamed of their own vanity or they resent the fact that they don't get attention from more attractive guys.
Yeah, I can see that.
>work with hot milf at my old job
>niggers and greasy italians always tried to talk to her
>overheard one drunk black dude ask her if she wanted to see his blackzilla
>takes everything within me not to laugh like a maniac
>fast forward 2 years
>current gf works at gas station
>every day she complains about black guys cat calling her and calling her a cute white bitch
Its a small sample size but im willing to guess most of the dudes who say creepy retarded shit like this are either niggers or really stupid/poor/high white people
Women that write aren't attractive because if they were they wouldn't need to write
based shirkant
>She said that a lot of guys just don't understand that, since we are not women, there's really no way to know how it feels to be man-gazed upon or to know how constant unwanted attention feels. We should just take their word on it.
>not knowing what its like to be harrassed
>girls think they are the only ones who can be hit on in public
I actually get cat called by fat girls and black ladies (not girls. like, moms) all the fucking time. Its super akward but moslty I just smile back, give thanks and go about my day
Im right around that gray area of a 6.5-7/10 so fatties think im sexy but not quite out of their league it sucks
they didnt just create a new word, didn't they?
>directly linking to huffington post
Wait, thats not Dogbert.
This may be the most cucked thing I've read
I'm an attractive guy and I get cat called, approached in bars, beeped from cars etc. I'm pretty shy so I rarely reciprocate unless they're really forceful but it absolutely goes both ways.
it's called Assemblywomen and is centuries old
would be neat to see an updated version tho